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ISOLDE Nuclear Reaction and Nuclear Structure Course 22-25 April 2014. Nuclear Reaction at Intermediate to Relativistic Energies: what data tell us (I).
ISOLDE Nuclear Reaction and Nuclear Structure Course 22-25 April 2014 Nuclear Reaction at Intermediate to Relativistic Energies: what data tell us (I)
I do not know much about anything;what I know is already commonplace.Wouldn’t it be nice to know just one fact,for example the proportions of the spots of the ladybird. Jeg kender ikke meget til meget;det jeg kender til er i forvejen meget udbredt.Tœnk at vide bare een bestemt ting,for eksempel forholdet mellem mariehønens pletter. Benny Andersen, Viden 1965
Nobel Symposium NS 152 Phys. Scr. T 152(2013)
Light Nuclei in Nature Proton Rich Neutron Rich Resonances 15F unbound 16F unbound 17F 64.8 s 18F 109.7 m 19F 20F 11 s 21F 4.16 s 14O 70.6 s 17O 18O 12O unbound 13O 8.58 ms 15O 2.03 m 16O 19O 27.1 s 20O 13.5 s 11N unbound 12N 20.4 m 13N 20.4 m 14N 15N 16N 7.13 s 17N 4.17 s 18N 0.63 s 19N 329 ms Z 9C 125 ms 10C 19.3 s 11C 20.4 m 12C 13C 14C 5730 y 15C 2.45 s 16C 0.747 s 17C 193 ms 18C 92 ms 8B 770 ms 9B unbound 10B 11B 12B 20.20 ms 13B 17.33 ms 14B 13.8 ms 15B 10.4 ms 16B unbound 17B 5.1 ms 7Be 8Be unbound 9Be 10Be 1.6 106 y 11Be 13.8 s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be unbound 14Be 4.35 ms 15Be unbound 16Be unbound 6Li 7Li 8Li 840 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li unbound 11Li 8.5 ms 12Li unbound 13Li unbound 3He 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound 1H 2H 5Hunbound 7Hunbound 7H 3H12.323 y n10.25 m N
Experimental Studies of Dripline Nuclei Elastic Scattering Spins Moments Reaction Cross Sections Charge Radii Masses Matter Radii Beta Decay Momentum Distributions Correlations Momentum Profile Function Unbound Nuclei
15F unbound 16F unbound 17F 64.8 s 18F 109.7 m 19F 20F 11 s 21F 4.16 s 14O 70.6 s 17O 18O 12O unbound 13O 8.58 ms 15O 2.03 m 16O 19O 27.1 s 20O 13.5 s 11N unbound 12N 20.4 m 13N 20.4 m 14N 15N 16N 7.13 s 17N 4.17 s 18N 0.63 s 19N 329 ms Z 9C 125 ms 10C 19.3 s 11C 20.4 m 12C 13C 14C 5730 y 15C 2.45 s 16C 0.747 s 17C 193 ms 18C 92 ms 8B 770 ms 9B unbound 10B 11B 12B 20.20 ms 13B 17.33 ms 14B 13.8 ms 15B 10.4 ms 16B unbound 17B 5.1 ms 7Be 8Be unbound 9Be 10Be 1.6 106 y 11Be 13.8 s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be unbound 14Be 4.35 ms 15Be unbound 16Be unbound 6Li 7Li 8Li 840 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li unbound 11Li 8.5 ms 12Li unbound 13Li unbound 3He 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound 1H 2H 5Hunbound 7Hunbound 7H 3H12.323 y n10.25 m N
3He 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound
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Vnn VCn VCn Bound Unbound 11Be 13.8 s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be 806 ms 14Be 4.35 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li 806 ms 11Li 8.5 ms 7He 806 ms 8He 119 ms 9He 806 ms 6He 806 ms N=8 11Li Sn=369 keV
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(0d5/2)2 11(2) % Aksyutina et al. PLB 718 (2013) 1309
