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Structure of Presentation. Content: DRR –concept Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction Project- GOI-UNDP DRR Programme. Major Strategies for implementation of DRR Project . Duration: 40 minutes Discussions: 20 minutes.
Structure of Presentation Content: • DRR –concept • Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction Project- GOI-UNDP DRR Programme. • Major Strategies for implementation of DRR Project . • Duration: 40 minutes • Discussions: 20 minutes
DRR is defined as the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse events. Definition:
DRR is a development issue. • DRR is a part of good development process. • DRR needs a multi sectoral and multi disciplinary approach. • DRR includes preparedness, response, mitigation and prevention. • DRR requires long term planning ,coordination and advocacy at different levels.
GOI-UNDP DRR ProjectStrengthening the DM Institutions established at State and district level and building capacity for DRR. Key Focus: Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis at state and district level and using the findings in formulating policies and designing mitigation programmes. Standardizing the methodology for post disaster Damage and Need Assessment at national and state level and building adequate capacity. Training and Capacity Building on Post Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction. Integration and mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into development planning and programmes. Disaster preparedness, response and mitigation planning. This will include providing training on preparation of State and district DM Plan as well as on CBDRM. Building partnerships for knowledge and information sharing on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis/Preparation of Risk Atlas • Scale : State level/district • Development of TOR and selection of competent agency/agencies. • Develop a framework for conducting the study. • Conduct a baseline study to find out the data available. • Technical Review Committee to be set up. • Coordination for collection of data. • Completion of the study. • Training of officials on usage of the atlas in preparation of DM Plans and designing of long term mitigation programmes.
Scope of the study Step 1: Multi Hazard Risk Assessment Hazard mapping Assessment of hazard risks Probability of hazard event Development of disaster probability matrix .
Step 2: Vulnerability Assessment: Physical Vulnerability: house types, critical infrastructure (particularly power and communication) and lifelines (drainage / water supply system etc.), and essential facilities such as, schools, hospitals, and public buildings. Social Vulnerability: gender, weaker sections, infants, children and the elderly, single parent families, women, widows, mentally and physically handicapped people, sick people, and other poor communities. Economic Vulnerability - assessment of impact of disasters on business, industries, handicrafts, agriculture and other source of livelihoods in statistical and analytical terms. Environmental vulnerability: impact of disasters on natural environment and ecosystem
Step 3: Risk Analysis • Generating mortality and injury scenarios including projections of potential losses to livestock to various hazards in different hazard zones. • Develop response scenarios focussing on people needing food, shelter rescue/evacuation and first aid etc. • Projecting economic/financial loss and damage against different disasters; e.g. scenarios for loss to crops, industry, shelter, infrastructure and other facilities. • Identifying the high risk areas based on the above analysis.
Post Disaster Damage and Need Assessment • NIDM is already conducting training programmes on PDNA . • There is no standard methodology at present for damage assessment. • At the national level a core group will be set up to standardize the methodology ( NDMA,NIDM,MHA,Planning Commission, Finance Commission). • Standardizing the methodology at the state level. • At the state level standard templates could be developed for assessing damage of different sectors. • Training of cutting edge officials.
Integration of DRR into development programmes • Sectoral approach. • Key sectors to be identified. • Within each sector ,key programmes to be identified. • For integration we have identify the entry points within the programmes.
For mainstreaming we have to work at the policy and planning level( national state and district level). • Coordination with State Planning Commission and Finance Department for promoting DRR into all development programmes. • Work with different departments to mainstream DRR into departmental Plans and policies. • Advocate for allocation of dedicated budget for DRR within departmental plans. • Develop appropriate guidelines for different sectors. • Integration of DRR into the District Development Plan.
IAY • Studying the IAY housing typology in a selected district. • Developing model design for hazard resistant IAY houses.(taking consideration of available local materials and culture). • Training of DRDA officials and engineers in a pilot district. • Awareness generation among villagers and PRI members of few villages in a selected district on housing technology. • Community Mobilization Campaign. • Construction of sample IAY units in selected villages for promoting the technology. • Training of masons and community members on hazard resistant technology.
JNNURM • Entry Points: • City DM Plan. • Training and capacity building of officials involved in implementation of JNNURM on structural safety against natural hazards. • Developing structural assessment formats for the Urban Infrastructure development activities. • Urban reforms ( rain water harvesting, amendment of byelaws, amendment of municipal act). • Improved governance ( Strengthening of Disaster Response Mechanism).
Basic services for urban poor • Housing, Social and Community infrastructures ( siting and construction technology) • Basic services (health preparedness). • Awareness generation. • Preparation of Vulnerability Atlas for slum areas within the city.
Post Disaster Recovery • Recovery Framework. • Sectoral guidelines. • Inter State Agreements for early recovery . • Training
Training and Capacity Building: The project will not only conduct training but will also build the capacity of state governments to continue conducting similar training programmes in future. Hence focus will be on strengthening of various Training Institutes in the state through development of 1) Appropriate Training Modules. 2) Development of training manuals. 3)Training of Trainer’s Programme .
Partnerships with various Knowledge Resource Institutions • Assessment of existing compliance mechanism to structural safety norms in the housing sector. • Development of engineer’s bills to ensure higher level of accountability of the construction fraternity towards structural safety. • Capacity assessment of fire and police services in the state. • Assessment of the early warning communication system. • Study on how to mainstream disaster management as a subject in higher education in various streams. • How to integrate Disaster Risk Reduction into the district level development planning. • Assessment of the various poverty alleviation schemes in the states.
Kick start activities: • State level Advocacy Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction. • Inter departmental coordination meeting. • Development of sectoral DM Plan. ( selected sectors) . • The sectoral plans should reflect the preparedness, response and mitigation plan, DRR entry points in the existing schemes of that department). • Develop guidelines for reviewing the Departmental DM Plans and Development Plans to ensure integration of DRR.