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Victorian Institute of Teaching

Victorian Institute of Teaching. Principal Briefings. 2013. In this presentation…. Role of the Victorian Institute of Teaching Checking registration Interaction of the Institute with national initiatives Changes to current processes Provisional to full registration Renewal of registration

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Victorian Institute of Teaching

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  1. Victorian Institute of Teaching • Principal Briefings • 2013

  2. In this presentation… • Role of the Victorian Institute of Teaching • Checking registration • Interaction of the Institute with national initiatives • Changes to current processes • Provisional to full registration • Renewal of registration • Support

  3. What is the Institute? An independent statutory authority regulating the profession in the public interest Reports to the Victorian Parliament through the Minister responsible for the Teaching Profession 118,765 registered teachers • 102, 645 with full registration • 1 in 10 with provisional registration 6,991 new registrants: • 4,309 with Victorian qualifications • 756 with interstate qualifications • 1,048 with overseas qualifications • Figures as at 30 June 2012 ♂ ♀

  4. What is the Institute? • Regulates the profession by: • registering teachers in Victoria • approving initial teacher education programs • developing, establishing and maintaining standards of professional practice and a professional learning framework • developing codes of ethics and conduct • investigating the conduct, competence and fitness to teach of registered teachers.

  5. Why teacher registration? Legal obligation Professional obligation Shows the community that a teacher is: • qualified • meets acceptable standards • suitable to teach • current and satisfactory criminal record check • character reference. All teachers must hold a current registration card.

  6. Checking registration Legal obligation to ensure all teachers employed are registered • Card – always sight the original • Letter – when registration has been approved but a card not yet issued • Public register • School portal – registration status of teachers in a school (from census data) www.vit.vic.edu.au Principals’ hotline: 1300 650 375

  7. The national environment SCSEEC Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood VICTORIAN MINISTER Responsible for the Teaching Profession AITSL Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership TEACHER REGULATOR Victorian Institute of Teaching

  8. AITSL • Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership: • a national body • established to promote excellence in teaching and school leadership • committed to the key principles of equity and excellence in the education of all young Australians • does not replace the Victorian Institute of Teaching as the regulator of teachers in Victoria.

  9. Standards for registration • Australian Professional Standards for Teachers underpin all requirements 4 years tertiary education including at least 1 year initial teacher education Provisional Registration Provisional registration Full Registration Meets Proficient Teacher Standards Meets Graduate Teacher Standards Renewed regularly (annual process) Maintains Proficient Teacher Standards

  10. The Standards • a public statement of what constitutes teacher quality • describe what all teachers should know and are able to do • provide a common understanding and language • capture the complexity of teaching • help teachers to focus on student learning

  11. The Australian Standards Framework

  12. Professional Standards for Teachers Know students and how they learn Know content and how to teach it Engage professionally with stakeholders STANDARDS Engage in professional learning Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

  13. What will change for Victorian teachers? Very little: • Victorian teachers already use standards • provisional to full registration remains school sited and evidence-based • teachers continue to show they have maintained their professional knowledge, practice and suitability through a renewal process

  14. Timeline for change 31 December 2012 1 January 2013 30 September 2013 • Last date for PRTs (experienced) to use overseas teaching experience in full reg. application • New PRTs use new process for full reg. • Proficient Teacher Standards • 80 days teaching in Aust/NZ school for full reg. • Last date for acceptance of full reg. applications using old process • APST applied to PD for renewal of reg. after this date

  15. Full registration New teachers are provisionally registered Supported entry– from their colleagues, from their school, from the profession Learn to apply their knowledge in practice Full registration = demonstration of the Proficient Teacher standards School based evidence of practice

  16. Requirements for full registration 80 days teaching in Australia/New Zealand Evidence of professional practice • a collaborative inquiry approach to develop practice • references the Proficient Teacher standards • draws on normal teaching practice • results in a school recommendation

  17. Timeline for evidence gathering

  18. The recommendation process

  19. MyVIT – applying for full registration PROCESS PRT starts form Submits to school portal Principal logs in and completes rec. report Submits to teacher portal PRT completes form and submits to Institute 3 1 2 3 5 4 1 5

  20. The school recommendation • Outcome • recommendation for full registration • or • continuation of provisional registration • copy of report provided to PRT after meeting • Full registration • Institute grants full registration • audit of evidence • review of evidence requested where disagreement with school recommendation

  21. Renewal of registration • Requirement • Application to continue registration based on maintenance of: • Suitability to be a teacher • current and satisfactory National Criminal History Record Check • declarations related to suitability • Professional practice • days teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership • hours professional development activities

  22. Renewal of registration Does not apply to people registered with: • Provisional registration • Permission to teach • Non-practising registration. Renewal applies to teachers with full registration. Teachers renewing their registration may be expiring from a renewal period of: • five years; or • twelve months.

  23. Changes • Transition from five-year to annual process • Australian Standards referenced at the proficient teacher level from 1 October 2013 • Other policy changes to be advised

  24. Key renewal of registration statistics • 118,765 registered teachers • Renewal of registration:

  25. Renewal of registration Process to renew registration • Payment of annual fee • Updating of National Criminal History Record Check where required • Online renewal application form - self declarations

  26. Compliance Audit process Expectation that teachers renewing can provide evidence to support their declarations Random selection of teachers to provide evidence of: • days teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership • hours of standards referenced PD activities

  27. Professional practice for renewal Currency of practice At least 10 days of teaching, equivalent practice or educational leadership annually or 50 days in 5 years Equivalent practice • teachers working in alternative teaching settings or related fields of education • a clear relationship between the work and the professional practice standards Educational leadership • teachers in leadership roles both in and out of schools • a clear relationship between the work and the professional standards

  28. Professional practice for renewal Professional knowledge and practice At least 20 hours of standards referenced PD activities that updates knowledge about content, practice and/or pedagogy annually or 100 hours in 5 years • Teachers select the activities that support their knowledge and practice • Activities should relate to the teaching context • Teachers record their activities • Teachers identify the contribution of the selected activities to their professional learning

  29. Making the pieces fit Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Aust. Teacher Performance & Development Framework Renewal of registration

  30. How will we support these changes? • Teacher guide for PRTs and mentors • Mentor training • Dedicated website for PRTsand mentors www.vit.vic.edu.au/prt/ • Seminars for PRTs preceded by principal briefings • Direct communication with teachers and school leaders • Web-based information www.vit.vic.edu.au • Online application forms • MyVIT teacher portal • Professional Practice

  31. Contacting the Institute

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