6Li 7Li 8Li 840 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li unbound 11Li 8.5 ms 12Li unbound 13Li unbound Ip=3/2- Ip=3/2- D. Borremans et al., PRC 72 (2005) 044309 Si [LiF] m(11Li) = 3.6712(3) mN |Q(11Li)| = 33.3(5) mb Zn [LiNbO3] R. Neugart et al., PRL 101(2008) 132502 |Q(11Li)/Q(9Li)| = 1.088(15)
7Be 8Be unbound 9Be 10Be 1.6 106 y 11Be 13.8 s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be unbound 14Be 4.35 ms 15Be unbound 16Be unbound GANIL 41 MeV/u 14B, C target 16Be Spyrouet al.,, PRL 108(2012) 102501 15Be Snyder et al.,, PRC 88(2013) 031303 17B 5.1 ms 14Be 4.35 ms 15Be unbound 16Be unbound J.L. Lecouey, Few Body Systems 34 (2004)21 G. Randisi, Thesis Uni. Caen (2011)
RIKEN 69 MeV/u 14Be, Lq H target Y. Kondoet al., PLB 690 (2010) 245
Yu. Aksyutina et al., Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 064316 GSI 304 MeV/u 14Be, Lq H target
RIKEN 69 MeV/u GSI 304 MeV/u
Yu. Aksyutina et al., Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 064316
15F unbound 16F unbound 17F 64.8 s 18F 109.7 m 19F 20F 11 s 21F 4.16 s 14O 70.6 s 17O 18O 12O unbound 13O 8.58 ms 15O 2.03 m 16O 19O 27.1 s 20O 13.5 s 11N unbound 12N 20.4 m 13N 20.4 m 14N 15N 16N 7.13 s 17N 4.17 s 18N 0.63 s 19N 329 ms Z 9C 125 ms 10C 19.3 s 11C 20.4 m 12C 13C 14C 5730 y 15C 2.45 s 16C 0.747 s 17C 193 ms 18C 92 ms 8B 770 ms 9B unbound 10B 11B 12B 20.20 ms 13B 17.33 ms 14B 13.8 ms 15B 10.4 ms 16B unbound 17B 5.1 ms 7Be 8Be unbound 9Be 10Be 1.6 106 y 11Be 13.8s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be unbound 14Be 4.35 ms 15Be unbound 16Be unbound 6Li 7Li 8Li 840 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li unbound 11Li 8.5 ms 12Li unbound 13Li unbound 3He 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound 1H 2H 5Hunbound 7Hunbound 7H 3H12.323 y n10.25 m N
Dripline nuclei as stepping stones towards the unbound 7Be 8Be unbound 9Be 10Be 1.6 106 y 11Be 13.8 s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be unbound 14Be 4.35 ms 6Li 7Li 8Li 840 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li unbound 11Li 8.5 ms 12Li unbound 13Li unbound 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound 7Hunbound 11Li: Neutron knock-out reaction -> 10Li Proton knock-out reactions -> 9,10He 14Be: Neutron knock-out reaction -> 13Be Proton knock-out reactions -> 12,13Li 8He: Neutron knock-out reaction -> 7He Proton knock-out reaction -> (7H)
6Li 7Li 8Li 840 ms 9Li 179 ms 10Li unbound 11Li 8.5 ms 12Li unbound 13Li unbound Yu. Aksyutinaet al., Phys. Lett. B 666 (2008) 430 Forssén et al. Nucl. Phys. A 673(2000) 143
3He 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound 8He+n Al Kalanee et al., PRC 88 (2013) 034301 Johansson et al., Nucl. Phys. A842 (2010) 15
3He 4He 5He unbound 6He 808 ms 7Heunbound 8He 119 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound 8He+n+n Johansson et al., Nucl. Phys. A842 (2010) 15 Neyman-Pearson test
8He+n+n 11Li 8.5 ms 9He unbound 10He unbound (s1/2)2 ~ 37 % (p1/2)2 ~ 47 % (p3/2)2 ~ 9 % efn= Efn/E enn= Enn/E N.B. Shulgina et al., Nucl. Phys. A825 (2009) 175
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7Be 8Be unbound 9Be 10Be 1.6 106 y 11Be 13.8 s 12Be 23.6 ms 13Be unbound 14Be 4.35 ms 15Be unbound 16Be unbound RIKEN 68 MeV/u 14Be, 12C target Ip=2+ Sugimotoet al., Phys. Lett. B654 (2007) 160
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