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Religious Knowledge. Moral Knowledge has disappeared from western academia and culture (Dallas Willard, Knowing Christ Today ). Religious Knowledge.
Religious Knowledge Moral Knowledge has disappeared from western academia and culture (Dallas Willard, Knowing Christ Today)
Religious Knowledge P 23. In the western world, a great historical struggle between what might be called “traditional” knowledge, represented by the church, and modern knowledge, represented by science, has brought us to where many can only think of religion as mere belief or commitment.”
Religious Knowledge In late medieval and early modern Europe, much of what the church taught as knowledge was shown not to be knowledge. “A pervasive mood of rejection then arose.” Became an academic and intellectual lifestyle that became an authority.
Religious Knowledge “[This authority] branded all traditional and religious ‘knowledge’ as mere illusion or superstition and all of the sources of such knowledge as unreliable or even delusory.”
Religious Knowledge “This idea now governs the world of western thought: religion and knowledge are separate. “Religion … lost in the public mind its standing as a body of knowledge about what is real and what is right.”
Religious Knowledge Archie Bunker: faith is believing what you know is not true
Religious Knowledge Religion and intolerance are seen as a reason to separate religion and knowledge (pp 26-29): 1. It is thought if you think you know something, you will be certain about it—have no doubt. 2. This will automatically make you a bigot—close-minded, dogmatic, arrogant.
Religious Knowledge 3. You will automatically treat those who differ from you badly—oppress, etc. 4. Therefore, should make knowledge tentative –can’t really know is the only way to stay tolerant.—this is the dominant view in the west now
Religious Knowledge 5. Openness and humility about knowledge is seen only in the scientific realm. 6. Knowledge claims in religion and morality are viewed as having no test in reality and therefore no check on the certainty with which they are held. 7. Therefore restrict knowledge claims to science
Religious Knowledge But those who are taking this stand for tolerance and humility are not doing so on the basis of scientific knowledge; but on what they think they know is true morally and ethically.
Religious Knowledge Many who have taken stands in history against intolerance have done so on the basis of what they understand is moral and religious knowledge. AND many who think there is no real knowledge in religion and morality have acted in arrogant and intolerant ways.
Religious Knowledge Tolerance – generous regard for those with whom we differ – requires care for people. 29 It must be based upon “knowledge of what is good and right.”
Religious Knowledge An important question in today’s world; and a question we want to raise at Payap University: Can religious teachings be knowledge? If not, then religion is irrelevant practically and cannot contribute to understanding or directing life.
Religious Knowledge When you listen to Dr Mark Tamthai’s lecture – ask yourself, do you think he thinks we can have religious knowledge?
Religious Knowledge What is knowledge? “We have knowledge of something when we are representing it (thinking about it, speaking of it, treating it) as it actually is, on an appropriate basis of thought and experience.” (Willard, p.15) Involves truth or accuracy of representation Also must have evidence or insight (through ways that depend on the subject matter)
Religious Knowledge “Knowledge in this sense is what we require in service people, professionals, and leaders. We expect them to know what they are doing, to be right, but not just by guessing or luck.” (p. 15) E.g. don’t want a surgeon to count on luck in doing surgeries “Knowledge brings truth and correctness under reliable control.” (pp 15-16)
Religious Knowledge Belief: not necessarily tied to truth or evidence; beliefs are “tendencies to act” (Willard, p. 16) What we believe will affect our actions: eg believe out of gas, will look for gas station; We can believe what is false
Religious Knowledge Belief: not necessarily tied to truth or evidence; beliefs are “tendencies to act” (Willard, p. 16) What we believe will affect our actions: eg believe out of gas, will look for gas station; We can believe what is false If we believe religious things, we will act on them. (Test belief through action)
Religious Knowledge We sometimes do not believe what we know: e.g. know the odds of winning the lottery are next to zero (know we will not win, but refuse to keep this in mind), but act as if might win (gamble). This is irrational and irresponsible. This is why gambling is morally wrong. Being rational is a virtue; and gambling is irrational. (Gambling is presented as “entertainment” for this reason—disguises the irrationality.) Rational and responsible people base their beliefs and actions on knowledge.
Religious Knowledge Commitment: may not involve belief or knowledge; simply means “choosing and implementing a course of action” (Willard, p. 16) (sometimes we just need to do something, so we do)
Religious Knowledge Profession: what we say we believe; some profess what they do not believe and may not be committed to
Religious Knowledge Whether religious or other teachings are KNOWLEDGE matters. “Knowledge, but not mere belief or commitment, confers on its possessor an authority or right—even a responsibility—to act, to direct action, to establish and supervise policy, and to teach.” (Willard, p. 17)
Religious Knowledge Knowledge also gives belief and action stability and communicability— “because knowledge involves truth: truth secured by experience, method, and evidence that is generally available.” (p. 18)
Religious Knowledge This is “why we want leaders, professionals, and others we rely upon to know what they are doing, not just to believe or feel strongly about it.” “If they lack the knowledge assumed, they are disqualified, even if they remain in a position of service or power.” (p. 18)
Religious Knowledge Belief and knowledge are different and have different roles in life. “rational and responsible people are those who strive to base their beliefs and actions upon their knowledge” (Willard, p. 19)
Religious Knowledge Belief and knowledge are different and have different roles in life. “rational and responsible people are those who strive to base their beliefs and actions upon their knowledge” (Willard, p. 19) Ideally, knowledge is the basis of belief; it is the best basis; but belief is not a basis for knowledge.
