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Welcome To Our Services. Let Us Worship The Lord. Song Leader – Clinton Thompson First Song # 232 Second Hymn # 230 Opening Prayer – Pat Craig Song Before The Lesson # 287 Invitation Hymn # 304 Closing Song # 288. Do You Have A Living Faith or A Dead Faith?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome To Our Services

  2. Let Us Worship The Lord • Song Leader – Clinton Thompson • First Song # 232 • Second Hymn # 230 • Opening Prayer – Pat Craig • Song Before The Lesson # 287 • Invitation Hymn # 304 • Closing Song # 288

  3. Do You Have A Living Faith or A Dead Faith? James 2:14-26

  4. The Proposition Stated, vs.14 • Addressing Christians (Not Sects) • Dead Faith and Living Faith Contrasted • Works that Do Not Justify: • Tit.3:5 – Works Our Own Devising • Gal.2:16 – Works of the Law of Moses • Eph.2:8-9 – Works of Merit that We can Boast About • Rom.4:4-5 – Works of Perfect Obedience • Works of Obedience That Do Justify: • Eph.2:10 • Acts 10:34-35 • Heb.5:8-9 • John 6:29

  5. A Practical Illustration of His Point, vs.15-17 • A Brother or Sister’s Necessities • Matt.25:41-46 – Failed to Help • Luke 10:30-36 – Passed By On the Other Side • 1 John 3:17-18 – Love in Action • What Profit a Dead Faith?

  6. The Principle Expounded, vs.18-20 • Man’s Thinking – Like One of the Spiritual Gifts • Not So – Faith is seen in Works • The Demons Believe – Mk.1:24, Mk.5:7, Acts 16:17 • They Even Tremble – cf. Ac.24:25 • Works Without Love is Dead Also – 1Cor.13:1-3

  7. Abraham – Exhibit “A” vs.21-24 • Gal.3:6-9 • Luke 19:9 • Rom.4:1-14 • Faith + Works = Perfect Faith • Living Faith, Active Faith • Works – Obedience – Works of God • Heb.11 – “By Faith…” • Faith Only Will Not Justify, vs.24

  8. 2 Final Illustrations of Living Faith, vs.25-26 • Rahab the Harlot, Heb.11:31, Josh.2 • Body + Spirit = Living Person • Body – Spirit = Dead Body • Faith – Works = Dead Faith

  9. God’s Plan To Save in Christ • Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 18:8 • Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.5:1 • Repent and Turn to God, Luke 24:47 • Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 • Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3:26-27 ----------------------------- • Grow And Be Faithful, 2 Pet.3:18 • If An Erring Christian: Repent and Pray God,I Jn.1:9

  10. Thanks For Coming

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