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Agri-ProFocus Knowledge Agenda. Status report Participants Council Utrecht, 13 October 2011 Peter Gildemacher. Knowledge agenda. Clarification The “APF knowledge agenda”, concerns knowledge issues of relevance across the 9 countries
Agri-ProFocus Knowledge Agenda Status report Participants Council Utrecht, 13 October 2011 Peter Gildemacher
Knowledge agenda • Clarification • The “APF knowledge agenda”, concerns knowledge issues of relevance across the 9 countries • The agri-hubs have their own additional activities that are “outside” the 9-country knowledge agenda • The knowledge agenda focuses on documentation and communication of new and existing knowledge • The aim is to contribute directly to an improved development practice • The target audience are development practitioners (private, public and NGO) and the core subject is their work
Knowledge agenda Broadly 3 types of action can be distinguished Collection, documenting and analysis of practical experiences from the field Communication and training based on earlier documented experiences Piloting collaborative action
Knowledge agenda • 5 topics were chosen: • Gender equality in value chains • Farmer access to financial services • Organized farmers as partners in agri-business • Sustainable rural business development services • Climate change and food security
Knowledge agenda • Criteria for the selection of topics: • Priorities of the 9 countries • On-going multi-country knowledge initiatives under APF • 5th theme more ‘supply’ driven, following Dutch development policy
Knowledge agena • Process that was applied: • Assessment of the interests in the 9 APF country programs • Discussion of the 5 topics with Dutch APF members (14 April) • Preparation of draft ideas for action by Dutch knowledge institutes (KIT & WUR-CDI) • Making choices and team formation during the core-group meeting 5-7 July • Development of action plans by teams per topic
Knowledge agenda • Core group meeting 5-7 July: • Presentation of draft ideas for action by Dutch knowledge institutes (KIT & WUR-CDI) • Suggestions by country teams with regard to action per topic resulting in a long-list • Choosing topic form the long-list to reduce to maximum 2 per topic • Develop steps and deliverables till end 2012 • Country teams decided on topics for their country (max. 5) • Start made with action plans per topic per country
Knowledge agenda • Gender & Inclusion in Value Chains • Coordination: KIT, F&S • Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia • Action: Capacity Strengthening on Gender & Inclusion in Value Chain Development • Presentation and discussion gender and value chain book • Learning, coaching and interaction trajectories for 15-20 participants per country on applying principles in their own work • Documentation per country and cross country synthesis
Knowledge agenda Farmers Access to Finance Coordination: KIT Action 1: Translation Value Chain Finance book in French and sharing of tools Countries: Benin, Mali, Niger Action 2: Brokering interaction between farmer entrepreneurs and financial service providers Countries: Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Mali, Rwanda, Zambia, Ethiopia
Knowledge agenda Organized Farmers as Partners in Agri-Business Coordination: WUR-CDI, WUR-VHL, KIT Action 1: Farmer-firm relations and inclusive agribusiness models Countries: Mali, Niger, Benin, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique Action 2: Basket of options for economic service provision Countries: Niger,Rwanda, Ethiopia
Knowledge agenda Sustainable Rural Business Development Services Coordination: KIT, WUR-CDI Action 1: Stocktaking of experiences and demand for Rural Business Development Services (RBDS) Countries: Zambia, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda Action 2: Inventory of supply, demand and addressing gaps in Rural Business Development Services Countries: Mozambique, Rwanda, Ethiopia
Knowledge agenda Food Security and Climate Change Coordination: ETC, WUR-CDI Action 1: Develop a method to assess, communicate and positively influence the effects of market driven food production on household food security Countries: Uganda Action 2: Exchange experiences about practices how to become more resilient to (climate) change Countries: Mali, Niger
Knowledge agenda • Challenges • Difficult decision making process • Priorities within the 9 countries, while aim is cross-country learning, buy-inn difficult • Balance between implementation drive and documentation focus • Shifting agendas and priorities Agri-Hubs • Budget for coordinating organizations (KIT, WUR-CDI, ETC, F&S, WUR-VHL) • Tangible results by end 2012