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Preface. Summary:  This is obviously just a short intro to his book.  Singer is a professor of philosophy and bioethics at Princeton and in Australia.  He has been writing on this topic for 30 years. 

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  1. Preface Summary:  This is obviously just a short intro to his book.  Singer is a professor of philosophy and bioethics at Princeton and in Australia.  He has been writing on this topic for 30 years.  Essentially, he is attempting to persuade the more fortunate/affluent to give resources to the less fortunate/poor.  He also wrote: Animal Liberation, Should the Baby Live?, Rethinking Life and Death, Writings on an Ethical Life

  2. Goals • Extreme poverty can be eliminated by mid century  - Jeffrey Sachs • Mountain metaphor 1. Convince us that "there is something deeply askew with our widely accepted views about what it is to live a good life." 2. "Give more of your income to help the poor." 

  3. Quotes • "I don't feel like I did something spectacular.  I just saw someone who needed help.  I did what I felt was right" (p. xi). - Wesley Autry, subway construction worker  • "The ultimate purpose of this book is to reduce poverty, not to make you feel guilty"  (p. xiv)  •  "The proportion of people unable to meet their basic needs is smaller today than it has been at any time in recent history...the proportion of people with far more than they need is also unprecedented” (p. xii).

  4. Facts • The world's population has doubled since 1960. • 9.7 million children under 5 die annually. • Buffet is giving $31 billion and Gates $29 billion to fight extreme poverty. • 18 million people are dying unnecessarily each year (higher annual rate than in WWII).

  5. Discussion Question Do you think the world's population is going to get more or less poor and unhealthy over your lifetime?  Explain.

  6. Discussion Question #2 (if needed) Do you think people give money for selfish or altruistic reasons?

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