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Agenda. BackgroundKim Faurschou, FACOThe ENQA-VET StudyQuality criteriaQuality indicatorsPolicy recommendationsDiscussion. Kim Faurschou, FACO. RolesCritical friendProcess consultantResearch and analysisWork(ed) forThe European Commission (Belgium)CEDEFOP (Thessaloniki, Greece)European Training Foundation (Torino, Italy) EQAVET Secretariat, (Dublin, Ireland)ENQA-VET Secretariat, (Dublin, Ireland)Nordisk Ministerr
1. Director Kim FaurschouFACOInternational Sciencepark, Odense, Denmark Quality Assurance Systems in Work Based Learning in European Vet.
Selected Cases On Quality Assurance in Apprenticeship Programmes from
England/UK, Germany, Romania, The Netherlands, Leonardo da Vinci.
2. Agenda Background
Kim Faurschou, FACO
The ENQA-VET Study
Quality criteria
Quality indicators
Policy recommendations
3. Kim Faurschou, FACO Roles
Critical friend
Process consultant
Research and analysis
Work(ed) for
The European Commission (Belgium)
CEDEFOP (Thessaloniki, Greece)
European Training Foundation (Torino, Italy)
EQAVET Secretariat, (Dublin, Ireland)
ENQA-VET Secretariat, (Dublin, Ireland)
Nordisk Ministerråd
A number of ministries and organizations in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Lithuania, Slovakia, England, Scotland, Wales, ……
On-going/recent activities
Mapping and analysis of ISCED level 4 and 5B post-secondary vocational education and training in Europe (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan, Sweden)
Future quality assurance of VET in Norway. (Kunnskapsdepartementet, Oslo).
Implementation strategy for ECVET in England, Wales and Scotland (The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership, Scotland)
Study on quality assurance of apprenticeship (ENQA-VET, Ireland)
Evaluation of Quality projects from the Lifelong Learning programmes (Nationalagentur LLL, Wien)
Sectoral seminars on quality assurance (EQAVET, Ireland)
4. The ENQA-VET Study Focus
Quality assurance of apprenticeship programmes in European VET
Quality assurance systems in work based learning
Search for common principles
Present a distillation of the cases
Present different ways apprenticeship programmes are quality assured
Have an analytical approach
Make conclusions and recommendations for all stakeholders
Research methods
Desk research
Research questions
General characteristics of apprenticeship
The roles of the
Social partners
The enterprises
The VET-providers
The apprentices/students
The system level
Measurement of the quality
How can the quality be raised?
Countries and programmes
UK and England
The Netherlands
Leonardo da Vinci programme
5. Examples of quality areas and the potential for improvement seen from the enterprises point of view.
6. Quality criteria for the enterprises the supply of places for apprenticeship
the knowledge about the costs and benefits of apprenticeship
the knowledge of the education at the schools
the skills and attitudes of the trainers
the working conditions of the trainers
the motivation of the trainers
the cooperation with the schools
the common projects with the schools
the personal contacts to the schools
the focus on the individual learner
the equipment
7. Quality criteria for the apprentices the understanding of the rights and responsibilities
the level of activity and demand
the participation in the quality assurance and development
the connection between the schools and enterprises
the life outside the apprenticeship: holidays, free-time, …
the feedback skills
8. Quality criteria for the schools the focus on the learners
the close cooperation with the enterprises
the personal contacts to the enterprises
the knowledge of the working conditions in the enterprises
the motivation of the school-management
the cooperation and communication structures
the feedback systems between enterprises and schools
the common projects with the enterprises
the equipment
9. Quality criteria for the system level the support to the supply of apprenticeship places
the support/decisions on the definition of quality
the handling of the future branches, sectors and jobs
the quality of all apprenticeship programmes
the supervision and control of all the actors
the motivation of the all the actors to deliver quality
the support to the communication between the many actors
11. Indicators (examples) for quality assurance and development of apprenticeship programmes Structure quality
The stakeholders (social partners, students, parents, VET-providers, ministry…) involved (number, motivation, activities, dialogue…)
Input and Process quality
Share of accredited training places
The trainers/teachers motivation and skills
The cooperation between schools and enterprises
Output quality
Employment rate
Further education rate
The time from training to jobs/the Labour market
Satisfaction rate of individuals and employers with acquired skills/competences
12. Policy recommendations for all stakeholders Continue the good work
Use a limited number of indicators
Focus on cooperation
Recommendations at European level
Maximise the use the Leonardo da Vinci programme
Continue the work done by EQAVET to support the Member states
13. Policy recommendations at National system level Secure the supply of apprenticeship places
Support the communication between the stakeholders
Secure the quality of all apprenticeship programmes
Update the procedures for new apprenticeship programmes
Policy Recommendations at Social Partners level
Upgrade the focus on quality
Support the supply of apprenticeship places
14. Policy recommendations at Enterprise level Provide more places for apprenticeship
Cooperate even further with the VET-colleges
Focus on the learner
Focus on the trainers skills
Policy Recommendations at VET-college level
Closer contact to the trainers and enterprises
Focus on the learner
15. Policy recommendations at Apprentice level Be more active
Know your rights and responsibilities
Recommendations for further Research
Good practices for cooperation between enterprises, VET-colleges and learners
The internal organisation of the quality assurance of the apprenticeship programmes
How to get new enterprises to supply places for apprenticeships?