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CHAPTER 2:. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS WITH MULTISIM. INTRODUCTION. To become familiar with Multisim – A computer program which simulates analog and digital circuits. Multisim is a product made by Electronics Workbench (indeed, the program used to be simply called Electronics Workbench).
INTRODUCTION • To become familiar with Multisim – A computer program which simulates analog and digital circuits. • Multisim is a product made by Electronics Workbench (indeed, the program used to be simply called Electronics Workbench). • The program simulates analog and digital circuits. • In this course, we will only use a few of the features available in Multisim for digital circuits. • Comes with exceptionally easy to use schematic capture. • Design entry is faster and more convenient. • Components are grouped logically by device family for quick access. No need to scroll through large library files searching for the part you need. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Electronics Workbench is used by industry for developing a broad range of products: Power Electronics Communications Consumer Electronics Robotics & Automation Test & Instrumentation Controls Biomedical Overview edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Advantages of MultiSIM • Fast and easy schematic entry. • Components are grouped logically by device family for quick access. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Advantages of MultiSIM • Components can be dropped on a wire and Electronics Workbench automatically makes the connection. • To wire components together, simply drag from one connector to another connector. • You can route wires manually or turn on the “Auto-route” feature and the program routes wires for you. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Advantages of MultiSIM • Replacing a part with another member of the same device family is fast and simple. • Just double-click on the part and select the replacement. • Wires in EWB “auto-route” so that you can move components around the screen without breaking connections. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Advantages of MultiSIM Simulator High-Quality Model Electronics Workbench comes with one of the largest component libraries. Know exactly how your circuit behaves before you order components. • With EWB, you can change component values while you simulate - no need to stop your simulation, make hangs, and then re-simulate. • Circuits can be tweaked and components can be changed faster and more easily with a simulator than they can be by hand calculation or on a lab bread-board. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Basic Elements: Multisim’s user interface consists of the following basic elements: edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Basic Elements: • The system toolbar contains buttons for commonly-performed functions. • The Multisim Design Bar is an integral part of Multisim. • The “In Use” list lists all the components used in the current circuit, for easy re-use. • The component toolbars contain Parts Bin buttons that let you open component family toolbars. • The circuit window is where you build your circuit designs. • The database selector allows you to choose which database levels are to be visible as component toolbars. • The status line displays useful information about the current operation and a description of the item the cursor is currently pointing to. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Design Bar • The Design Bar is a central component of Multisim, allowing you easy access to the sophisticated functions offered by the program. • The Design Bar guides you through the logical steps of building, simulating, analyzing and, eventually, exporting your design. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
The Component Design Bar button is selected by default, since the first logical activity is to place components on the circuit window. The Component Editor Design Bar button lets you modify the components, or add components. The Instruments Design Bar button lets you attach instruments to your circuit and see the results of your simulation on those instruments. The Simulate Design Bar button lets you start, stop or pause the simulation of your circuit design. The Analysis Design Bar button lets you choose the analysis you want to perform on your circuit. The Postprocessor Design Bar button lets you perform further operations on the results of your simulation. The VHDL/Verilog Design Bar button