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LHE 3305 Perkembangan Moral (psikologi – Abdul Rahman Md Aroff). falsafah ( konsep ) moral How the individual ought to grow or what he should become morally, what it means to be morally matured psikologi ( perkembangan ) moral Describes how the individual actually develops morally.
LHE 3305 Perkembangan Moral (psikologi – Abdul Rahman Md Aroff)
falsafah (konsep) moral How the individual ought to grow or what he should become morally, what it means to be morally matured • psikologi (perkembangan) moral Describes how the individual actually develops morally
Non-developmental theory learning behaviour psycho-analysis • Developmental theory simple stages of development recapitulation moral sanctions moral judgment/cognitive-development psycho-social How essential and no one theory has a how inadequate each monopoly on explanation (theory) is in this area (moral development) D.Wright (1978:22) M.L.Hoffman (1970:345)
Pembelajaran Tingkah Laku • Amalan keluarga dan campur tangan orang dewasa • Teknik pemeliharaan kanak-kanak • Perbezaan sosiobudaya dendaan ganjaran conotoh teladan
Punishment administered as children initiate deviant acts is more effective than punishment given after the acts have been performed. Early punishment makes children apprehensive as they prepare to commit a transgression, so that they are less likely to follow through. But late punishment makes children apprehensive after the act is done, so that they may perform the act again and only then feel anxious. • High intensity punishment is more effective at inhibiting undesirable conduct than mild punishments are. However, very intense punishments can backfire by making children hostile toward the punitive agent and willing to deviate ‘out of spite’ when the disciplinarian is not around to oversee their activities. • To be effective, punishment must be administered consistently. Satisfying acts that are punished erratically or inconsistently persist for long periods and are difficult to eliminate even after the punitive agent begins to punish them on a regular basis. • Punishment is more effective at establishing moral prohibitions when administered by someone who has previously established a warm and friendly (rewarding) relationship with the child.
psikoanalisis id ~ desakan naluri mencari kepuasan segera ego ~ dunia sebenar di luar diri individu super ego ~ • suara batin (conscience): menekan/melemahkan/ mengalihkan kuasa naluri; identification with the aggressor • ego unggul (ego ideal): norma sosial dan nilai yang harus dipupuk; anaclictic identification
Moral teaching-learning would be a non-viable activity conscience & character are inedibly established in infancy ignored the intellectual/thinking aspect of moral development • Blind obedience > autonomy moral reasoning is stultified • Moral motivation fear/anxiety /guilt/remorse> ought • Models irrelevant/inadequate • Inflexible learning/situation specific not easily modified or generalized to circumstances posing a different problem
~Macaulay & Watkins (1925) An investigation into the development of the moral conceptions of children (general pattern of moral development) ~Hartshorne, May & Maller (1928-30) Studies in the nature of character (specificity in moral behaviour)
RECAPITULATIONontogeny- a study of an individual’s developmentphylogeny – a study of the development of a speciesontogeny RECAPITULATES phylogeny The individual traverses essentially the same course as that traversed by mankind in the course of the history of the human race. The stages that the individual, as well as the human race, passes through can be summarised as follows: In the moral evolution of man one can trace different stages. From control by taboowe passed to control bylaw. At this point reciprocityemerged as the primary moral principle, but man lapsed into authoritarianism. More recently, the race passed into the age of ‘inner-direction’, then of ‘other-direction’ and now stands on the brink of autonomousmorality.
Simple Stages of Development (how are children likely to behave) Moral development passes through different stages and that the behaviour characteristic of each stage can be clearly described. The concern is on actual behaviour.
H.B.Smith (1937) Growing minds • Obedience: morality is obedience to parents and other authority figures (when a child does what authority tells him, he is doing the ‘right’ thing) • Legalism: morality consists of subscribing to laws (an action is right if it follows an accepted rule) • Personal morality: consists of personal adjustment – feel/think for him not only the criteria determining what is right or what is wrong but also the claims of those actions, which he believes should characterise his conduct
Swainson The essence of morality consists of interpersonal or human relationships (Martin Buber, I-Thou). Moral development takes place by means of the creative tension between a morality of being true to oneself and the morality of relating to others (“in the beginning is relation”, “all real life is meeting”) TRANQUIL--------------------------TURBULENT (tenteram, tenang, sejahtera) (bergolak, bergelora)
B.M.Swainson (1949) The development of moral ideas in children and adolescents • Infancy( -8thn) the tension between the need of the individual child to be true to his own nature (to express himself with no concern for others) and also the need to be acceptable to others: prudential & authoritarian • Childhood (9-12thn) moral extraversion and healthy resistance to guilt and remorse lead them into perpetual conflict with authority – this is all external and uncomplicated, no internal turmoil: authoritarian & social • Adolescence (13-19thn) internal problem, to be resolved from within, complex and painful process; less willing to discuss problems with adults; moral agent standing alone; searching true morality and true self: social, personal & altruism
isbat moral Biasanya semua ahli keluarga anda minum teh petang bersama. Suatu hari, kerana lapar, anda ingin mengambil makanan di atas meja untuk minuman petang itu, tetapi anda tidak berbuat demikian. Ini kerana ibu bapa dan ahli keluarga anda yang lain belum pulang. Apakah sebab yang menghalang anda daripada mengambil makanan itu?
