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Working Group 3. New Models in VET and HE Rapporteur Aviana Bulgarelli Italy, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. General summary of the proceedings Focus on the closer links and bridges between tertiary education and training.
Working Group 3 New Models in VET and HE Rapporteur Aviana Bulgarelli Italy, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
General summary of the proceedingsFocus on the closer links and bridges between tertiary education and training • Examples that indicate possible pathways of VET models at tertiary level and a methodology for learning outcomes and competences in higher education • Suggestions from: The dual study courses combining academic studies and company training in Germany. Advanced vocational education in Sweden. Polytechnics in the Finnish education and training system. The Academic Higher Technical and VET system, called IFTS, which foresees the opportunity to obtain certification recognised at national level reflectig achievement at levels lower than Bachelors degree in Italy
General summary of the proceedings - 2 • The Tuning project focused on the role of learning outcomes and competences in HE • Productive discussion with participants – Ministeries, Awarding Bodies, Learner Representative, Universities and Higher Education, Professional bodies and CEDEFOP.
Key Points in the Discussion • Increased importance of VET models at tertiary level, many elements of VET are relevant to the general academic education, and viceversa. Need of teaching and learning approaches, competence based, that differ from the academic model. Tuning model is student centered, definition of academic and professional profiles, definition of learning outcomes, identifying generic and subject specific competences, output oriented curricula. • Need for balancing specialised skills and general knowledge. The importance of transferable and soft skills.
Key Points in the Discussion - 2 • Need to combine theory and practice. • Need to open up systems (vocational and general spheres of HE and VET systems is hindered by rigid institutional frameworks) and a closer cooperation with stakeholders, social partners, sectors, branches and enterprises. Involvement of graduates
Key Points in the Discussion - 3 • Need to build a structure for stakeholders: from listening, to consultation, to commitment and for decision making. • Assessment of non formal learning / work experiences in HE (independence and credibility of the assessor).
Question – what action can be taken at European Level? Statements: • Society seems ready to support the linking of VET and HE, need to take into account diverse national cultures – (CEDEFOP) • Importance of Education for citizenship and democracy as well as for employment and competitiveness • Learners and society both benefit from focussing on clear outcomes
Question – what action can be taken at European Level? - 2 Ongoing Discussion • One single process to bridge VET and HE: New Europass and the new Programme • Common platform with sectors and branches: profile and competences required