allows you to work with VHDL modeling (not available in all versions). The Reports Design Bar button lets you print reports about your circuits (Bill of Materials, list of components, component details). The Transfer Design Bar button lets you communicate with and export to other programs, such as Ultiboard, also from Electronics Workbench. You can also export simulation results to programs such as MathCAD and Excel. Design Bar edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Component Digital ICs Indicators diodes Analog ICs Miscellaneous Digital Gates sources basics controls Mixed ICs Latches transistors edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Ground Battery DC Current Source AC Voltage Source AC Current Source Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source Voltage-Controlled Current Source Current Controlled Voltage Source Current Controlled Current Source Vcc Source Vdd Source Clock AM Source FM Source Voltage-Controlled Sine Wave Oscillator Voltage-Controlled Triangle Wave Oscillator Voltage-Controlled Square Wave Oscillator Controlled One-Shot Piecewise Linear Source Voltage-Controlled Piecewise Linear Source Frequency-Shift-Keying Source (FSK Source) Polynomial Source Nonlinear Dependent Source Sources BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Connector Resistor Capacitor Inductor Transformer Relay Switch Time-Delay Switch Voltage-Controlled Switch Current-Controlled Switch Pull-up Resistor Potentiometer Resistor Pack Voltage-Controlled Analog Switch Polarized Capacitor Variable Capacitor Variable Inductor Coreless Coil Magnetic Core Nonlinear Transformer Basics BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Diodes • Diode • Zener Diode • LED • Full Wave Bridge Rectifier • Shockley Diode • Silicon Controlled Rectifier • Diac • Triac BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
NPN Transistor PNP Transistor N-Channel JFET P-Channel JFET 3-Terminal Depletion N-MOSFET 3-Terminal Depletion P-MOSFET 4-Terminal Depletion N-MOSFET 4-Terminal Depletion P-MOSFET 3-Terminal Enhanced N-MOSFET 3-Terminal Enhanced P-MOSFET 4-Terminal Enhanced N-MOSFET 4-Terminal Enhanced P-MOSFET N-Channel GaAsFET P-Channel GaAsFET Transistor BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Analog ICs: 3-Terminal Opamp 5-Terminal Opamp 7-Terminal Opamp 9-Terminal Opamp Comparator Phase-Locked Loop Mixed ICs: A-D Converter D-A Converter (I) D-A Converter (V) Monostable 555 Timer Analog and Mixed ICs BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
4000 (Dual 3-In NOR and INVERTER) 4001 (Quad 2-In NOR) 4002 (Dual 4-In NOR) 4008 (4-bit Binary Full Adder) 4009(Hex INVERTER) 4010(Hex BUFFER) 4011 (Quad 2-In NAND) 4012 (Dual 4-In NAND) 4013 (Dual D-type FF (+edge)) 4014 (8-bit Static Shift Reg) 4015 (Dual 4-bit Static Shift Reg) 4017 (5-stage Johnson Counter) 4019 (Quad 2-In MUX) 4023 (Tri 3-In NAND) 4024 (7-stage Binary Counter) 4025 (Tri 3-In NOR) 4027 (Dual JK FF (+edge, pre, clr)) 4028 (1-of-10 Dec) 4030 (Quad 2-In XOR ) 4040 (12-stage Binary Counter) 4041 (Quad True/Complement BUFFER) 4042 (Quad D-latch) 4043 (Quad RS latch w/3-state Out) 4044 (Quad RS latch w/3-state Out) 4049 (Hex INVERTER) 4050 (Hex BUFFER) 4066 (Quad Analog Switches) 4068 (8-In NAND) 4069 (Hex INVERTER) 4070 (Quad 2-In XOR) 4071 (Quad 2-In OR) 4072 (Dual 4-In OR) 4073 (Tri 3-In AND) 4075 (Tri 3-In OR) 4076 (Quad D-type Reg w/3-state Out) 4077 (Quad 2-In XNOR) 4078 (8-In NOR) 4081 (Quad 2-In AND) 4082 (Dual 4-In AND) 4085 (Dual 2-Wide 2-In AND-OR-INVERTER) 4086 (4-Wide 2-In AND-OR-INVERTER) 4093 (Quad 2-In NAND (Schmitt)) 4502 (Strobe hex INVERTER) 4503 (Tri-state hex BUFFER w/Strobe) Digital ICs edited by: engr noor badariah asan
4508 (Dual 4-bit latch) 4510 (BCD up/down Counter) 4511(BCD to Seven-Segment latch/Dec) 4512 (8-In MUX w/3-state Out) 4514 (1-of-16 Dec/DEMUX w/Input latches) 4515 (1-of-16 Dec/DEMUX w/Input latches) 4516 (Binary up/down Counter) 4518 (Dual BCD Counter) 4520 (Dual Binary Counter) 4532 (8-bit priority Enc) 4556 (Dual 1-of-4 Dec/DEMUX) 40106 (Hex INVERTER (Schmitt)) 7400 (Quad 2-In NAND) 7402 (Quad 2-In NOR) 7403 (Quad 2-In NAND (LS-OC)) 7404 (Hex INVERTER) 7405 (Hex INVERTER (LS-OC)) 7406 (Hex INVERTER (HC-OD)) 7407 (Hex BUFFER (HC-OD)) 7408 (Quad 2-In AND) 7409 (Quad 2-In AND (LS-OC)) 7410 (Tri 3-In NAND) 7411 (Tri 3-In AND) 7412 (Tri 3-In NAND (LS-OC)) 7414 (Hex INVERTER (Schmitt)) 7416 (Hex INVERTER (HC-OD)) 7417 (Hex BUFFER (HC-OD)) 7420 (Dual 4-In NAND) 7421 (Dual 4-In AND) 7422 (Dual 4-In NAND (LS-OC)) 7425 (Dual 4-In NOR w/Strobe) 7426 (Quad 2-In NAND) 7427 (Tri 3-In NOR) 7428 (Quad 2-In NOR) 7430 (8-In NAND) 7432 (Quad 2-In OR) 7433 (Quad 2-In NOR (LS-OC)) 7437 (Quad 2-In NAND) 7439 (Quad 2-In NAND (LS-OC)) 7438 (Quad 2-In NAND (LS-OC)) 7440 (Dual 4-In NAND) 7442 (4-BCD to 10-Decimal Dec) 7445 (BCD-to-Decimal Dec) 7447 (BCD-to-Seven-Segment Dec) Digital ICs edited by: engr noor badariah asan
