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Mission Statement:Catholic Marriage Prep, LLC (CMP) is dedicated to the building of strong Catholicmarriages.With God being the source and foundation ofmarriage, it is foremost a spiritual journey.The Foundation:The Catholic Marriage Prep program is deeply rooted in John Paul II's Theolog
1. That is why a man leaves
his father and mother and clings
to his wife, and
the two of them become one body.
2. Catholic Marriage Prep, LLC
3. The course covers the theological and
sacramental aspects of marriage and sexuality.
It also expands on the life-skills a couple will
need throughout their marriage.
Taught either in a class/seminar style, one
evening per week over four consecutive weeks,
or one-on-one, in a mentor couple/engaged couple
setting, at the discretion of the mentor couple. Program Overview 3
4. In the Beginning
God's original plan for humanity, man, and woman,
the origin of marriage and how sin distorted it.
In both creation accounts we will understand the TRUE vocation of
humanity, the TRUE vocation of man, and the TRUE vocation of woman,
laying the foundation for a strong marriage and family life.
First Evening Overview 4
5. We will also define sin, how it distorted man
and woman's relationship, and why it separated
them from God.
Some questions from our first evening:
What is this fruit Adam and Eve ate and
why didn't God want them to eat it?
How did the man and his wife sin?
What are the first consequences of sin?
How does this still affect us today?
Is there any hope for redemption??
First Evening Overview 5
6. The Sacrament of Matrimony:
After defining a covenant and a short review of
the seven sacraments of the Church, we will
reflect on what it means to receive the Sacrament
of Matrimony.
We will use the Catechism of the Catholic
Church (paragraphs 1601 1666), to discuss the
requirements of a valid sacrament and what a
couple is consenting to.
We will also listen to St. Paul in the Letter to the
Ephesians, as he gives us clues about the love and respect
connection to enhance our communication. Second Evening Overview 6
7. Forgiveness and Freedom:
Forgiveness plays a vital role in marriage and we will understand just how
important it is, and rediscover the value of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Your body is a Temple:
We will also learn that we owe immense respect to our bodies, as they are
the Temple of the Holy Spirit and a window to our souls. This will give us
clues on how to have a holy sex life.
We will look at how to safe-guard ourselves against the silent killers of
families such as, pornography and other sins of the flesh. Second Evening Overview 7
We will analyze in detail each sentence of the vows.
Freely and Without Reservation
To Give Yourselves to Each Other
For the Rest of Your Lives
Will You Accept Children
I Take You
Third Evening Overview 8
9. We will discuss cohabitation, sex before marriage, contraception,
abortion, reproductive technologies
Couples will work individually on these core topics:
Natural Family Planning
They will learn that to be
a faithful Catholic couple
requires them to be
counter-cultural. Third Evening Overview 9
Each couple will reflect individually on
these questions:
- What do you expect from marriage?
What is going to hold your marriage
together for life? Fourth Evening Overview 10
Couples will receive introductory skills to active listening and
non-blaming communication.
2. Techniques to dealing with feelings and emotions during
3. Tips on how to express the needs of each individual.
Couples are given insight into what prayer is.
They are helped to understand the importance of daily prayer in
Suggestions are made on how to get started. Fourth Evening Overview 11
Prayer as a whole class, Entrusting Our Marriages To God, as well as
individual prayer time.
Distribution of certificates of completion (except for those couples waiting
on annulments).
Social and fellowship
time with refreshments. Fourth Evening overview 12
13. Space for notes and answering questions
Scripture passages read in class
Documents to read as homework
Love Letters
Fun quizzes to take together
Questionnaires for the audio files
Budget Sheet
Feedback sheet
Couple s Workbook 13
Each chapter ends with a selection of documents
to read at home.
Couples are also encouraged to write each other
love letters on the different subjects covered in class.
Before evening three they must fill out two
questionnaires based on audio teachings from
Dr. Janet Smith:
1. Humanae Vitae and Conscience
2. Contraception: Why Not?
on the importance of properly forming their conscience,
and the Churchs position on contraception.
Fun quizzes are a part of the weekly
Couples Homework 14
15. TIME FRAME: Four evenings spread over four
consecutive weeks with each evening lasting 2.5 hours.
(i.e. 4 Mondays in a row or 4 Thursdays in a row)
Program Details 15
The course is not designed to be taught in the traditional lecture style,
but rather to challenge the couples to think first and try to find their own
answers to the different questions. Program Details 16
Must be a married couple
Must be married a minimum of five years
Must be in good standing with the Catholic Church
Must be formed online and certified by Catholic Marriage Prep, LLC Instructors Details 17
COST: $400 per instructor couple parishes sending several
instructors at a time can receive a $100 discount per couple.
Contact Catholic Marriage Prep, LLC directly to make arrangements.
