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Neo-Classical Art Period: 1750-1827

Discover the revival of Classical art during the Neo-Classical Period (1750-1827). Explore the influences of Pompeii, Greek sculptures, and the French Revolution on artists like David, Ingres, and Jefferson. Admire the balanced compositions, noble gestures, and structural clarity seen in renowned works such as "The Oath of the Horatii" and "Apotheosis of Homer."

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Neo-Classical Art Period: 1750-1827

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  1. The Neo-Classical Period 1750-1827 Jacques-Louis David Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Thomas Jefferson

  2. Cultural Circumstances • When the buried ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum were found in the 1700’s the world gained renewed interest in the Classical period and art forms. • Artist studied and copied famous Greek sculptures and architectural components • Artists rejected the excess and drama of the Baroque period. • Influenced by the French Revolution.

  3. Defining Characteristics • Balanced compositions • Noble gestures and expressions • Order • Reason • Structural Clarity

  4. Jacque-Louis David, “The Oath of the Horatii”

  5. Jacques-Louis David, “The Sabine Women”

  6. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, “Apotheosis of Homer”

  7. Thomas Jefferson, “Monticello”

  8. Thomas Jefferson’s “Monticello” • Doric Order • Domes • Formal balance and structure • Reflects the newly independent United States.

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