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Does Social Capital Lead to Civic Engagement? Jeff Jordan University of Georgia. Associational Activities 81% Protestant (or other Christian) 77% Members of Religious Community 45% Members of Conservative Churches 64% Attend church every, or almost every, week
Does Social Capital Lead to Civic Engagement? Jeff Jordan University of Georgia
Associational Activities 81% Protestant (or other Christian) 77% Members of Religious Community 45% Members of Conservative Churches 64% Attend church every, or almost every, week 66% Take part in religious activities other than Sunday worship
Participation with charities or social welfare group: 42% All others range: 4% For on-line group 35% PTO
45% Give more than $500/year to religious groups 23% Give that much to non-religious groups
75% Volunteer at place of worship 46% Volunteer at schools All other below 40%
Group 1 Personal Organizations Religious Adult Sports Youth PTO Seniors Arts Hobby Support / Self-Help Internet
Group 2 Public Groups Veterans Neighborhood Association Social Welfare Labor Union Professional / Trade Service Civil Rights Political Action
Group 3 Volunteering Place of Worship Health School Poor / Elderly Arts Civic
Associational Groups Group 1 Personal Organizations 79% Group 2 Public Groups 70% Group 3 Volunteer Groups 73% Group 4 No Participation 12% Group 5 Church Member 71% Average number of groups people are involved in: 5
Only significant difference between those living in MSA and non-MSA counties: Church Membership MSANon-MSA Church member 232 126 Not church member 107 36
If you find a wallet with $1,000 and the name and address of the owner (not known to you) would you return it? Yes 97.4% No 2% Don’t know .6%
Why return the wallet? (Points) • Feel sympathy for person who lost it: 42 • Ethical thing to do: 53 • Reward or praise 5
If you lost a wallet, do you think person finding would return it? Yes 29% No 65% Don’t know 6%
Why would they return it? (Points) Sympathy for you: 37 Ethical obligation: 49 Reward or praise: 14
Results: Lost Wallet (n-501) People fall victim to disasters such as illness, accidents, floods, hurricanes, and wars. If you had decided to give $100 to help such people, how much would you give to each category below? People in your town $61 People in U.S. 26 People in foreign country 14
Gender, Race, Urban/Rural, Home Ownership: No significant Difference
Associational Activity a Function of: Sympathy Professional / Trade (-) Arts (+) Religious Contributions (+) Non-Religious Contributions (+) Volunteer Health (-) Volunteer Poor / Elderly (-)
Associational Activity a Function of: Obligation Neighborhood Association (+) Volunteer Poor / Elderly (+) Volunteer Health (+) Religious Contributions (+) Non-Religious Contributions (-) Arts (-)
Associational Activity a Function of: Reward Youth Organization (+) Labor Union (+) Religious Contributions (+) Non-Religious Contributions (+) Volunteer Place of Worship (-)
Sympathy leads to involvement in: • Senior Citizen Club • Religious Group (besides place of worship) • Art Group • Less likely to be in: • Labor union • Professional / Trade Group
Significant ActivitiesSympathyObligationReward Attend Religious Service - Religious Contribution - + - Volunteer Worship - Youth Organization + Arts Group + - Labor Union + Professional / Trade - Vote + - Volunteer Health - + Volunteer Poor / Elderly - + Volunteer Civic +
Significant Activities with High Sympathy on Both Own and Others Wallet Volunteer in Place of Worship (+) Hobby Club (+) Volunteer for Poor and Elderly (+) Volunteer for Civic Group (+) Neighborhood Association (-) Service Club (-) Volunteer for School/Youth Program (-)
Church Attendance and Associational Activity • Correlation between attendance and personal organizations (except sports and Internet groups). • No correlation between attendance and public groups (except civic groups).
Human Development Index Church Membership MSA Contributions to Non-Religious Organizations Neighborhood Associations