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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Are Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation one and the same organization ? Is every relatively new Rotarian supposed to know all this stuff ?. Rotary International Mission Statement.
Are Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation one and the same organization ? • Is every relatively new Rotarian supposed to know all this stuff ?
Rotary InternationalMission Statement The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary Clubs, is to provideserviceto others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders. Service Above Self
TRF Mission Statement The mission of the Rotary Foundation is to enableRotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. Doing Good in the World
Bill Boyd2011-12 Foundation Trustee ChairRI President 2006-07Howick, Auckland, New Zealand
Foundation Programs Humanitarian Grants Program • Matching Grants • District Simplified Grants • Disaster Recovery Grants Educational Programs • Group Study Exchange • Ambassadorial Scholars • Rotary Peace Centers and Peace Fellows Polio Plus Foundation Alumni
Foundation Funds Support for the Foundation programs comes from: • Annual Programs Fund For Support Today • Permanent Fund To Secure Tomorrow • PolioPlus Fund
Rotary Foundation FundingTwo Needs, Two Ways 1 - Annual Programs Fund (APF)–For Support Today 2 - Permanent Fund - To Secure Tomorrow District Designated Fund(DDF) TRF Program Funding World Fund RotarianDonations Spendable Earnings
SHARE 2010-11 Annual Programs Fund contributions in 2007-08 $525,140 Invested for 3 years 50% sent to the District 50% to the World Fund $290,705 - District Designated Funds (DDF) 2010-11 50% of 2007-08 annual giving ($262,570) plus carry forward balance ($28,135) and earnings from Endowed Funds and the Permanent Fund
DDF 2010-11 $ 291,899 Allocate two years prior (committee) Polio Plus$ 10,000 Ambassadorial Scholarship $ 50,000 - 2 scholars at $25,000 each (now $27,000) Rotary Peace Centers – PeaceBuilder District $ 25,000 - $50,000 commitment payable over 2 years Group Study Exchange $ 13,990 District Simplified Grant (max is 20% of DDF) $ 52,174 - maximum 20% of DDF Matching Grants (DDF match on 7 grants) $113,615 Japan & Pacific Islands Disaster Recovery Fund $ 5,000 Southern US Tornado Disaster Recover Fund $ 5,000 Total Distributed $274,779 Carry forward to 2011-12 $ 17,120
Matching Grants Funding TRF Match Host Rotary Club $100 $50 Host District DDF $500 $500 Int’l Rotary Club $4,000 $2,000 Int’l District DDF $4,000 $4,000 Total $8,600 $6,550 Total Project $15,150 • TRF matches club contribution $0.50:$1 • TRF matches District Designated Funds (DDF) $1:$1 International club: District 7600 club International District: District 7600
Per Capita Rankings out of 530 Districts #31 in 2009-10, #20 in 2008-09, #31 in 2007-08,#42 in 2006,07, #44 in 2005-06
Total TRF contributions from Clubs and Rotarians in District 7600 since 1917 Over $9.9 million Over 5,300 Paul Harris Fellows 668 Benefactors 62 Major Donors 55 Bequest Society 90 Paul Harris Society members 186 Scholars sponsored 32 Group Study Exchanges Over 44 Matching Grants 153 District Simplified Grants
FUTURE VISION PLAN Five priorities: • Simplify all programs and operations • Align program outcomes/descriptions with the Future Vision Plan • Increase participation and sense of ownership at district and club levels • Provide sufficient resources to achieve the program goals • Develop a business model that supports the Future Vision Plan
Areas of Focus • Peace and conflict resolution/prevention • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development
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