Ibunyaselaluberkatatunggudahuluahlikeluarga yang lain Kawannyaakanmenganggapdiasebagaipencuri Walaupunlapar, dia rasa bersalahmengambilmakananitu Nantidiaterambillebihdannantiadaahlikeluarganya yang lain tidakdapatmakananitu Perbuatanitumerupakansuatudosa Diabukanjenisindividu yang mengambilsesuatutanpamemintaizin Diatakuttertangkapdandidenda Ibunyatidakpernahmengambilsesuatudaripadanyatanpamemintaizin
isbat = motif/dorongan/sekatan yang menentukan tingkah laku ~ isbat moral adalahsistemkawalan yang telahdihayati (internalised control) ~ kumpulandanperingkatumur ~ beroperasisepanjanghayat ~ adasatu yang paling berpengaruh
psikososial Havighurst & Taba (1949) Peck & Havighurst (1960)
psikososial ~ berkaitrapatdengansahsiah/personaliti ~ bahagianpersonaliti yang menjadifokusadalahwatak, peribadiatautingkahlaku yang paling tertaklukkepadapenerimaansosial ~ watakadalahgabunganbeberapaciri/trettertentu
latar belakang berkaitan… • Pembelajaran sosial + • Persekitaran sosial – tanggapan masyarakat tentang watak yang baik, faktor sosioekonomi, pengalaman pembelajaran, pemikiran refleksi, dan sebagainnya
Havighurst & Taba • pola/profil individu berdasarkan pembolehubah (sifat/ciri peribadi) – kejujuran, tanggungjawab, kesetiaan, kemesraan, dan keberanian moral • jenis watak – unadjusted, defiant, submissive, adaptive, dan self-directive • faktor latar belakang yang membezakan pelbagai jenis watak
Peck & Havishurst • Amoral • Expedient • Conforming • Irrational-conscientious • Rational-altruistic
D.Wright altruistic autonomous conscientious rule-following collectivist authoritarian conformist amoral mainly adult influence-----------------mainly peer influence degree of internalisation of socialising influence
Pertimbangan (Judgement) MoralatauTeoriPerkembanganKognitif Moral Jean Piaget (9/8/1896-16/9/1980) Lawrence Kohlberg (25/10/1927-19/1/1987) ~ Perkembangan moral dicerminkanolehperubahandalampertimbangan moral ~ Perubahaniniberlakuapabilakanak-kanakberkembangdanmatangdarisegi mental danintelek
The Rules of the Game Practice of Rules: motor rules>egocentricity>cooperation>codification of rules Consciousness of Rules ~ rules are purely motor, not coercive in nature and are adopted unconsciously ~ rules are obligatory realities, sacred, unchangeable and external originating with adults ~ a rule is looked upon rationally as an effect of autonomous conscience, as a law to which consent is due, but alterable if it is so agreed by most of those concerned Type of Respect for Rules * heteronomy *autonomy
Adult Constraint and Moral Realism • Method used involves the presentation of stories concerning clumsiness, stealing and lying • Findings conclude that moral realism is to be found among the younger children (up to about 8 years old) due to: spontaneous thought of the child and the constraint exercised by adults heteronomy Literal realism – the letter rather than the spirit of the law shall be observed Objective responsibility – the material results or consequences seem to be the important criterion used in making moral judgment Unilateral respect – the good is rigidly defined as obedience to adult and external rule
Cooperation and the Idea of Justice • retributive -> -> distributive justice • immanent justice • collective punishment autonomy subjective responsibility morality of cooperation mutual/multilateral respect
kritikan terhadap Piaget • Moral development = growth of complexity, and not characterized by sequential stages. The richness of the emotional life, emotional response and personal awareness of the child is underestimated • Mistakenly assume there was only one dominant factor, intellectual, in moral development. Other elements need to be considered, e.g. impact of parental pressures and differences in social class, societies and educational traditions • Cannot be generalized because study involves lower class only and small in number • Ignored moral action
dilema Heinz Seorang wanita berada dalam keadaan tenat kerana barah. Doktor berpendapat bahawa ada sejenis ubat yang boleh menyelamatkan nyawa wanita itu. Ubat itu ditemui seorang pembuat ubat yang telah membelanjakan $2,000 untuk menghasilkannya. Dia mahu menjual ubat itu dengan harga $20,000. Heinz, suami wanita yang sakit itu, mampu mengumpul (setelah bersungguh-sungguh berusaha) $10,000 sahaja. Heinz merayu kepada pembuat ubat itu agar menjual ubat itu kepadanya dengan harga $10,000 dan membenarkan dia membayar baki $10,000 kemudian. Penjual ubat itu berkata, “Tidak boleh. Aku hasilkan ubat itu dan aku mahu mendapat untung daripadanya”. Heinz berasa tertekan dan membuat pertimbangan untuk mencuri ubat itu agar isterinya pulih seperti sedia kala. Patutkah Heinz mencuri ubat itu? Mengapa ya/tidak?