7451 (AND-OR-INVERTER) 7454 (4-wide AND-OR-INVERTER) 7455 (2-wide 4-In AND-OR-INVERTER) 7469 (Dual 4-bit Binary Counter) 7472 (AND-gated JK MS-SLV FF (pre, clr)) 7473 (Dual JK FF (clr)) 7474 (Dual D-type FF (pre, clr)) 7475 (4-bit Bistable Latches) 7476 (Dual JK FF (pre, clr)) 7477 (4-bit Bistable Latches) 7478 (Dual JK FF (pre,com clk&clr)) 7486 (Quad 2-In XOR) 7490 (Decade Counter) 7491 (8-bit Shift Reg) 7492 (Divide-by-twelve Counter) 7493 (4-bit Binary Counter) 74107 (Dual JK FF(clr)) 74109 (Dual JK' FF(+edge, pre, clr)) 74112 (Dual JK FF(-edge, pre, clr)) 74113 (Dual JK MS-SLV FF (-edge, pre)) 74114 (Dual JK FF (-edge, pre, com clk & clr)) 74116 (Dual 4-bit latches (clr)) 74125 (Quad bus BUFFER w/3-state Out) 74126 (Quad bus BUFFER w/3-state Out) 74132 (Quad 2-In NAND (Schmitt)) 74133 (13-In NAND) 74134 (12-In NAND w/3-state Out) 74138 (3-to-8 Dec) 74139 (Dual 2-to-4 Dec/DEMUX) 74145 (BCD-to-Decimal Dec) 74147 (10-to-4 Priority Enc) 74148 (8-to-3 Priority Enc) 74150 (1-of-16 Data Sel/MUX) 74151 (1-of-8 Data Sel/MUX) 74153 (Dual 4-to-1 Data Sel/MUX) 74154 (4-to-16 Dec/DEMUX) 74155 (Dual 2-to-4 Dec/DEMUX) 74156 (Dual 2-to-4 Dec/DEMUX (LS-OC)) 74157 (Quad 2-to-1 Data Sel/MUX) 74158 (Quad 2-to-1 Data Sel/MUX) 74159 (4-to-16 Dec/DEMUX (LS-OC)) 74160 (Sync 4-bit Decade Counter (clr)) 74162 (Sync 4-bit Decade Counter) 74163 (Sync 4-bit Binary Counter) Digital ICs edited by: engr noor badariah asan
74164 (8-bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Reg) 74165 (Parallel-load 8-bit Shift Reg) 74166 (Parallel-load 8-bit Shift Reg) 74169 (Sync 4-bit up/down Binary Counter) 74173 (4-bit D-type Reg w/3-state Out) 74174 (Hex D-type FF (clr)) 74175 (Quad D-type FF (clr)) 74181 (Alu/Function Generator) 74190 (Sync BCD up/down Counter) 74191 (Sync 4-bit up/down Counter) 74192 (Sync BCD up/down Counter) 74194 (4-bit Bidirectional Univ. Shift Reg) 74195 (4-bit Parallel-Access Shift Reg) 74198 (8-bit Shift Reg (shl/shr ctrl)) 74199 (8-bit Shift Reg (sh/ld ctrl)) 74238 (3-to-8 line Dec/DEMUX) 74240 (Octal BUFFER w/3-state Out) 74241 (Octal BUFFER w/3-state Out) 74244 (Octal BUFFER w/3-state Out) 74251 (Data Sel/MUX w/3-state Out) 74253 (Dual 4-to-1 Data Sel/MUX w/3-state Out) 74257 (Quad 2-to-1 line Data Sel/MUX) 74258 (Quad 2-to-1 line Data Sel/MUX) 74266 (Quad 2-In XNOR (LS-OC)) 74273 (Octal D-type FF) 74279 (Quad SR latches) 74280 (9-bit odd/even parity generator/checker) 74290 (Decade Counter) 74293 (4-bit Binary Counter)) 74298 (Quad 2-In MUX) 74350 (4-bit Shifter w/3-state Out) 74352 (Dual 4-to-1 Data Sel/MUX) 74353 (Dual 4-to-1 Data Sel/MUX w/3-state Out) 74365 (Hex Bus Driver w/3-state Out) 74367 (Hex Bus Driver w/3-state Out) 74368 (Hex Bus Driver w/3-state Out) 74373 (Octal D-type Transparent Latches) 74374 (Octal D-type FF (+edge)) 74375 (4-bit Bistable Latches) 74377 (Octal D-type FF w/en) 74378 (Hex D-type FF w/en) 74379 (Quad D-type FF w/en) 74393 (Dual 4-bit Binary Counter) 74395 (4-bit Cascadable Shift Reg w/3-state Out) 74445 (BCD-to-Decimal Dec) 74465 (Octal BUFFER w/3-state Out) 74466 (Octal BUFFER w/3-state Out) Digital ICs BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
2-Input AND Gate 2-Input OR Gate NOT Gate 2-Input NOR Gate 2-Input NAND Gate 2-Input XOR Gate 2-Input XNOR Gate Tristate Buffer Buffers Schmitt Trigger AND Gates OR Gates NAND Gates NOR Gates NOT Gates XOR Gates XNOR Gates Digital Gates BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Latches • Half Adder • Full Adder • RS Flip-Flop • JK Flip-Flop with Active High Asynchronous Inputs • JK Flip-Flop with Active Low Asynchronous Inputs • D Flip-Flop with Active Low Asynchronous Inputs • Multiplexer ICs • Demultiplexer ICs • Encoder ICs • Arithmetic ICs • Counter ICs • Shift Register ICs • Flip-Flops ICs BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Indicators • Voltmeter • Ammeter • Bulb • Probe • 7-Segment Display • Decoded 7 Segment Display • Buzzer • Bargraph Display • Decoded Bargraph Display BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Controls • Voltage Differentiator • Voltage Integrator • Voltage Gain Block • Transfer Function Block • Multiplier • Three-Way Voltage Summer • Divider • Voltage Limiter • Voltage-Controlled Limiter • Current Limiter Block • Voltage Hysteresis • Voltage