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Towards a green economy 迈向绿色经济 UNESCO Future Forum 联合国教科文组织未来论坛

Towards a green economy 迈向绿色经济 UNESCO Future Forum 联合国教科文组织未来论坛 Moving towards a Green Economy & Green Jobs 迈向绿色经济和绿色就业 Guiyang, China, 21 August 2009 贵阳, 2009 年 8 月 21 日 SHENG Fulai 盛馥来. Outline 提纲. What is a green economy? 何谓绿色经济? Why is a green economy good? 绿色经济好在哪?

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Towards a green economy 迈向绿色经济 UNESCO Future Forum 联合国教科文组织未来论坛

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  1. Towards a green economy 迈向绿色经济 UNESCO Future Forum 联合国教科文组织未来论坛 Moving towards a Green Economy & Green Jobs 迈向绿色经济和绿色就业 Guiyang, China, 21 August 2009 贵阳,2009年8月21日 SHENG Fulai盛馥来

  2. Outline提纲 • What is a green economy?何谓绿色经济? • Why is a green economy good?绿色经济好在哪? • How to make the transition to a green economy? 如何朝绿色经济转型? • What is UN doing to promote green economies? 联合国如何推动绿色经济?

  3. What is a green economy?何谓绿色经济 ? Green investment up 绿色投资上升 Quantity & quality of jobs in green sectors up 绿色行业就业的数量质量上升 Share of green sectors in GDP up 绿色行业占GDP份额上升 Energy/resourceuse per unit of production down单位能源资源消耗下降 Environmental cost of production/consumption down 生产消费的环境成本下降 Wasteful consumption down 浪费型消费下降

  4. Why is agreen economy good?绿色经济好在哪? • It supports growth, jobs, and poverty reduction 它支持经济增长,就业和减贫 • It seeks to turn green sectors into new growth poles 它要使绿色行业成为新的经济增长点 • It helps address multiple challenges 它有助于应对多重挑战

  5. Some evidence 一些证据 • 2.3 mi jobs in renewables to grow to 20 mi by 2030 • 到2030年,目前的再生能源230万工作岗位将增至2000万 • Market for water supply, sanitation,& water efficiency estimated at $ 253 b & is expected to grow to $ 658 b by 2020 • 供水, 节水和家用卫生设施的市场达2530亿美元,到2020年将增至6580亿美元 • Organic agriculture provides more than 30% more jobs/ha • 有机农业每公顷可多提供30%的工作机会 • EU & US: green buildings to create 2-3.5 mi jobs • 欧盟和美国: 绿色建筑产生200/350万工作岗位 • China: 10 mi jobs in recycling; RE output at $17 b/year & employs 1 m • 中国: 废弃物回收行业现有一千万工作岗位了; 再生能源年产值170亿美元且提供一百万工作岗位

  6. How to implement a green economy?如何实施绿色经济? • Put green investment at core of fiscal stimulus 置绿色投资于经济刺激计划之核心 • Include green investment in regular budget 给绿色投资在政府常规预算中留一席之地 • Create public-private funding mechanism 创建公私结合的绿色融资机制 • Create enabling international conditions (trade, IPRs, ODA, tech transfer, climate agreement) 创造有利的国际环境 (贸易,知识产权,外援,技术, 气候公约等) • Create domestic enabaling conditions (fiscal/pricing policy, standards, education & training) 创造有利的国内政策环境(财政/价格政策,标准制定,环保教育和绿色就业的培训等)

  7. What is UN doing to promote green economies? 联合国如何推动绿色经济? • Global Green New Deal 全球绿色新政 • Calling upon governments to green themselves out of the financial crisis 呼吁政府由绿径走出危机 • Joint Crisis Initiative 应对危机联合倡议 • Over 20 UN agencies coordinate policy messages and support countries 二十多个联合国机构协调政策,帮助国家实施绿色新政 • Global Green Economy/Green Jobs Report (w/ ILO)全球绿色经济/就业报告 (与劳工组织合作) • Indepth analysis of economic potential of major green sectors 对主要绿色产业作详细分析 • Regional & country level work 地区和国家倡议 • Green growth in East Asia, S. Korea’s Green New Deal, China’s green economy, etc.东亚的绿色增长,南韩的绿色新政,中国的绿色经济项目

  8. Thank You! 谢谢 United Nations Environment Programme 联合国环境规划署 SHENG FULAI 盛馥来 www.unep.org www.unep.ch/etb Fulai.sheng@unep.org

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