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Evaluation Orientation Meeting Teacher Evaluation System 2013-14

Evaluation Orientation Meeting Teacher Evaluation System 2013-14. Evaluation Framework. Electronic Teacher Principal Evaluation System ( eTPES ) All forms will be located in eTPES.

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Evaluation Orientation Meeting Teacher Evaluation System 2013-14

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  1. Evaluation Orientation MeetingTeacher EvaluationSystem2013-14

  2. Evaluation Framework

  3. Electronic Teacher Principal Evaluation System(eTPES)All forms will be located in eTPES • The electronic Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (eTPES) is the required accountability system for conducting and documenting educator evaluations and calculating ratings. • Teachers will receive an activation code in school email.

  4. The Three Components • Comprehensive Evaluation • Annual Evaluation • Performance Review Evaluation • An add-on to the annual evaluation

  5. There is no more 5 year cycle for TES comprehensives. • There is no longer a re-credentialing process for lead teachers. • Intervention and PRP are still active.

  6. When Evaluations Occur • Comprehensive Evaluations occur: • Beginning of employment (NEW HIRE) • Intervention • When volunteering for CC or LT status • Annual Evaluations occur every year that no Comprehensive Evaluation is scheduled.

  7. ANNUAL Evaluation Components • 50% Teacher Performance • Conference and completed Professional Growth Plan • Classroom observations • Classroom walkthroughs • 50% Student Growth Performance • VA Measures • ODE approved assessments • SLOs (Student Learning Objectives • Building Attribution

  8. 50% Teacher Performance:Specifics of the Annual • Conference • Principal and Teacher reflect on the questions on the framework prior to the conference (form A). At the conference, the Professional Growth Plan (form B)is completed using the goals menu(form C).

  9. 50% Teacher Performance:Specifics of the Annual Observation • Annual Observation • One unannounced observation and one announced observation

  10. 50% Teacher Performance:TES Classroom Walk-throughs (CWTs) • TES Classroom Walkthrough • Each teacher will get two (2) 15-minute TES CWTs. • TES CWTs are NOT announced in advance. • Teachers will be notified when the admin comes into the room that the TES CWT . • FORM G CWT is ONLY for TES and IS evaluative. • TES Walkthroughs ARE a part of the holistic scoring for the TEACHER PERFORMANCE SCORE. • Regular Principal CWTs still will be used informally.

  11. Annual EvaluationProfessional Responsibilities Checklist • The purpose is to have professional responsibilities noted in the evaluation process. (form H) • All items are included in current contract. • So that a teacher has an opportunity to improve or correct the problem(s), the administrator must provide written notification of concerns and evidence of not meeting any responsibility prior to completing the checklist designation. • This form IS NOT included in the holistic scoring for Teacher Performance.

  12. 50% Student Growth MeasuresAnnual Evaluation

  13. 50% Student Growth MeasuresAnnual Evaluation • Teacher Value Added “Value-Added” refers to the value-added methodology provided by ODE. Where value-added data for grades 4-8 for English language arts and mathematics exists (via state–provided assessments), value-added data must be one of the multiple measures used in calculating student growth.

  14. 50% Student Growth MeasuresAnnual Evaluation • A student who has 60 or more unexcused absences will not be included. • Data from these multiple measures will be scored on five levels in accordance with ODE guidance and converted to a score in one of three levels of student growth on the final summary sheet (Form K): 1) Above 2) Expected 3) Below

  15. 50% Student Growth MeasuresAnnual Evaluation • All teachers who instruct students more than 50% of the time will create Student Learning Objectives.

  16. Teacher Performance Rating • Using the Professional Growth Plan, Classroom Observation(s) and documented Classroom Walkthroughs, the administrator will use a holistic process to determine the final rating for Teacher Performance (50%). • This will be documented on the Annual Final Summary Sheet in eTPES. • SGMs will make up the other 50%. This will also be documented in eTPES.

  17. Performance Review Evaluation(PRE) • A Performance Review Evaluation (PRE) is an annual evaluation with additional components. A teacher may opt to participate in a PRE at the following levels (steps): • 12; 13; 14; 15 • 17; 18; 19 • 22; 23; 24; 25 • Eligible teachers must opt to be placed on the PRE by Friday September 13, 2013. An email must be sent to Judy Meimanin Human Resources no later than September 13th @ 4:30 PM.

  18. PRE evaluation • Uses all of the same forms as annual with the addition of: • Initial Reflection (completed by the teacher) • Analysis of the Year (completed by the teacher) • A third goal on the Professional Growth Plan • PRE Final Summary (form M)

  19. PRE Stipend Components • Initial Reflection (form K) • Teacher Goal • School Goal • District Goal • Announced Classroom Observation • Unannounced Classroom Observation • Analysis of Year (form L)

  20. PREInitial Reflection (form K) • Purpose is to encourage dialogue between teacher and principal. • Informs the administrator of the teacher’s selection of the TES standard for special attention that year. • Any standard in Domain 2 or 3 that received a “3” or lower • If all 4’s were achieved in Domains 2 and 3, then the teacher may choose ANY standard to focus upon • During the year, the principal will pay particular attention to teacher’s efforts on that standard. • Initial Reflection is due to your Principal by Friday, September 27th by 4:30 PM.

  21. PREThree Goals • The initial reflection and the goals will be discussed at the PRE conference which takes place by October 18th. Goals will be selected from form C and entered on the Professional Growth Plan (form B) • Teacher selects goal. • Principal selects goal. • Teacher selects goal. • Administrator and teacher jointly discuss the multiple measures to score goal performance.

  22. PREClassroom Observations • Procedures are the same as for the annual observations.

  23. PREClassroom Observations • A final rating of “met”, “not met” or “exceeded” will be given for each observation on the PRE summary. • Principal will look for how “the selected standard” is being addressed. • As in past, the observation can lead to investigation for Intervention if principal identifies serious deficiencies. • Serious deficiencies are when the preponderance of evidence in Domain 2 or 3 is below what is required.

  24. PREAnalysis of Year (form J) • Teacher will write a reflective paper addressing the given prompts • It is recommended that teachers maintain documentation as they may be asked to share clarifying evidence • Analysis of the Year is due Monday, April 14th @ 4:30 PM.

  25. Scoring the PRE • All components are scored as “met”, “not met” or “exceeded”. • There are 7 scored components. • Teacher must meet 5 of the 7 components.

  26. What do ratings on goals mean? • Not Met – the teacher has failed to demonstrate sufficient activities towards completing and meeting the goal • Met - the teacher has demonstrated the expected activities and progress towards meeting the goal that has positively influenced student growth • Exceeded – not only has the teacher met the goal but has demonstrated that student growth was substantially impacted by their concentration on the goal

  27. Sign in Sheet • Please make sure you sign the EOM sign in sheet. • All information and forms can be found on staffnett

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