Religious Knowledge Religion presents itself as knowledge. E.g. Christianity as knowledge of God— which can lead to belief and commitment to action that go beyond the knowledge but are “still conditioned on knowledge of God” Faith is commitment to action—not a blind leap into belief without knowledge
Religious Knowledge Current western understanding of “leaps of faith” is actually leaping without faith, with no belief. “The result has been to undermine the foundations of faith in knowledge and to leave the teachings of Jesus and his people (along with those of all other religions) hanging in the air, with no right or responsibility to direct human life. (Willard, p. 21)
Religious Knowledge The statement: “all religions are equal” – means “all religions are equally devoid of knowledge and reality or truth. In fact, however, no known religions are the same; they teach and practice radically different things. You only have to look at them to see that. To say they are all the “same” is to disrespect them. It is a way of claiming that none really matter, that their distinctives are of no human significance.” (p. 21)
Religious Knowledge All religions “present themselves as providing knowledge of what is real and what is right. To think otherwise is to falsify the very nature of religious consciousness and religious life as well as the claims of the particular religions.” “they offer—whether they are right about it or not—knowledge of certain profound truths, and they call people to act on the basis of that knowledge.”
Religious Knowledge Eg. Buddhist enlightenment “is offered as knowledge, as passing beyond the false beliefs and passions engulfing the usual human existence and grasping ultimate reality.” (p. 22)
Religious Knowledge December 6, 2011 1. Sorry, don’t have rubric for group presentation; will email it late tonight 2. Options for 10% of grade: 2.1. Religions Reflection Paper: my religion and another religion 2.2. Covey habit 7: personal development teaching and learning projects 2.3. Covey: vision, mission, roles and goals for Payap student career; 30-day plan project and reflection Details (rubrics) on Thursday – choose and tell choice to Katie at midterm
Religious Knowledge Epistemology: how we know we know Historically 3 sources of knowledge: 1. Authority 2. Thinking or reason 3. Experience (empiricism and naturalism)
Religious Knowledge Epistemology: how we know we know Historically 3 sources of knowledge: 1. Authority: “based on historical or social position (mainly in church and government) has mostly dominated human life and is still dominant today in many parts of the world—often where it is least suspected.” (p. 58)
Religious Knowledge Epistemology: how we know we know Historically 3 sources of knowledge: 2. Thinking or reason: became dominant when authority broke down Excessive claims of reason led to revolt 3. Experience (empiricism and naturalism)
Religious Knowledge Science appeals to all three sources “but in undigested and incoherent ways that permit it to be manipulated in the public arena, where policy issues are in question, for numerous unscientific and political purposes.” (p. 59)
Religious Knowledge Today we need a clear understanding of “science” but science can’t offer it. This is the “impasse of modern life. Science is the presumed authority on knowledge, but it cannot provide scientific knowledge of science.” (p. 59)
Religious Knowledge Clarifying Science and its relationship to the Humanities (Richard Gorsuch)
Religious Knowledge Two major academic areas: The Sciences and the Humanities Philosophy undergirds both of them
Religious Knowledge Sciences Classical pyramid (omits some sciences): Philosophy & theology (develop totalistic views of nature of reality) Sociology Psychology Biology Chemistry Physics
Religious Knowledge Physics the foundation of the sciences— know enough physics, could write chemistry as physics; Know enough chemistry—write biology as chemistry, etc.
Religious Knowledge Philosophy and theology – parts of them are independent of science, but they have to do with the nature of reality, so they must include science and what it has established
Religious Knowledge HumanitiesPhilosophy and theology History (from events recorded in many people’s lives) Biography Autobiography Arts and literature Personal experience
Religious Knowledge Primacy of philosophy for both: “because of the question of how knowledge in each discipline can be attained. That is not a simple task. (Gorsuch, p. 33)
Religious Knowledge The heart of that discussion is one historical, philosophic point the virtually defines the postmodern philosophical era in which we live: Descartes’s ‘Cogito, ergo sum.’ Many hold this is a critical critique that would invalidate much of the search for all knowledge; to what degree are they correct?” (Gorsuch, p. 33)
Religious Knowledge [Descartes (1701/1990) mathematics gave 100 % certain proofs when assumptions granted Anything else? “Descartes decided to accept only that for which no doubt could be raised.” Concluded he could not doubt that he doubted. “Cogito, ergo sum” = “I think, therefore I am” But actually no basis for “I” (Gorsuch, p. 33)
Religious Knowledge “The average person and Descartes have this in common: Neither have taken his or her doubting of the existence of everything else too seriously.”
Religious Knowledge Philosophers “have given up— after searching for several hundred years—on finding any conclusive foundation on which to build a philosophy of knowledge.” (Gorsuch, p. 45-46) ]
Religious Knowledge “Decisions about knowledge are psychological decisions” (Gorsuch, p.33) Do the humanities “have a unique approach to truth? Will integrating this with scientific truth lead to wisdom?” (Gorsuch, p. 34)
Religious Knowledge The Nature of Science Scientific reports: help us understand the logic of science “Science is based on the ability of anyone trained in a discipline to replicate the results of anyone else. This points to several values in science.