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Kimon to Perikles to Thucydides

Kimon to Perikles to Thucydides. Thuc . 1.98-103. Cimon, son of Miltiades hero of Marathon, wages war with the Persians in southern Asia Minor ( Eurymedon River) and defeats the Persian fleet (468-466) Cimon besieges, enslaves the inhabitants of, and takes

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Kimon to Perikles to Thucydides

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  1. Kimon to Perikles to Thucydides

  2. Thuc. 1.98-103 • Cimon, son of Miltiades hero of Marathon, wages war with the Persians in southern Asia Minor (Eurymedon River) and defeats the Persian fleet (468-466) • Cimon besieges, enslaves the inhabitants of, and takes • Eion on the Strymon River (in Thrace), for silver and timber • Carystus (on the nearby island of Euboea) for the grain route • Islands of Naxos & Thasos, which revolted from the Delian League (470/69 &465/4) • Thasos, which revolted from the Delian League (465/4) over silver • Earthquake strikes Sparta, helots revolt (462/1); Cimon offers help & is rebuffed for “revolutionary leanings” • Pericles’ career begins

  3. 479-465: Securing the League, the grain route, & access to resources Strymon River Timber, silver and gold Eion Carystus

  4. 462/1: Cimon tries to help Sparta Mt. Ithome

  5. Social issues:140K total population ca. 478/7 BCE315K total population ca. 432/1 BCE • Marginalized populations: 87% • 130K women and children in citizen families • 115K male, female, children slaves (~ 1/3 of the total population) • 30Kmetics + small number of barbaroi • Privileged populations: 13% • 40K male citizens: name, patronymic, demotic (e.g., Themistokles son of Neokles of Phrearrhioi) • Participation in δημοκρατία (demokratia) • Election and selection of officials by the entire demos • Drafting of laws by representatives, voting on laws by the entire demos • Priestly castes • Education for sons of aristocrats but not state-sponsored

  6. Kleisthenes’ reforms, 508/7 BCE:3 regions, each = 10 trittyes(thirds): coast, city, inland 10 tribes (phylai) ~ 140 villages (demes) Demes contribute citizens selected by lot annually based on population to serve in the Athenian Boule (Council) of 500: representative democracy Demes manage local affairs: proof of citizenship Tribes contribute citizens proportionately from the trittyes to serve in the military Each tribe elects 1 general (strategos) annually Citizenry selects citizens by lot for lesser offices Citizens vote on all matters in assembly (ekklesia)

  7. Golden Age of Athens, 462/1-432/1 (Thuc. 1.104-118) 465/4 charged Kimon over Thasos revolt 462/1 reformed Areopagus (Ephialtes assassinated) contributed to Kimon’sostracism over Spartan fiasco 461-55 jury pay, office sortition, expansion of eligibility for selected magistracies, subsidized festivals 460-50 support of Egyptian revolt from Persia First Peloponnesian War: Athens breaks with Sparta 459 started construction of Long Walls 454 moved Delian League treasury to Athens 451 restricted citizenship; Kimon recalled from exile (dies in Cyprus); truce with Sparta Perikles son of Xanthipposthe Athenian

  8. Golden Age of Athens, 462/1-432/1 (Thuc. 1.104-118) 449 Peace of Kallias(?) – peace with Persia 448/7 Congress Decree (but no one comes) 446 30-years’ peace with Sparta 447-32 Construction of Parthenon, Propylaea, Odeon 446 Suppressed revolts in Megara & on Euboea 444/3 Thucydides son of Melesias ostracized 440/39 Suppressed revolt on Samos 433 Tensions arise with Sparta and her allies 432/1 (Second) Peloponnesian War erupts Perikles son of Xanthipposthe Athenian

  9. 459/8 (or as early as 461/0): Long Walls, Athens (Thuc. 1.107)

  10. 455/4: Delian League funds transferred to Athens: the League becomes an empire

  11. Acropolis N Areopagus Agora Panathenaic Way

  12. The Athenian Acropolis today

  13. Athena Promachos,456-50(?) Parthenon, 447-32 Altar of Athena N Odeon of Perikles Propylaia, 437-32 Athena Nike, 427-24 Panathenaia  Agora

  14. Parthenon: basics • 447-432 BCE • Architects: Kallikrates & Iktinus • Pentelicmarble (Mt. Pentelikon, Attica) • Craftsmen: citizens, metics, slaves • Sculptural program: Pheidias • Pediments celebrating Athena vs. Poseidon, birth of Athena • Metopes celebrating conquest over barbarians (Amazons, Giants, Centaurs, Trojans) • Frieze celebrating Panathenaia • Statue of Athena Parthenos

  15. Parthenon: pediment (east)Gods witnessing birth of Athena

  16. Parthenon frieze: cavalcade Metopes celebrating victory over barbarians Pediment celebrating birth of Athena

  17. Parthenon frieze: peplosfor the xoanon, gods Hephaistos Athena

  18. Chryselephantine statueof Athena Parthenos Varvakeion Athena(Roman, 2nd c. CE) Nashville Parthenon

  19. Athens and Sparta:the eve of war, 435

  20. SicilyPhoenician,Greek and native settlements • Sicilian age of tyrants • 485- Gelon of Gela, acquires Syracuse, • 480Himera, allies with Acragas • tyrants as aristocrats (games, poetry, temple-building) • 478 Hieron succeeds Gelon, adds Naxos, Catana, Leontini • 461 Overthrow of the last tyrants • Sicilian after tyrants • Syracuse a leading democracy • 460- Sporadic revolt by Sicels (Ducetius) • 440 • 432 Syracuse: most powerful polis • Athens and the west • 443 Colony of Thurii (Italian instep) (loses colony ca. 434 to Sparta?) • Alliances with Rhegion (Italy), • Leontini, Egesta

  21. 432/1: War! • What were the origins of the Peloponnesian war? • “The Athenians and Peloponnesians began it after breaking the Thirty Years’ Treaty which they had made after the capture of Euboea. As to why they broke the treaty …” (Thuc. 1.23.4; see Rhodes p. 81) • Peloponnesian grievances (esp. Corinth) regarding Corcyra, Potidaea, Aegina, Megara • Spartan demands for Athens to restore the Greeks’ freedom • Athenian refusal to back down • Whose fault was it?

  22. 1 Potidaea 2 4 3 1: Athens/Corcyra defensive alliance & battle of Sybota (433) 2: Potidaea revolts from Delian league & battle with Corinth (432) 3: Aegina demands autonomy promised by Athens & “cleansing” of Aegina (432-1) 4: Megara demands access to Athenian agora & league harbors (432/1)

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