FORMATION TIME FRAME: Formation may begin immediately.
Formation can take from three weeks to a maximum of three months with
six weeks being about average. Instructors Details 18
One instructor workbook: 300 pages of material which follows
the Power Point presentation.
One CD with the interactive Power Point presentation
Also included on the CD:
A blank certificate
One complete set of class summaries to be printed and
passed on to the engaged couples.
One engaged couple workbook
Two abstinence pledge cards
One abstinence flyer
Instructors Details 19
21. Frequently Asked Questions 21 What happens if a couple misses a class?
Couples can catch up online. Instructors can direct them to
www.catholicmarriagepreponline.com where they can register for the class
they missed, staying on track with the rest of the couples. The couple will
be charged a fee of $19.95 per class for this service, as Catholic Marriage
Prep, LLC online instructors will handle the teaching.
The fee is an incentive to the couple to do everything possible to avoid
missing a class at the parish for all but the most urgent matters, and to
provide a hassle-free service for the parish.
22. Frequently Asked Questions 22 Why are the classes spread out over a month?
This allows couples to process and accept the Churchs teachings that they
are learning - possibly for the first time in their lives. Not only do the
instructors need to plant the right seeds, but many times they need to
prepare the soil first!
Can the class be taught over a weekend?
No. Because of the nature of the questions asked and the decisions that
each couple is asked to make, these matters take time to consider.
In most seminar style courses, information is absorbed only in the first
few hours; think back over your own experience
Weekend style classes do not provide instructors the opportunity to build
trust with these couples like they can over several encounters.
23. Frequently Asked Questions 23 Can more than one instructor couple teach the same class?
No, we dont recommend it. The main reason is because the instructors
are trying to build a trusting relationship with each of the couples.
By building a trusting relationship and teaching the positions of the Church
with love, we have an acceptance rate of abstinence and NFP
greater than 90% in both cases!
Can our parish train other instructors?
No, only Catholic Marriage Prep, LLC will form instructors and only online.
This provides consistency among the instructors, convenience for couples,
and a safe-guard for the parish. Because the instructors answers are
written out, if there are any issues that arise during formation, the priest
can decide whether or not they become instructors.
24. Frequently Asked Questions 24 Can I teach the class without my spouse?
No. Because this is MARRIAGE preparation, for the benefit of the engaged
couples, both husband and wife of the instructor couple need to present
the material.
The richness of the material is revealed in the completeness of BOTH
the male and female perspectives.
Not only is it important for the engaged couples to have a great example
of a married couple working together, but the instructor couple will be
able to reap great benefits for their own marriage.
25. Frequently Asked Questions 25 Why does the program focus so much on the spiritual aspects of
marriage rather than on life-skills?
First, a few numbers...
Average age at first marriage:
Women 1970 = 20.8 2010 = 26.1
Men 1970 = 23.2 2010 = 28.2
Women giving birth for the first time at age 30 or older:
1970 = 4%
2007 = 22%
Because more and more couples are getting married later in life, they
are no longer coming to the Catholic Church to learn these basic skills.
We cannot give these couples the same kind of preparation that we were
giving 20 or 30 years ago, when young people had a solid
religious formation through their families.
26. Frequently Asked Questions 26 Most couples today have learned how to communicate through their
careers, their counselors, or just the Internet, and the abundant literature
one can find on the market.
They have also had to learn how to handle money effectively through
living on their own.
Couples today mostly need a moral and spiritual compass.
They need to learn self-giving love and to understand the beauty of
the Sacrament of Matrimony. They need to learn to give Christ the
first place in their lives.
27. Frequently Asked Questions 27 Still, throughout, our program focuses on many different life-skills,
linking them to the spiritual:
First evening: the reading of Genesis eliminates any confusion about our
lifes mission as male and female.
Second evening: St. Paul teaches us how to communicate and live as
husband and wife.
We also focus on forgiveness, one of the most important skills in marriage!
Third evening: we approach chastity, family planning.
We also discuss what discipline is about and give resources
on child-rearing.
Fourth evening: we go into the more traditional type of life-skills such
as potential problems, communication, conflict resolution,
budgeting, and expectations.
28. Frequently Asked Questions 28 Does the parish have to buy additional resources outside of
the instructor training to implement the course?
Yes and no
No, the instructor training is all inclusive and they will have everything
they need, along with one Workbook.
Yes, the parish will have to buy more Workbooks (which are
then resold to the couples) if they want to teach more than
one couple.
We also recommend that light refreshments be available to the couples
like water, soda, fruit, cheese, etc.
29. Frequently Asked Questions 29 Do you have any continued contact with the couples?
Yes! There is E-Chat! Our monthly e-newsletter.
All that the couples, or instructors, have to do, is send us
an email asking to be added to our list.
E-Chat! contains current information related to marriage with a different
topic each month.