Slew Rate BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Fuse Write Data Lossy Transmission Lossless Transmission Crystal DC Motor Triode Vacuum Boost Converter Buck Converter Buck-Boost Converter Textbox Title Block Netlist Component Miscellaneous BACK edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Instruments are accessed through the Instruments button on the Design Bar. When you click this button, the Instruments toolbar appears. It includes one button for each instrument. Instruments edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Oscilloscope • The dual-trace oscilloscope supports internal or external triggering on the positive or negativeedge. • The time base is adjustable from 0.1ns to 1 s, with a voltage resolution of 10 uV to 5 kV per division. Add Instrument edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Oscilloscope • Colored graphs on the scope correspond to the same colored connections to the circuit. Note how the display changes as the scales are altered with the cursor. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Logic Analyzer • The Logic Analyzer can be triggered internally or externally on either the negative or positive edge, or by recognition of a predefined bit pattern. • It is used for fast data acquisition of logic states and advanced timing analysis. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Function Generator • The Function Generator produces square, triangular and sinusoidal waves. • You can control the frequency, duty cycle, amplitude and DC offset. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Multimeter • The autoranging multimeter measures AC and DCcurrent and voltage, resistance, and decibel loss. • The internal resistance and current can be easily defined. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Word Generator • The Word Generator can drive a circuit by producing streams of 16-bit words. • It can be configured to step one word at a time, burst through user-defined sets of data, or cycle continuously at a specified frequency. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Bode Plotter • The bode plotter produces a graph of a circuit’s phase or gain with respect to frequency. • Useful for analyzing frequency response for all types of circuits. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Drawing a basic schematic circuit edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.0: Placing Component on Circuit Window • The component toolbar: Placing your cursor on one of these Parts Bin buttons displays another toolbar, the component family toolbar, containing buttons representing the component families contained in that Parts Bin. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.1: Placing the First Component Step 1: Placing a 5V Battery • Place the cursor on the Sources Parts Bin button (or click it). • The contents of the Sources family toolbar appear. • Click the DC Voltage Source button. • Move to the circuit window, where we want to place the battery. • Click in this general area or, use the page borders as a guide and click in the intersection of row A and column 1. The battery appears on your circuit window. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Step 2: Change the Battery Value • To change the battery’s value, Double-click on the battery. The battery’s properties screen appears, with the Value tab displayed. • Change the “12” to a “5” and click OK. • To save your changes, choose File/Save As, and give a name (and location) for your circuit • file. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.2: Placing the Next Components Step 1: Place a Resistor • Place your cursor on the Basic Parts Bin button and, from the toolbar that appears, click the Resistor button. • The resistor’s Browser screen appears. • This Browser screen appears because the Resistor family contains multiple real components that you could actually purchase. • Scroll through the Component List to find the 470ohm resistor. Select the 470ohm resistor and click OK. • To rotate the resistor, Right-click on the resistor. A pop-up menu appears. Choose 90CounterCW from the menu. • You can move the labels that accompany a component’s symbol. In particular, you may want to do this after some rotations, if the labels are displayed other than as you prefer. