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Sand fly : Phlebotomus spp. Leishmania : Infection and Treatment. by Mahmoud Lubbad. classification of Leishmania.
Sand fly :Phlebotomus spp Leishmania: Infection and Treatment by MahmoudLubbad
classification of Leishmania • The leishmaniases include a complex of vector-borne diseases, caused by more than 20 species of the protozoan genus Leishmania, and ranging from localized skin ulcers to lethal systemic disease. Leishmaniasis is classified as one of the "most neglected diseases," based on the limited resources invested in diagnosis, treatment and control, and its strong association with poverty.
Phlebotomine Sand Flies… Order: Diptera Family: Psychodidae Genera: ●New World ● Lutzomyia ● Brumptomyia ● Warileia ● Old World ●Phlebotomus ● Sergentomyia (Aranasy et al., 1999 and Martin-Sanchez et al., 2000)
Morphology • Adults - small (less than 5 mm long) with conspicuous black eyes, long narrowly obovate wings that form a V-shaped out line above thorax, wing veins are parallel to each other ,slender with piercing mouthparts and long antennae; There are fine hairs on body, wings and legs.
مرض الليشمانيا يتوطن في 88 بلداً في العالم وهنالك 350 مليون شخص من المعرضين للاصابة ويبلغ عدد المصابين بالمرض 14.000.000 مليون شخص. وتعتبر حشرة ذباب الرمل هى الناقل الوحيد لأمراض الليشمانيا . كما تنقل حشرة ذبابة الرمل ثلاثة أنواع من مرض الليشمانيا: • الليشمانيا الجلدية Cutaneousleishmaniasis • الليشمانيا الحشوية Visceral leishmaniasis • الليشمانيا المخاطية Mucocutaneousleishmaniasis
بشكل عام عدد الإصابة للسعوديين أعلي من غير السعوديين وأقل عدد للحالات كان عام 2011.
Habits • Only female sandflies are blood sucker and they are nocturnal feeders. • They are poor flier and fly in a characteristic hopping, 30-1000 m, not over 200 m. • Prevalent from May to September. Larvae survive through the winter.
Hematophagous diptera(flies) are of two basic types :-Capillary feeders : mouth parts are inserted into the skin and blood is withdrawn directly (solenophages) . Pool feeders : mouthparts short and are used to lacerate the skin then the blood flow and ingested by the fly (temophages).
Female feed on blood at night.Sand flies are pool feeder ( telmophages ) which suck blood from a small wound they make in the skin. Their bite is therefore relatively painful .
- Sand flies do not produce a buzzing or whining noise before biting which again reduces the perceived nuisance to man.-Color of sand flies are brownish in day light , but their bodies are densely covered in oily hairs which give them whitish appearance when illuminated
ذكر أنثى Adult male and female sandfly
Pharynx Maxillary palp ذكر أنثى Mouth parts of sandfly
A أنثى Phlebotomus B أنثى Phlebotomus A- Maxilla B- Mandible
Life cycle (stages) • Eggs are laid in dark humid animal burrows, cracks or crevices, or under dead leaves (Egg laid on moist dark place containing organic debris ( under leaves on the ground ,in damp mossy place ,in rank vegetation or on hallow tree trunks ) . • There are 4 larval instars, the larval stage lasting a total of 4-6 weeks • The pupa requires 10 days for development • LC requires 40-50 days • Only adult females suck blood • Adult life span 2-3 weeks, 30-50 eggs/female.
ذباب الرملSand fly (Phlebotomas papatasi) دورة الحياة الاهمية الطبية: ناقلة لبعض الامراض منها طفيل اللشمانيا بأنواعها المختلفة تنقل حمى الثلاث أيام أو حمى ذباب الرمل تسبب حدوث داء الهرارا (مرض حساسية) 10 أيام 3 إنسلاخات 10 أيام
- Sand fly bite: The bite in indudurated, inflamed with a wheal of 1-2 cm. and accompanied by pruritus lasting for hours or weeks and sometime with systemic allergic reaction (fever, nausea, malaise swelling of the bitten member).- Treatment: Topical application of phenolated camphor in mineral oil or anesthetic ointment.
1. Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of female phlebotomine sandflies. The sandflies inject the infective stage, promastigotes, during blood meals. 2. Promastigotes that reach the puncture wound are phagocytized by macrophages. 3.They transform into amastigotes. 4. Amastigotes multiply in infected cells and affect different tissues. 5. Sandflies become infected during blood meals on an infected host when they ingest macrophages infected with amastigotes. 6. In the sandfly's midgut, the parasites differentiate into promastigotes. 7. They multiply and migrate to the proboscis.
Multiplication Release from macrophages Transformation Sand fly ingestion inoculation Vertebrate host Multiplication and reinfection Attachment and phagocytosis Transformation Leishmania fact sheet What are Leishmania parasites? • Protozoan parasites (proto = first; zoan = animal) • Small (usually microscopic) single-celled organisms • Life cycle can be divided into 2 stages depending on the host: • Sand fly vector = Leishmania promastigotes • Human or other vertebrate = Leishmania amastigotes Life cycle of Leishmania parasites Promastigotes Amastigotes Flagellum Leishmania promastigotes • Form of Leishmania within sand fly vector: • Can move in the direction of their flagellum • Can be cultured Different parasites cause different forms of the disease Cutaneous lesihmaniasis Visceral lesihmaniasis Leishmania amastigotes • Form of Leishmania within human or other vertebrate host’s cells (have resorbed their flagellum) • Size: 2-6 mm • Shape: ovoid • Characteristics: central nucleus
Control • 1. Elimination of breeding grounds • 2. Application of insecticides. • 3. Personal protection. المكافحة: • سد الشقوق والثقوب في الحوائط • إستخدام الشبك على النوافذ • إستخدام طاردات الذباب • إستخدام المبيدات الحشرية
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