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Forest Fire Risk Prevention in France: Policy and Best Practices

Learn about the French policy for forest fire risk prevention, incorporating risk into urban planning, government strategies, and tools used to mitigate risks. Discover the challenges and practices in flood risk integration.

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Forest Fire Risk Prevention in France: Policy and Best Practices

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  1. WUI-NET Project Practices for taking into account the risk of forest fires and possible comparisons between others countries and others hazards Michel Bacou – Direction territoriale Méditerranée Cerema Forest fire – april 29,2019

  2. La prévention des risques majeurs French risk prevention policy : 7 main axes

  3. La prévention des risques majeurs French risk prevention policy : 7 main axes

  4. National context 2003 : last big forest fire : ● 62 000ha burned ● 10 deceases ● destruction of hundreds housings Necessity of having a better articulation between urban planing and risk prévention 15 years later : almost the same finding Not a lot of prevention plans  !

  5. La prévention des risques majeurs Integration risk in land use planning Central government Laws and générals regulations Administrative division : local authorities • 12 regions • 101 departments (= county) • 35 416 municipalities (75% <1000 inhabitants) • 12 66 intercommunalities (regrouping several municipalities)

  6. Risk integration in urban planning : French context and actors Administrative division : local authorities Central government Ministries (among them, Ministry of Ecology), locally represented at regional scale Municipalities represented by their Mayors (elected) In charge of risk prevention plan (at county scale) In charge of urban planning

  7. Risk integration in urban planning : Tools PPRIF PLU

  8. PPRIF : a difficult journey … • Risk prevention and urban development can sometimes appear as incompatible goals : • => Central government representatives (in charge of PPRIF elaboration) and Local Authorities (in charge of urban planning) can sometimes oppose • Technical controversies • Political contestation / opposition • Legal appeals before administrative law courts

  9. Tools

  10. Risk integration in PLU • same principles as in the PPRi for new urbanisation, but directly applied by the local communities in charge of urban planning • Central government has a right of inspection : possible to bring the PLU in front of an administrative court if risk prevention objectives are not fulfilled. • an IMPORTANT difference : the PLU can only define rules for projects (=new building or new urbanization) … impossible to define mitigation measures to improve the situation of existing buildings Flood risk integration in land use planning : context and practices in France AFD regional workshop, 21-24 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

  11. Risk integration in PLU • same principles as in the PPRi for new urbanisation, but directly applied by the local communities in charge of urban planning • Central government has a right of inspection : possible to bring the PLU in front of an administrative court if risk prevention objectives are not fulfilled. • an IMPORTANT difference : the PLU can only define rules for projects (=new building or new urbanization) … impossible to define mitigation measures to improve the situation of existing buildings Importance of the « Porter à connaissance » Flood risk integration in land use planning : context and practices in France AFD regional workshop, 21-24 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

  12. « Porter à Connaissance » Not a standard form, but a minimum of 3 parts : Laws and regulations (including legal obligation of brushing) hazards maps (eventually maps of stakes et equipments) Prescriptions to integrate in the final document of urban planning The Government Services are obliged to inform the communities represented by their mayor, before they elaborate (or revise) their local urban plan (Article 132-2 of the code de l’urbanisme). PORTER A CONNAISSANCE

  13. Note : two parts first Part : Recall of main principles Introduction Forest fire risk The « porter à connaissance » (PAC) Legal scope Building blocks Second part : Annex Examples of writing structure Examples of general principles to integrate in a PLU Ensemble of technical recommendations

  14. Annex3 : technical recommendations Urban planning aspects : act on land inside and around urbanized area Initial to avoid to prefer Forest Area layout interface urbanized area

  15. Annex 3 : Technical recommendations • ERP (public access buildings) • Sensitive establishments • Classified installations (ICPE) • Housing

  16. Annex 3 : Technical recommendations- safety feature and equipments Recommended principles for infrastructures : better access for firefighters Protection of areas exposed to hazards Équipements in accordance with the national reference of the external defense against fire (DECI)

  17. Annex 3 : Technical recommendations- act on surroundings close of housings The importance of clearing Local régulation annexed in the PLU Recommendation for landscaping gardens, hedges ... and recommended species

  18. Annex 3 : others aspects Outside the field of urban planning (so not integrated in the PLU but important to be signified to the mayor) Action on the build : performance target possibly constructive action. Action on the inhabitant : education and risk awareness

  19. Available on https://www.cerema.fr/fr/actualites/risque-feux-foret-cerema-aide-redaction-du-porter

  20. 1st Benchmarking : with others country of south of europe Work in progress Not started yet

  21. Target protection inside buildings on 2 hours Thermal Flow – Toxic cloud 2nd Benchmarking : with technological Risk

  22. WUI-NET Project Thank you for your attention Michel Bacou – Direction territoriale Méditerranée Cerema Forest fire – april 29,2019

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