The most common level of reasoning for 6 to 9 yrs old Stage 1 10 to 12 yrs old Stage 2 14 t0 24 yrs old Stage 3 24 to 36 yrs old Stage 4 But some individuals reasoned at Stage 4 when they were only 12 yrs old and at Stage5 when they were 18. A few others never rose above Stage 2
72/75 lelaki 10, 13 & 16, selama 12 thn, iaitu longitudinal • Great Britain, Canada, Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey • Dilema moral bersifat hypothetical
characteristics of cognitive stages of development • Stages imply qualitative differences in modes of thinking • Each stage forms a structured whole • Stages form an invariant sequence • Stages are hierarchical integrations
kritikan terhadap Kohlberg Kohlberg has dealt with only one aspect ofmoral development, i.e. moralreasoning.This leaves out a great deal. Things that Kohlberg failed to do are: ~ to deal adequately with the behavioural aspect of moral development ~ overlook the role of affect ~ moral reasoning about real instead of hypothetical dilemmas ~ defines morality in terms of the formal character of a moral judgment, rather in terms of its content, i.e. he omits rules and virtues/habits Kohlberg has also been criticized for what he has included in his theory, and they are ~ morality based on the concept of justice ~ universal and sequential stages
Learning Readiness • Very few reach the 5th & 6th stages
The different elements in moral development • Moral development passes through different stages and the behaviourcharacteristic of each stage can be clearly described (how are they likely to behave?). • Moral development can be understood in terms of the different sanctions which govern moral behaviour. This involves one in a study of the motivational elements (sanctions) in moral conduct, i.e. the varying motives underlying behaviour at different stages of development (why will they behave in this way?). • Moral development is concerned with the developing maturity of moral judgement. The emphasis is on the intellectual (cognitive) element involved in judgements made concerning moral problems and dilemmas (issues and conflicts). • The actual personalityof the individual is linked with his behaviour and his stage of psycho-social development.
Kesimpulan (dan hipotesis) daripada sorotan karya bertulis tentang perkembangan moral 1930-60 • Perkembangan moral adalahkompleksdanfaktorsituasimempengaruhitingkahlaku • Suatuskemaataupolaperkembangan moral adalahnyatasemasakanak-kanakmembesarkeperingkatremaja • Terdapatperingkat-peringkat yang jelasdalamprosesperkembangan moral ini • Unsurataujeniskawalantertentuadalah natural bagisetiapperingkat • Kawalan in bolehditafsirdarisegi, misalnya, isbat moral, hubungansosial, pertimbangan moral, struktursahsiah
Piaget’s understanding of moral development is “things are motor, individual and social all at once” hal.79 Process/Factors of Moral Development • Intellectual – shift from egocentric to decentred thinking; spontaneous thought to deliberation • Motor rule / habit – through which the child perceives and begins to understand the regularities of social interactions • Experiencing regularities as obligatory, initially in causal rather than in moral terms ‘I ought’ (observing and participating in social interactions) • The nature of the dominant/significant personal relationship that the child experiences and the way he cognitively construes this inter-individual relationship. If constraint / unilateral respect is more dominant than cooperation / mutual respect in a person’s relationship with others, then, he is experiencing heteronomous morality rather than autonomous morality
The distinction made by Piaget between • theoretical morality – verbal morality/thought, i.e. intellectual discussion about hypothetical dilemmas • practical morality – active/true/effective thought, i.e. real life situations and experiences related to real life moral decisions, actions and practices
A moral problem presented to the child is far further removed from his moral practice than is an intellectual problem from his logical practice. (hal. 108) A child who pronounces correctly on the values of actions he is told about, is, on the whole, better than one whose moral judgement is less acute. This may be, but it is also conceivable that intelligence alone might suffice to sharpen the child’s evaluation of conduct without necessarily inclining him to do good actions. In this case an intelligent scamp would perhaps give better answers than a slow-witted but really good-hearted little boy. (hal. 111-2)