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Inter-Regional Workshop. UNITED NATIONS INTER-AGENCY CONSOLIDATED APPEAL PROCESS. Nairobi, 25-28 September 2000. SET OF PRESENTATIONS. MAIN OBJECTIVE. To provide WHO country teams in AFRO and EMRO with an advantage in the inter-agency dialogue in relation to emergency planning.
MAIN OBJECTIVE To provide WHO country teams in AFRO and EMRO with an advantage in the inter-agency dialogue in relation toemergency planning
Presentation Outline 1 Understanding the CAP as the basic inter-agency humanitarian planning mechanism 2 Updating WHO country teams on new inter-agency agreements for the CAP 2001 exercise 3 Re-stating the current WHO position toward the CAP within the inter-agency dialogue 4 Providing WHO country teams with tools for optimizing the development and writing of the health section of the CAP 5 Conclusions and workshop recommendations
1 Understanding the CAP as the basic inter-agency humanitarian planning mechanism
CAP: The Legal Context General Assembly Resolution 46/182 1994 Inter-Agency Standing Committee approved CAP Guidelines Secretary General’s Reform Paper 1997 (para 191) This means that: As far as health is concerned, the buck stops with WHO
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Plan document Planning process Common humanitarian action plan (CHAP, first part of the document) Preparation Launch Agency-specific projects (second part of the document) Strategic monitoring Mid-term review Inter-Agency Consolidated Appeal Process
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Common humanitarian action plan Preparation Launch Strategic monitoring Agency-specific projects Mid-term review
CHAP: ComponentsWith an example (1) a) Presentation of possible scenarios In Tajikistan, insecurity, terrorism, corruption and lawlessness give no hope for peace-building b) Competencies and capacity analysis There is no one out there to help and carry out the life saving work
CHAP: ComponentsWith an example (2) c) Sectors to be addressed Food aid, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, reintegration, coordination d) Criteria for Prioritisation Life-saving and containment activities (controlling typhoid fever and malaria epidemics, essential medicines) e) Relationship with other assistance programs Are we in accordance with national policies and development programs (even if temporarily interrupted)?
CHAP: Componentswith an example (3) f) Statement of humanitarian principles Focusing on human and health survival, security and protection, equitable resource allocation, accountability to beneficiaries g) Long term goals Reducing excess mortality and morbidity, ensuring food security, controlling communicable disease transmission, demobilizing and reintegrating, social reform
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Inter-Agency Consolidated Appeal Process Plan document Planning process Common humanitarian action plan (CHAP, first part of the document) Preparation Launch Agency-specific projects (second part of the document) Strategic monitoring Mid-term review
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Common humanitarian action plan Preparation Launch Strategic monitoring Agency-specific projects Mid-term review
The elaboration of projects in the CAP is examined under section 4“writing the health section of the CAP”
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Inter-Agency Consolidated Appeal Process Plan document Planning process Common humanitarian action plan (CHAP, first part of the document) Preparation Launch Agency-specific projects (second part of the document) Strategic monitoring Mid-term review
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Common humanitarian action plan Preparation Launch Strategic monitoring Agency-specific projects Mid-term review
CAP: Strategic Monitoring(Some Examples) In the current and likely evolving context (determinants of health, emergency health intelligence): • Do we immunize school children who are likely to die soon after as soldiers in the army? • Do we immunize child soldiers during demobilization? • Do we promote immunization as a means of peace-making?
CAP: Strategic Monitoring(some examples) In the current and likely evolving context (determinants of health, emergency health intelligence): • Could immunization be misunderstood by a refugee population (eg. as an attempt to sterilize)? • Do we promote family planning in communities after genocide?
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Inter-Agency Consolidated Appeal Process Plan document Planning process Common humanitarian action plan (CHAP, first part of the document) Preparation Launch Agency-specific projects (second part of the document) Strategic monitoring Mid-term review
CAP: Concept and Outcomes Common humanitarian action plan Preparation Launch Strategic monitoring Agency-specific projects Mid-term review
Launching and mid-term review are not examined here, the first being a one-day event, the second is being reconsidered (refer to section 2 “Updating WHO Country Teams”)
2 Updating WHO country teams on new inter-agency agreements for the CAP 2001 exercise
New Presentation andIncreased Flexibility of the CAP CAP on-line (in addition to the written binder) CAP flexible for real-time revision Revision for project and/or strategy
CAP on line CA Project Responsible, Appealing agency Project Revision Reliefweb (Intranet) OCHA Desk and publication Reliefweb (Public) CA Responsible HC Strategy Revision FTS Administrator FTS database CAP: A Platform for Continued Monitoring
Project Changes Strategy Changes OCHA WHO Opportunity: Inter-agencyStrategic Monitoring
The New Financial Tracking System • New, unified system for CAP and natural disasters • Central data repository for emergency and contribution information • Internet accessible reporting • Dynamic, current appeal information
Implications: Standard labelling of sectors and themes Sectors:(prescribed) Food, agriculture, health, water and sanitation, family shelter and non food items, protection /human rights /rule of law, education, economic recovery and infrastructure, coordination and support services, security, multi-sector And 26 themes(flexible)
3 Re-stating the current WHO position toward the CAP within the inter-agency dialogue
CAP not based on needs assessment Not efficient for resource mobilization Absence of common ownership (still viewed as the responsibility of the leading agency) Absence of strategic monitoring and evaluation Absence of continuum WHO’s Critical Eye on the CAP:In general:
WHO unique responsibility WHO core commitments and global/regional target Health sector strategy Country/situation baseline information Risk and situation assessment Monitoring system Co-financing mechanisms WHO’s Critical Eye on the CAP:In particular, the CAP should include information on: Does this match country team’s view?
