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AN INFORMATION POINT FOR FP7 in Palestine: Training Seminar of experts Nicosia, Cyprus - 23-28 November 2008. The 7 th Framework Programme (2007-13). Marilena Rossano, CNR–DG Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente. The Seventh Research Framework (2007-2013).
AN INFORMATION POINT FOR FP7 in Palestine: Training Seminar of experts Nicosia, Cyprus - 23-28 November 2008 The 7th Framework Programme (2007-13) Marilena Rossano, CNR–DG Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente
The Seventh Research Framework (2007-2013) What is a FP? The FP is the main financial tool through which the EU supports research and development activities covering almost all scientific disciplines. What may be financed? Frontier of knowledge, technologic development, demonstration activities, innovation activities, improvement of European infrastructures of research, formation of research; almost anything remotely related with science. Who can participate? Universities, big companies, SME, public administration, (individual) researchers, (research) institutions, non-European-countries scientists, etc. M.Rossano-CNR
The 7° FP: Financial breakdown and main structure M.Rossano-CNR
The 7th Framework Programme COOPERATION (THEMATIC AREAS): 1. Health 2. Food, agriculture, bio- tecnology 3. Information & Commu- nication Technologies 4. Nanoscieces, Nano- technologies, materials and new production technologies 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport/Aeronautics 8. Socio-economic sciences and the humanities 9. Security 10.Space PEOPLE 1. Initial training of re-searchers to improve young researchers 2. Lifelong training and career development 3. Industry/Academia pathways and partner-ship 4. International dimension 5. Specific actions to support removing of obstacles to mobility and enhancing careers perspectives of researchers in Europe IDEAS (ERC) CAPACITIES 1. Research Infrastructu- res 2. Research for, and by SME 3. Regions of Knowledge 4. ResearchPotential 5. Science in Society 6. International cooperation M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation in FP7 AIMS -Support European competitiveness through strategic partnerships with third countries in selected fields of science -Address specific problems that TCs face or that have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit -Use S&T cooperation to reinforce the Community’s external relations and other relevant policy PRINCIPLES I.Competitive advantage for Europe II. Mutual benefit and interest III. Critical and specific need M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation in FP7 M.Rossano-CNR
7th Framework Programme Participation by legal entities from third countries • EU + Associated • ‘Partner countries’ (ICPC) • Other countries, no funding International Cooperation in FP7 M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation in FP7 There are 146 non EU Countries: ICPC (International Cooperation Partner Countries) divided according to the following main areas: • ASSOCIATED STATES • INDUSTRIALISED COUNTRIES (USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, ...) • INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PARTNER COUNTRIES (ICPC) • -Countries neighbouring the EU • (Mediterranean Partner Countries, Western Balkans, • Eastern European and Central Asian Countries) • - Developing Countries (ACP, ASIA, Latin America) - Emerging Economies (China, India, Brazil, Russia, • South Africa) M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation in FP7 M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation • in Cooperation • (Collaborative Research): • Opening of all themes to third countries • Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) on selected themes • (SICA are identified for targeted regions on the basis of mutual interest and global impact. • Moreover, certain topics precise the opportunity to involve some ICPC for strengthening the impact of research and/or the scientific excellence) M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation • in Ideas: • -Aim to integrate the Community into the world-wide research community • Open to INCO partner countries on basis of mutual benefit or according to relevant concluded agreements • Participation of INCO partner countries to be justified on basis of added scientific value M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation In People: -International outgoing fellowship -International incoming fellowships -Partnerships to support exchange of researchers -Support of common initiatives between European organisations and countries with S&T agreements - Measure to counter the risk of brain drain from DCs/Emerging Economies M.Rossano-CNR
International Cooperation • in Capacities: • A) Bi-regional Coordination of S&T Cooperation (INCO-NET) • B) Bilateral S&T Cooperation Platforms • C) Coordination of National INCO policies/activities of EU Member States and Associated Countries on international cooperation (ERA-NET International cooperation and ERA-NET+ International Cooperation) M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure • COOPERATION: • THEMES Million Euro 32.413
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.1 - HEALTH Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies for human health - producing knowledge that will be applied in the area of health and medicine Translating research for human health - making sure that basic discoveries have practical benefits and improve the quality of life Optimising the delivery of health care to European citizens - ensuring that the results of biomedical research will ultimately reach the citizens Inclusion of 'high-tech' SMEs in most projects throughout the work programme is a priority of the Health theme. International cooperation is an important aspect of FP7 and is an integral part of Theme 1 on Health Research. M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.2 - Food, agriculture and bio-technologies Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments Fork to farm: Food (including seafood), health and well-being Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes. M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.3 – Information and Communication Technologies Productivity and innovation, by facilitating creativity and management Modernisation of public services, such as health, education and transport Advances in science and technology, by supporting cooperation and access to information. M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.4 – Nano-sciences, Nano-technologies, Materials and new technologies of production →Nanosciences and nanotechnologies →Materials → New production → Integration of technologies for industrial applications M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.5 – Energy Hydrogen and fuelcells Renewableelectricity generation Renewablefuel production Renewablesforheating and cooling CO2 capture and storagetechnologiesfor zero emissionpower generation CleanCoal Technologies Smart energynetworks Energy efficiency and savings Knowledgeforenergy policy making M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.6 – Environment (including Climatic Change) Predicting climate, ecological, earth and ocean systems changes Tools and technologies for monitoring, prevention and mitigation of environmental pressures and risks including on health Sustainability of the natural and man-made environment M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.7 – Transports (including Aeronautics) Aeronautics and air transport Sustainable surface transport Support to the European global satellite navigation system (Galileo) M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.8 –Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective Major trends in society and their implications Europe in the world (migration, poverty, crime and conflict) The citizen in the European Union Socio-economic and scientific indicators Foresight activities, such as the future implications of global knowledge, migration and ageing. M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.9 –Space Space-based applications serving European society Exploration of space Strengthening Space foundations M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure Cooperation Themes – More details T.10 –Security Increasing the security of citizens Increasing the security of infrastructures and utilities Intelligent surveillance and border security Restoring security and safety in case of crisis Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability Security and society Security research coordination and structuring M.Rossano-CNR
The 7 FP (2007-2013) • COOPERATION: • INSTRUMENTS Collaborative Research:in all themes through -Collaborative projects; -Networks of Excellence; -Coordination Actions; -Support Actions Coordination of non Community research programs: Era-Net; Era-Net+; art.169 Joint Technology Initiatives (art.171; European Technology Platforms) International Cooperation (opening all themes to Third Countries; actions of specific interest of regions and macro-areas) M.Rossano-CNR
Cooperation: The instruments of the 7FP INDIRECT ACTIONS Researchaiming at developingnewknowledge, technology, products , demonstrationactivities. Dimensionsmayvary: Large Scale IntegratingProjects (IP) and Small or Medium Scale focusedresearchactions (STREP). 1. Collaborative projects Theirpurposeis the durableintegrationofparticipants’ researchactivities. A formalcommittmentisrequired. 2. Networksofexcellence M.Rossano-CNR
Cooperation: The instruments of the 7FP INDIRECT ACTIONS They are aimed at supporting or coordinatingactivities and policies in S/T , preparationof future actions, disseminationofresults (networking, exchanges, conferences, studies and so on). Theymaybepresentedby a consortium or a single organisation. 3 Coordination and SupportActions Theyaim at developing and strengthening the coordinationofnational and regionalresearchprogrammes in twoways: 1. Providing a frameworkforactorsimplementing public researchprogrammestoimprovecoordinationthroughnewERA-NETs or bybroadening and deepeningexistingERA-NETs; 2.Providing, in a limitednumberofcases, additional EU financialsupporttoparticipantswho create a common fundfor the purposeof joint callsforproposalsamongnational and regionalprogrammes (‘ERA-NET PLUS’). Era-Net; Era-Net+ M.Rossano-CNR
Cooperation: The instruments of the 7FP INDIRECT ACTIONS The aimisintegratingpartsofnational and regionalprogrammesforimplementingjointly, togetherwith the EC, a realEuropeanresearchprogramme. The actionssupportedmay cover subjectsnotdirectlylinkedto the ten themesiftheyhave a sufficient EU addedvalue. They can enhance the comple-mentarity and synergybetween FP7 and activitiescarried out under intergovernmentalstructuressuchas EUREKA and COST. Art.169 They are aimed at combining private sectorinvestment and/or national and EU public funding (includinggrantfrom the FP and loanfrom the EIB) . Joint TechnologyInitiativesmaybedecided on the basisofArticle 171 of the Treaty or on the basisof the SpecificProgrammeDecisions in accordancewithArticle 166 of the Treaty. Art.171/Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI) M.Rossano-CNR
7FP (2007-2013): Main Structure 2. Ideas The objective is to reinforce excellence, dynamism and creativity in European research and improve the attractiveness of Europe for the best researchers from both European and third countries, as well as for industrial research investment. The implementation is by European Research Council. The support is aimed at encouraging investigator driven, or bottom-up research on iniziative of researchers. Million Euro 7.510 IDEAS Instruments:ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants; ERC Advanced Researchers Grants; Coordinating and Support actions M.Rossano-CNR
Ideas: Instruments of the 7FP ACTIONS Supporttoprojectscarried out bynational and transnationalresearchers. They are co-fundedby ERC. 4. Supportto “frontier” research M.Rossano-CNR
Participation in the 7FP Documentation: 1–Call forproposals2–Work Programme3–Guide forApplicants http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7 Proponentmaysubmit the project by mail (paper) or electronically (EPSS System) Dates and addresses on callforproposals Particularrequirementsforparticipation, evaluation and implementation are indicated in the Callforproposals M.Rossano-CNR
Cost Models - Maximum 50% forresearchactivities; 75% for public institutions and SMEs EC Funds - Maximum 50% fordemonstrationactivities - Maximum 100% for training, coordinating and supportingactions, Marie Curie actions M.Rossano-CNR
Abbreviations Small – Medium sizedresearch project (3 mil. €) Collaborative Projects (1) CP Large scale research project (Integrating Project) NoE Network of excellence (2) CSA Coordination and SupportAction (3) EN Era NET - Era Net Plus CP-FP/CP-SM/CP-LP: Collaborative focusedprojects CP-STREP: Scient- & Tecn. Researchprojects CP-D: Demonstrationprojects CP-IP: Integratedprojects M.Rossano-CNR
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies Call:FP7-KBBE-2007-1(*) Date ofpublication:22.12.2006 Deadline:02.05.2007 h 17,00 (Bruxelles) Indicative Budget:192.09 Mil. Euro - budget 2007(**) (*) For ERA NET: specific calls. (**) Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) are about €14m, other actions with international target about €42m
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies Activity 2.1: Sustainable production and management of biological resource from land, forest and aquatic environments Activity 2.2: Fork to farm, food, health and well being Activity 2.3: Life science biotechnology and bio-chemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes Activity 2.4: other activities
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies List of specific actions for international cooperation
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies ERA NET Call:FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD Date ofpubblication:22.12.2006 Deadline:31.07.2007 h 17,00 (Bruxelles) Budget:28.9 Mil Euro (ofwhich 10.4 fortransversalactionstodifferenttopicsof the cooperationprogramme) AZIONI TRASVERSALI
COOPERATION :2.Food, agriculture and bio-technologies ERA NET specific actions
Thank you for your attention. • marilena.rossano@cnr.it