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Jeopardy Rules

Jeopardy Rules. The team member “ buzzing in ” will answer Discussion is allowed only with final jeopardy All responses must be phrased as questions Wrong questions will be penalized the value of the question

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Jeopardy Rules

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Rules • The team member “buzzing in” will answer • Discussion is allowed only with final jeopardy • All responses must be phrased as questions • Wrong questions will be penalized the value of the question • The judge’s decisions and ad hoc rules, however clueless and uninformed, are final • Abuse of the judge will be penalized • Click on the 100pt text to bring out answer. Click on the text of answer to bring out the question. Click AWAY from the answer text to bring back to Main Board for another answer and question.

  2. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  3. Click here for Final Jeopardy

  4. AGENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FRIENDS ENTERTAINMENT AND MEDIA DATING SEXUAL PURITY 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points

  5. 100 – This Person has given us agency, the ability to choose right from wrong and to act for ourselves.

  6. Who is Heavenly Father?

  7. 200 – While we are free to choose for ourselves, we are not free to choose these.

  8. What are consequences of our actions?

  9. 300 – This has been given to us to help us know good from evil.

  10. What is the gift of the Holy Ghost?

  11. 400 – We should not blame these if we choose to disobey God’s commandments.

  12. What are circumstances, our family or our friends?

  13. 500 – We are responsible for developing these and are accountable for what we do with them.

  14. What are talents and abilities Heavenly Father has given us?

  15. 100 – You should choose these carefully.

  16. What are friends?

  17. 200 – These  can greatly influence your thinking and actions.

  18. Who are your friends?

  19. 300- Good friends can help you maintain these.

  20. What are high standards?

  21. 400 - We should treat everyone with kindness and this.

  22. What is respect?

  23. 500 – You should not feel this if your friends decline your invitation to learn more about the gospel.

  24. What is offended?

  25. 100 - You should have the courage to walk out of a movie or video party, turn off a computer or TV, change a radio station or put down a magazine if it does not meet these

  26. What are Heavenly Father’s Standards?

  27. 200 – This may begin as a curious indulgence, but can become a destructive habit that takes control of your life.

  28. What is pornography?

  29. 300 – Depictions of this often glamorize vicious behavior.  They offend the Spirit and make you less able to respond to others in a sensitive, caring way.

  30. What is violence?

  31. 400 – You have this gift to give you strength and help to make good choices.

  32. What is the gift of the Holy Ghost?

  33. 500 – This person uses offensive entertainment to deceive you by making what is wrong and evil look normal and exciting.  It can mislead you into thinking that everyone is doing things that are wrong.

  34. Who is Satan?

  35. 100 – When you begin dating you should do this.

  36. What is go in groups or double date. (or avoiding frequent dates with the same person)?

  37. 200– You should not date until at least this age.

  38. What is 16?

  39. 300 – This prophet said “attraction becomes a powder keg unless it is kept under control”

  40. Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?

  41. 400 – Even if you don’t date during your teen years, these should be developed at every age.

  42. What are good friendships?

  43. 500 – A young man and a young woman on a date are responsible to help each other do these two things.

  44. What are maintain standards and protect each other’s honor and virtue?

  45. 100 – He tempts us to rationalize that sexual intimacy before marriage is acceptable when two people love each other. 

  46. Who is Satan?

  47. 200 – He has commanded that sexual purity be reserved for marriage.

  48. Who is God?

  49. 300 – In the Book of Mormon, he taught that sexual sins are more serious than any other sin except murder or denying the Holy Ghost.

  50. Who is Alma?

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