Planning health together with health and non health agencies Monitoring and evaluating health humanitarian programs Breaking with the “oral tradition of humanitarian aid” by writing good and comparable reference documents on specific crises (case studies) Voicing and making a case for the health of population in crisis Pooling all its resources and provide a “massive support” for those who are in day-to-day survival CAP’s Opportunities for WHO Does this match country team’s view?
WHO Sees the CAP as: A strategic monitoring tool A coordination instrument A reference document A year-long process A (business) plan Does this match country team’s view?
WHO Position (1) WHO advocates for health as a cross cutting issue within all sectors and programs WHO defines health sector priorities in accordance with the inter-agency common humanitarian strategies, goals, and contributes to the objectives that are formulated in the CAP WHO proposes a series of projects that represent field-based core corporate commitments and that are consistent across the different CAP documents
WHO Position (2) WHO takes a proactive position in assessing the performance and effectiveness of the health humanitarian program defined in the CAP WHO ensures that an appropriate (and realistically benchmarked) monitoring and evaluation system is in place in each appealing country
WHO Position (3) WHO engages in continued in-house capacity building in order to enable WHO field/region/HQ staff to undertake the different tasks within the CAPs WHO engages its own institutional resources to implement its work and plays its technical and normative coordinating role in humanitarian crisis
Question: Is the current WHO position on the CAP accurately reflecting regional concerns?
4 Providing WHO country teams with tools for optimizing the development and writing of the health section of the CAP
Who’s Responsibilities in the Development of the CAP Document Are: A Providing Input on the Definition of Scenarios and Analysis of Context B Writing the Health Sector Presentation C Writing the WHO Projects
Who’s Responsibilities in the Development of the CAP Document Are: A Providing Input on the Definition of Scenarios and Analysis of Context B Writing the Health Sector Presentation C Writing the WHO Projects
A Tool for Scenario Building and Sector Goal Definition Improvement =? Sector Goal Scenario Status-quo Deterioration Most likely scenario is improvement,BUTthere are: Constraintstaken as project’s assumptions (LFA) Risk factors taken as project’s target or killing assumption (LFA) Factors (predictors) for improvement Factors (predictors) for status-quo Factors (predictors) for deterioration
A Tool for Scenario Building and Sector Goal Definition Improvement =? Sector Goal Scenario Status-quo Deterioration Most likely scenario is deterioration,project objectives and priorities are targeting risk factors Constraints are taken as project’s assumptions Project’s objectives and secondary priorities are to maximize improvement factors Factors (predictors) for deterioration: Risks Factors (predictors) for status-quo: Constraints Factors (predictors) for improvement
A Tool for Scenario Building and Sector Goal Definition Improvement =? Sector Goal Scenario Status-quo Deterioration project’s primary objectives are to address risks Project’s marginal objectives are to maximize improvement factors Most likely scenario is status quo,project objectives and priorities are to contain the situation, limiting risks Factors (predictors) for status-quo: Constraints Factors (predictors) for deterioration: Risks Factors (predictors) for improvement
Who’s Responsibilities in the Development of the CAP Document Are: A Providing Input on the Definition of Scenarios and Analysis of Context B Writing the Health Sector Presentation C Writing the WHO Projects
Who’s Responsibilities in the Development of the CAP Document Are: A Providing Input on the Definition of Scenarios and Analysis of Context B Writing the Health Sector Presentation C Writing the WHO Projects
Presenting Health Sector: Qualities Reference to WHO Core Corporate Commitments in emergencies (listed in this section) Sector goals derived from and support CHAP’s scenario and strategy (see scenario definition) Priorities, allocation of resources, and mode of implementation spelled out for selection of projects (see proposed decision making model) Measurable objectives with matching indicators defined for context analysis, stake-holder analysis, and priority setting(same) Vulnerable population (segregated) are targeted(same)
WHO Core-Corporate Commitments in Emergencies: Pre-Conditions for Program Implementation Field presence and operational capacity (coordination, management and accountability) Need assessment and prioritization (rapid health assessment) Health and nutrition surveillance (monitoring, evaluation) Access to essential public health guidelines and building of an institutional memory for preparedness and disaster mitigation (normative coordination)
WHO Core-Corporate Commitments in Emergencies Health System Support Related Communicable diseases (RBM, TB, EPI, polio-E, epid. Prep/resp) Environmental health (water, sanitation) Reproductive health / HIV, mental health, physical rehabilitation Access to essential drugs and primary care, health systems (supply, services strengthening and post-conflict rehabilitation)
CAP in review Presenting Health Sector: WHO Core-Corporate Commitments in Emergencies(as treated in CAP 2000)