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“Setting the Stage for Student Affairs Good Governance: Social Consciousness and Institutional Framework”. By Prof. Dr. Hamzah Abdul Rahman President/CEO International University of Malaya-Wales. Inaugural Conference on Student affairs Governance: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
“Setting the Stage for Student Affairs Good Governance: Social Consciousness and Institutional Framework” By Prof. Dr. Hamzah Abdul Rahman President/CEO International University of Malaya-Wales Inaugural Conference on Student affairs Governance: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities 25-28 February 2013 One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
CONTENTS Introduction Conceptualization of student affairs Setting the stage Governance in student affairs Students affairs structure at the International University of Malaya-Wales A simplified framework for good governance Social Consciousness Student affairs and the faculty Strategies for Collaboration Conclusion
Introduction The role of student affairs increasingly is to bring visibility and focus to current issues to benefit the future (Ellis, 2010). Part of the challenge student affairs has faced over the years is to determine its niche, given that practitioners in this field are educators, managers, public relations, specialists, and more. The role of student affairs is changing on many campuses to where it is today—a full partner in the education of students.
Introduction Student affairs divisions “may be excellent at building good relationships with students that improve learning but less adept at creating a management structure that enhances learning” (Doyle, 2004: p. 388). Blimling, Whitt, and Associates (1999) asserted that “student affairs organizations must reaffirm their commitment to being student centered and continue to press for institutions to redefine their mission in terms of students and what student learn” (p. 187).
Conceptualization of Student Affairs Three different approaches to student affairs work that also affect the organization of student affairs are (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Student Services This concept of student affairs practice, in effect, holds that student affairs provides a collection of services to students that are part of their experience.
Conceptualization of Student Affairs Student Development This approach might be guided by a psychosocial theory of student growth, with the recognition that the learning that occurs in the classroom is the domain of faculty. This conceptualization of student affairs is likely to be organized as a freestanding division of the institution. To provide a coherent, cohesive, out-of-class learning experience for students.
Conceptualization of Student Affairs Lyons (1993) offered a particularly insightful commentary on what influences student affairs work by his assertion that “the most important factor that determines the shape and substance of student affairs is the mission of the institution” (p. 14). How the work of student affairs is structured, how its responsibilities are defined, how it is valued, and how it relates to the work and culture of an institution can vary greatly from one university to another and even within an institution (Lyons, 1993: p. 14)
Setting the Stage: In the context of good governance Student affairs units are strongly encouraged to create a planning committee that is expansive in its consultation and transparent in its process of analysis and forming recommendations (Ellis, 2010). It should draw in the most respected members of the institution who are known for their knowledge, fairness, and expertise. Planning members do not adopt and implement key steps, but they bring skill and judgment to the process.
Setting the Stage: In the context of good governance (cont’d) One important feature in thinking about the student affairs organization of the future is the extent to which the organizational structure and culture will provide the agility and flexibility to create partnerships as appropriate to advance student learning. Obvious examples are partnerships that provide learning components to such traditional student affairs functions as residential life, student activities, orientation, and student health services.
Governance in Student Affairs Governance is a true collaboration among equal students, faculty, and administrators (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Campus governance structures and processes depend on student participation and leadership (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Although most student affairs divisions involve students on committees, in a student agency approach, administrators go beyond simply seeking student input and views; significant aspects of the governance process are their responsibility (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Student initiative is encouraged and high expectations for student participation in decision making and governance are set. Vastly different from the practice where administrators are central, students are the primary agents of the learning process (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Training required here. Student affairs administrators have important roles to play, but it is helpful to think of these roles more as guides or facilitators, not the central actors (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). No more spoon feeding.
A Simplified Framework for Good Governance in Student Affairs
Social Consciousness To empower students is to give them a share in the movement and direction of the educational enterprise. When students perceive that they are responsible for the quality of their educational experience, they are likely to feel invested in their learning and success (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Paulo Freire (1985) believed that education has the potential to empower students by instilling in them “critical consciousness,” or the ability to perceive social, political, and economic oppression and to take action against the oppressive elements of society.
Social Consciousness Students empower themselves by taking responsibility for their own learning (actively engaging as teachers as well as students), by increasing their understanding of the communities in which they live, and by understanding how they as individuals are affected by current and potential policies and structures (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006). Engaging students in their own learning by having them be active in and contribute to the campus community enables them to develop autonomy and personal responsibility (Kathleen, Kinzie, & Schuh, 2006).
Student Affairs and the Faculty The faculty corps provides a natural partnership to help the division of student affairs create a holistic plan that can have many positive effects for the whole campus (Kezar & Lester, 2009). The diversity of talent, expertise, and perspective available on campus provides energy for powerful partnerships and programs. The key to harnessing this potential energy is understanding the differences and points of view between student affairs and the faculty (Whitney, 2010).
Student Affairs and the Faculty There seems to be enough of a divide to make the point that student affairs and faculty do not really understand the contributions one another make to the whole campus approach (Gardner, 1986, 2009; Pace, Blumenreich, & Merkle, 2006; Whitt & others, 2008; Fried, 2007). That student affairs and faculty exist on the same campus can accelerate the speed of implementation (Whitney, 2010). The benefits to student affairs of working with faculty members include improved relationships and an increased understanding of the expertise that student affairs professionals provide the campus and students (Whitney, 2010).
Student Affairs and the Faculty The differentiation of departments and programs on campus endorses collaboration to the benefit of the student (Newton & Smith, 2008). The more faculty and student affairs can work together to contribute to the quality of education, the better the outcomes will be for our prime stakeholders: our students (Dungy, 2005).
Student Affairs and the Faculty Schroeder (2003) identified a number of barriers to collaboration between academic and student affairs: fundamental cultural differences, lack of mutual understanding and respect, fragmented organizational structures, tyranny of custom, and lack of knowledge and shared vision of undergraduate education.
Strategies for Collaboration Partnerships are usually most successful when they are developed from a common reference point or common purpose. It is necessary to identify potential partners who have a common commitment to address the issues, an understanding of relevant campus operation, and the authority to institute and support changes. They usually involve cross-functional teams, joint planning, and implementation and assessment of mutually agreed-upon outcomes.
Strategies for Collaboration They often require new perspectives, such as thinking and acting systematically by linking, aligning, and integrating a variety of resources. They also require participants to step out of their comfort zone, challenge prevailing assumptions and take reasonable risks. They require senior administrators to be strong champions and advocates for innovation and change. (Schroeder, 2003:pp. 626–628).
Conclusions Student affairs has a major role to play in creating the conditions for student engagement and success Faculty and students should be involved in the delivery of services and make important contributions to student affairs. In a new setup, like IUMW, where the number of international students is larger than the locals – good governance can be achieved through the implementation of a sustainable framework that covers staffing, structure, values and policy. It is also important to facilitate students not only to understand their roles in the society but to participate in societal development for a sustainable future.
A Quote “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill Terima kasih Thank you
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References Whitt, E. J., and others. (2008). Principles of Good Practice for Academic and Student Affairs Partnership Programs. Journal of College Student Development, 49(3), 235–249. Gardner, J. N. (1986). Student Affairs and Academic Affairs: Bridging the Gap. Carolina Review, Fall 1986, pp. 46–49. Gardner, J. N. (2009). Reflections on the Need for Collaborations in a Time of Upheaval: Historical Catalysts and Opportunities for Driving Change in the First College Year. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Ill. Speech given on September 25. Fried, J. (2007). Higher Education’s New Playbook: Learning Reconsidered. About Campus, 12(1), 2–7.