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Dante’s Inferno. An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. “Hell has enlarged its soul and opened its mouth without any limits.” - Isaiah 5:14. Three Days in Hell.
Dante’s Inferno An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here “Hell has enlarged its soul and opened its mouth without any limits.” - Isaiah 5:14
Three Days in Hell • Dante’s three-day retreat mirrors other Biblical and Mythological journeys. • Old Testament: A disobedient Jonah is confined within the belly of a whale. After three days and a humble repentance, he is spewed out. • New Testament: Jesus descends into Hell for three days. He returns with the keys of Hell and Death, as well as large contingent of “virtuous heathens.”
The Seven Deadly Sins (Saint Thomas Aquinas) • Lust • Gluttony • Avarice • Sloth • Anger • Envy • Pride
Three Types of Sin (Dante Alighieri) • Incontinence (Level 1) • Lack of self control • Violence (Level 2) • Conscious violation of God’s will • Fraudulent and Traitorous (Level 3) • Using reason and intellect as a weapon
VESTIBULE: Neutrals and Opportunists, indecisive, no real beliefs, those who don’t choose sides • CIRCLE #1—LIMBO: Virtuous Pagans and Unbaptized Babies • CIRCLE #2: Carnal and Lustful • CIRCLE #3: Gluttons • CIRCLE #4: Hoarders and Wasters CIRCLE #5: Wrathful and Sullen or Slothful
The First Circle • Limbo • Virtuous pagans & unbaptized infants • Homer, Socrates and Plato • “Only so far afflicted that without hope” they “live in desire” (4.42)
The Second Circle • The Lustful • Minos sits in judgment • Blown about forever by stormy winds just as, in life, they were blown about by the winds of passion
The Third Circle The Gluttons
The Third Circle Guarded by Cerberus Wallow in mud and muck Besieged by hail & filthy water
The Fourth Circle The avaricious and the prodigal Avaricious (greedy) Prodigal (wasteful) Useless Labor
The Fifth Circle • The Wrathful, Sullen, or Slothful • Attacking one another
City of Dis Boundary between upper and lower Hell.
CIRCLE #6: Heretics • CIRCLE #7.1: Violence Against Neighbors CIRCLE #7.2: Violence Against Oneself (Forest of the Suicides) • CIRCLE #7.3.1: Violence Against God CIRCLE #7.3.2: Violence Against Nature (Homosexuals) • CIRCLE #7.3.3: Violence Against Art • MALABOLGIA
Descent into lower Hell:Circle 6:Heresyatheists & Non-believersin the afterlife
ViolenceAgainstSelf Piero delle vigne
The Sodomites violence against nature male homosexuality
Violence Ugolino and Ruggieri
Mmmm… (smack) (slurp) Deee-licious!
The Malbolge • “Bad Pockets” • Entry to lowest levels of Hell – for those who use their God-given intellect to distort the truth: • Fraud • Treachery
Circle 8: Fraud • CIRCLE #8.1: Pimps, Panderers, and Seducers • CIRCLE #8.2: Flatterers • CIRCLE #8.3: Simonists (Users of the Church) • CIRCLE #8.4: Fortunetellers and Soothsayers • CIRCLE #8.5: Grafters • CIRCLE #8.6: Hypocrites • CIRCLE #8.7: Thieves • CIRCLE #8.8: Evil Counselors and Deceivers • CIRCLE #8.9: Sowers of Discord/Scandal/Schism • CIRCLE #8.10: Falsifiers
CIRCLE #8.3: The Simonists
CIRCLE #8.5: Grafters “the acquisition of gain (as money) in dishonest or questionable ways; also: illegal or unfair gain”
CIRCLE #8.10:Falsifiers Ulysses
traitors Cassius Brutus Judas
CIRCLE #9.1 - CAINA: Treachery to Kindred • CIRCLE #9.2 - ANTENORA: Treachery to Country or Political Party • CIRCLE #9.3 - TOLOMEA: Treachery to Guests • CIRCLE #9.4 - JUDECCA: Treachery to Lords or Superiors • LOWEST LEVEL OF HELL: The worst of those who betrayed their benefactors ~Satan, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius (Macbeth?)