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Explore AfricaArray's approach to building scientific capacity in Africa through geophysics, training programs, and research projects. Learn about its progress, partnerships, and relevance for GEOSS.
AfricaArray: Using Seismology to Build Science Capacity in Africa -- An Example for GEOSS Andy Nyblade Dept. of Geosciences Penn State University www.africaarray.psu.edu
Outline • Review AfricaArray • Implications for GEOSS and Capacity Building www.africaarray.psu.edu
AfricaArray Goals A public-private partnership supporting capacity building for Africa’s natural resource sector • Establish in-situ training and research programs to help build a scientific workforce • initially in geophysics • As part of the training and research programs, create shared scientific observatories (initially broadband seismic stations) to promote education, research, and community building “AfricaArray” = array of observatories + array of training programs + array of research projects + array of partnerships and collaboration
AfricaArray’s Initial Focus in Geophysics: • Maintain and develop further geophysical training programs, in response to industry, government and university needs • Promote geophysical research, and establish an Africa-to-Africa research support system
AfricaArray’s Initial Focus in Geophysics: • Obtain geophysical data, through a network of shared observatories, to study scientific targets of economic and societal importance, as well as fundamental geological processes shaping the African continent • Advance training and research opportunities for students from historically disadvantaged communities
History: Oct. 2003 -- meeting with Paul Dirks (Head, School of Geosciences, the University of the Witwatersrand) Nov 2003 -- White paper “AfricaArray: Developing a Scientific Workforce for Africa’s Natural Resource Sector” 2004 Workshops Feb -- Wits March -- Houston July -- Wits : consensus to move ahead 2005 Workshop Feb -- Italy Proposals: 2004 -2005
AfricaArray Implementation (3 phases over 10 years): Phase 1 (years 1-3, started Jan. 2005) • the geophysics program will be improved and expanded at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, to provide BSc, MSc and Ph.D. degree training • Sandwich program for Ph.D. -- up to 6 months/yr in U.S. or Europe • Broadband seismic stations will be installed or upgraded in participating countries as part of a permanent “backbone” seismic network (southern and eastern Africa) • Data archived at IRIS DMC; open data policy • temporary networks of seismic stations will be installed for focused projects • train technical personnel how to operate and maintain seismic stations • data from the seismic stations will be used for student research
AfricaArray Implementation: Phase 2 (years 4-6) & Phase 3 (years 7-10) • build centers of excellence in geophysics at other African universities (already started) • expand training programs for technical staff • expand network of permanent observatories and add other sensors (GPS, meteorological, hydrologic, other environmental sensors) • expand the number of temporary seismometer arrays • develop secondary school outreach programs
Progress so far • Education program at Wits: • 10 BSc honours students (4th yr) • 1 MSc student • 2 PhD students • Backbone network of observatories • 11 operational BB stations in South Africa with data flowing to the IRIS DMC • 20 additional BB stations by end 2006 • Temporary seismic network s • 2005-2006 Cameroon (30 stations) • 2007-2010 Uganda and Tanzania (40 stations)
Progress so far Science projects: • General Theme “4D Imaging of the African Crust and Mantle” • African Superplume • Bushveld Complex • Congo Craton • Cameroon Volcanic Line • E. African rift basins • Wits basin
Partnerships Founding partners: • School of Geosciences, University of Wits • Council for Geoscience (S. African Geol. Survey) • Penn State University • IRIS Other partners: • Government organizations in Africa and the U.S. • Many universities in Africa and the U.S. and Europe • Many geological surveys in Africa • Many companies growing quickly!
Funding Partners • In-kind support ($2M) • Wits, CGS, PSU, IRIS • New funding raised • Gov’t: NSF, NRF (S. Africa), CGS, CSIR • Private: ExxonMobil, Schlumberger, De Beers, ISSI, Mineral Education Trust Fund (S. Africa)
AfricaArray and GEOSS • Provides an example for how to link capacity building in science to developing an “observing system” • If we can do this in seismology we can do it in other related science fields • Potentially provides a model for developing sustainable observing systems in developing countries • Many Gov’ts are more interested in science training than long-term monitoring of the environment • Cost-sharing of O&M for multidisciplinary observatories: logistics, infrastructure, power, communications, security are expensive in many developing countries Increased gov’t buy-in Improved operations
GEOSS Capacity Building Goals: 2 Yrs • Produce a comprehensive review and analysis of gaps and methodologies, based on existing and planned capacity-building efforts. • Facilitate, together with existing efforts, the maintenance and strengthening of education, training, research and communication. • Facilitate, with developing countries……the establishment and maintenance of baseline sites for global in situ and remote sensing networks that cannot always be justified on national grounds alone… • Develop a network of experts involved in existing capacity-building initiatives related to Earth observation, and encourage users to access this knowledge base. • Encourage, in each societal benefit area, the development of capacity-building components as a requirement for any network, project, activity • Facilitate access to data and models, particularly for developing countries.
GEOSS Capacity Building Goals: 6 Yrs • Advocate funding of multinational projects to leverage the end-to-end value of observations, including the establishment of necessary infrastructure. • Produce monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for capacity-building efforts. • Facilitate education and training to provide a global base of technical expertise.
GEOSS Capacity Building Goals: 10 Yrs • Use Earth-observation data and products (e.g. process, integrate, model) following accepted standards. • Contribute to, access, and retrieve data from global data systems and networks. • Analyze and interpret data to enable development of decision-support tools and to advance understanding in societal benefit areas. • Integrate Earth-observation data and products with other data and products, for a more complete view and understanding of problems and derived solutions. • Improve infrastructure development in areas of poor observational coverage. • Develop recommended priorities for new or augmented efforts in capacity building.
Seismology + GEOSS