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Step 3: Add Other Resistors • To add the other resistors, add a 120ohm resistor at the intersection. • Notice how this second resistor is given the reference ID “R2”, to indicate it is the second resistor placed. • Place the third resistor, a 470ohm (you could use the “In Use” list for this if you wish), at roughly the intersection in window, and rotate it. • At the “In Use” list, just to the right of the Design Bar. It lists all the components you have placed so far. You can easily re-use a component from this list by clicking on it. • To move components to the desired location, simply single-click the component to select it edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.3: Placing Other Components • The process of placing other components and creating a circuit diagram consists of selecting and dragging the components from a parts bin and connecting the components using wire. • For example, LED is from the diodes family, BJT_NPN is from the Transistor group, capacitor is from the basic group, a ground is from the sources group, and VCC is also from the sources group. • For a quick way to move components into line, select them and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the components in grid increments. Lining them up will make wiring easier. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
In MultiSIM, you can choose to wire components either automatically or manually. Automatic wiring avoids wiring through other components or overlapping wires. Manual wiring means you control the path of the wire on the circuit window. To start the wiring process: Click the pin coming out of the bottom of V1. Click the pin on the top of the ground. The two components automatically become wired together. To stop the wiring process, press ESC. To delete a wire, right-click on it and choose Delete from the pop-up menu, or press DELETE. 1.4: Wiring Component edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.5: Changing Label and Color of Individual Components and Nodes • To change the label of any individual component you have placed: • Double-click on the component. The component’s properties screen appears. • Click the Label tab and enter or modify the label (which must be composed of letters or numbers only—no special characters or spaces). • To cancel changes, click Cancel. To save click OK. • To change the color of any individual component, right-click on it and choose Color from the pop-up menu. Choose the desired color from the screen that appears. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.6: Adding Text to the Circuit • To add a title block, choose Edit/Set Title Block. Enter the desired title block text in the field and click OK. The title block appears at the bottom right of the circuit window. • To add text: • Choose Edit/Place Text. • Click anywhere on the circuit window. A text box appears. • Type the text—for example, type “My tutorial circuit”. • Click on the location on the circuit window where you want the text placed. The mouse was clicked at these points. • To delete text, right-click on the text box and choose Delete from the pop-up menu or press DELETE. • To change the color of text, right-click on the text box, choose Color from the pop-up menu, and choose the desired color. • To edit text, double-click on the text box and make your changes. Click any location out of the text box to stop editing text. • To move text, click on the text box and drag it to a new location. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.6: Adding Instrument to the Circuit • To add instruments, Click the Instruments button in the Design Bar. The Instruments toolbar appears. • Click the desired instruments (e.x: oscilloscope), the desired instrument icon will appears in the circuit window and we need to wire the instrument with a correct terminal into the circuit. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
1.6: Simulating the Circuit • To simulate the circuit, click the Simulate button in the Design Bar. From the pop-up menu, choose Run/Stop. • To stop the simulation, click the Simulate Design Bar button. From the pop-up menu, choose Run/Stop again. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
DC Operating Point Transient AC Frequency Sweep Fourier Noise Distortion Temperature Sweep Parameter Sweep AC & DC Sensitivity Pole-Zero Transfer Function DC Sweep Worst Case Monte Carlo Analyzing the Circuit Analysis functions in MultiSIM lets user investigate the circuit. Enable the user to understand circuit behavior and optimizing or correcting the circuit’s functionality. To initiate the analysis, click the Analysis button from the Design Bar and choose the desired analysisfrom the pop-up menu. edited by: engr noor badariah asan
Digital Electronics with MultiSIM Introduction to Digital Concepts