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How playing football effects the systems of the human body

How playing football effects the systems of the human body. Made By: Henry W. Dermal System

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How playing football effects the systems of the human body

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  1. How playing football effects the systems of the human body

    Made By: Henry W
  2. Dermal System When an athlete plays football, they sweat or perspire . The body excretes waste materials as the athlete sweats. Sweat also cools the body down when it gets overheated. The dermal system is the part of the body that is skin and that covers all of the organs and protects against infections.
  3. Muscular System When an athlete is playing football, his or her brain sends a signal to the skeletal muscles whenever he or she wants to run, jump, tackle, throw, and catch. Those muscles used are called voluntary muscles.
  4. Skeletal System A football player uses the bones of his or her skeletal system to stand, run, balance, tackle, etc… Without the skeletal system, the body would be a big soft blob. Some bones protect your internal organs. The skull protects a football players brain when they are tackled.
  5. Circulatory / Cardiovascular A football player exercises very hard when playing in a game. Your heart rate increases to move blood through your body quicker to bring blood with oxygen to all parts of your body. It also helps to cool your body.
  6. Respiratory System Your lungs breath in air and allow our blood to get new oxygen. A person breaths heavier when you do lots of work or exercise. When you play football you lungs have to work very hard because when you run you use up lots of oxygen and they need to make lots of oxygen to catch up.
  7. Nervous System Your brain controls many of your body's movements. A football player is moving many parts of there body at one time. The brain and nervous system can tell a player to move left , right, forward, etc... The brain and nervous system also can tell a players hands to close on the football when it touches there fingers.
  8. Digestive System Your body digests food and drinks and turns them into fuel for the human body which keeps you alive. When a football player plays they need a lot of energy. Your digestive system works harder and faster when you exercise. You then need to eat and drink more than when not exercising. You then produce more waste!
  9. Excretory System The more you exercise the more you eat and drink…the more you eat and drink the more you poop and pee. The excretory system helps get rid of the left over waste. And it feels good to just let it all out!
  10. Immune System The immune system is one of the smartest systems. It keeps you healthy. It identifies certain viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. It then destroys them and remembers what they were for next time they try to invade. Football players need to stay healthy so their immune system is very important.
  11. These are my sites I used http://images.google.com/imgres?q=quarterback+for+colts&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=bhpXRyy4yjbe0M:&imgrefurl=http://www.thefastertimes.com/sportschat/2012/03/06/indianapolis-colts-to-release-peyton-manning/&docid=x1axEdBiRXPiVM&imgurl=http://www.thefastertimes.com/sportschat/files/2012/03/peyton-manning.jpg&w=409&h=491&ei=Y403UfCMGoq3yQGswIGoBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=474&vpy=101&dur=737&hovh=246&hovw=205&tx=140&ty=125&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=117&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:91&biw=1280&bih=607 http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2008/11/11/sports/11jets.600.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?q=craig+kobel+in+blocking+drills+football&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=601&tbm=isch&tbnid=XwSXWlTf0rBPMM:&imgrefurl=http://thegazette.com/2009/08/03/iowans-in-the-nfl-photos-of-shonn-greene-kurt-warner-on-segway-kyle-vanden-bosch-with-his-twins/&docid=j76h-fmYm01NkM&imgurl=http://thegazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/shonn-greene-08-03-2009-786x1023.jpg&w=786&h=1023&ei=RuE4UZvqEqKxywHP-oG4Bw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=327&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=110&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:82&tx=68&ty=69 http://www.wannabebig.com/forums/showthread.php?83363-Most-Important-Muscles-Body-Parts-for-Football http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/pictures/humanbody/skindiagram.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integumentary_system http://www.stpeters.k12.nf.ca/muscular_system.htm Uncover The Human Body. Written By: Luann Colombo http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio105/bone.htm http://www.bsd405.org/Portals/0/libraries/library10/circulatorysystem.htm http://www.medicalartlibrary.com/respiratory/respiratory-system.html http://www.mananatomy.com/body-systems/nervous-system http://www.childrenscolorado.org/wellness/info/kids/21825.aspx http://wikieducator.org/Excretory_System_Answers http://thyroid.about.com/library/immune/blimm04.htm
  12. Thanks for watching

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