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Critical Analysis of Sexism in Fairy Tales

Explore how classic fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White reinforce negative stereotypes of women, highlighting their dependence on men and emphasis on beauty as a means to success. Question societal norms and gender roles portrayed through these stories.

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Critical Analysis of Sexism in Fairy Tales

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  1. Graphic Organizer &TIQA TIQA

  2. Topic and Thesis sentence: • TOPIC: Fairy tales and sexism • THESIS SENTENCE: Fairy tales, Grimm or their Disney counterparts, have helped to reinforce a negative image of women: as helpless creatures incapable of independent self-actualization or as powerless tokens of adornment.

  3. Supporting quotation/text: Cinderella is distraught, resorts to magic, deception—preoccupation with going to the ball; step sisters cut off heals to make shoe fit to “get the man” Topic Sentence: The characters in “Cinderella” help to reinforce a negative stereotype of women by portraying an overemphasis on the procurement of a man for personal fulfillment. Commentary on supporting quotation/ text: women will go to great lengths to procure a man; risking responsibilities and disfigurement. Pain to self=worth it?? Supporting quotation/text: Cinderella was trapped by societal expectations of a woman—cleaning, keeping house, helpless, dependent. Commentary on supporting quotation/ text: “happily ever after” came when she was “rescued” by the prince—relieving her from her life of despair and toil. Displayed as only option

  4. Supporting quotation/text: Magic mirror= emphasis on beauty; causes Step mom to resort to wicked acts (fear!) Topic Sentence: Similarly, “Snow White” also depicts women as helpless victims, with their worth dependent on their beauty or a man. Commentary on supporting quotation/ text: Beauty=salvation because it makes a woman desirable to men. Without beauty, power does not exist; step mom feared loss of power/control Supporting quotation/text: after eating poison apple, Prince’s kiss could wake her Commentary on supporting quotation/ text: Revitalization from a man, not self. Again man = salvation, safety, fulfillment

  5. What did you learn from your topic? What should the reader learn from it? Why was this topic important to you/chosen by you? • Fairy Tales are not always as simple as they appear. • If women are portrayed this way, how are men portrayed (separate essay??) • If a FT was written today, how would it be different? They are reflective of the culture of the time. • Fairy tales about strong women: list??? Counter point?

  6. TIQA TIQA • Topic sentence • Intro information leading into the quote and details to follow • Quotes or support from work to prove the topic sentence • Analysis: explanation of the relevance, significance, or meaning of given quote • Rinse and repeat! (Be sure to use a transition to the next idea!) • Most strong paragraphs provide at least two pieces of support for a given idea.

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