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Presentation on Capacity Building of PRIs: Rajasthan Experience Progress update: 2000-2010 (Spearheading a Systematic Approach to Training Through Decentralized Training Cascades) Dr. Anita Professor IGPR&GVS (SIRD), Rajasthan. Overall Context
Presentation on Capacity Building of PRIs: Rajasthan Experience Progress update: 2000-2010 (Spearheading a Systematic Approach to Training Through Decentralized Training Cascades) Dr. Anita Professor IGPR&GVS (SIRD), Rajasthan
Overall Context Systematic Approach to Training of PRIs: 2000 AD Onwards TNA-2000, 2004 & 2009 Decentralized Training Cycle of PRIs: Rajasthan TMD–2000, 2002,2005, 2007(BRGF),2008(Ref.Trg.SC,ST,♀) 2009 (Ref. Trg. for all) 2010- (Orientation Trg., for all PRIs after fresh elections) in Progress TIA-2004under SDC supported PRISMO TPRIs- 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007(BRGF), 2008 (Ref. Trg. SC,ST,♀) & 2009 (Ref. Trg. for all) & latest Orientation Campaign in 2010 TOT-2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 & latest in 2010
Rationale for Introducing the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)- Cycle and Decentralized Training Cascades for PRIs in Rajasthan • For customized/need-based responsive training corresponding to entry behaviour of PRIs (w.r.t. knowledge, skills and attitudes- existing & desired) • To equip PRIs for effective role-performance with a view for improving local self governance • Inclusive multi-stakeholder TNA-Workshops for arriving at stakeholder needs • Need-based module and material development to guide state-wide training of PRIs with a uniform curriculum for maintaining optimal quality of content and delivery • Training a strong cadre of trainers to deliver direct training to PRIs as Decentralized cascades • Decentralized training- a time and cost effective alternative to ensure fast outreach and ensuring ‘Training for All’- in the PRI-Sector: with more than 1.25 lac functionaries to be trained every 5 years • Assessing training impact as a strategy for validation of training objectives, content, methodology and outcomes
Emerging Core Training Issues from the TNA of PRIs: 2000 & 2004 PRI Set-up: Current Scenario Main provisions of Panchayati Raj Act and Rules and Role Clarity Goal-clarity with regard to Human / Social / Rural Development Standing Committees and their Functions Intra-and Inter-departmental Coordination & Government Procedures Micro-planning for Development: PLA / PRA-tools & Gram Sabhas Financial Management and Resource-Mobilization
Emerging Core Training Issues from the TNA of PRIs (Contd...) Decentralized Planning: Role of District Planning Committee State and Central Finance Commissions and flow of Funds to PRIs Gender Sensitization and curbing social evils Social Security Schemes Right to Information, Social Audit and Curbing Corruption Disaster Management Role of PRIs with respect to Revenue matters Leadership and Communication Skills
New Thrust Areas: 2004 -05 Responsive & Good Governance Constitutional Perspective: Fundamental Rights, Duties & Directive Principles of State Policy Millennium Development Goals of UN & relevance for GP-Level Human Rights and Human Development Concerns Gender Issues & Empowerment of Women Panchayat Human Development Progress Card : 2005 Problem Solving Wheel: Peer Interaction
TNA: 2009-Emerging Priorities • Panchayati Raj Act & Rules:73rd Constitutional Amendment, 50% Reservation for women in Rajasthan from 2010, Engendering Panchayats, various Standing Committees and meetings desired at the 3 levels of PRIs, PESA • Roles, Responsibilities and Powers of ERs & Officials:3 tiers/ PRIs: Ward Sabha, Gram Sabha, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, District Planning Committee and the Vision for Development- five yearly and annual • Human Development:Education, Health, Women & Child Development, Livelihoods related Schemes & Strategies • Major Development Schemes implemented by PRIs:NREGA, SGSY, IAY, MP/MLA- LAD, Watershed, TSC, Poverty Reduction & Livelihoods, various Social Security Schemes etc. • Financial Management:Sources of funds, Local Development Planning, Budgeting, Accounts-Records, Audit, UC & CC, Technical Estimates, BSR, MB, TS, FS, AS, Mobilizing own income, Accounts Rules & procedures, Store & Inventory Mgt., Gender Responsive Planning and Gender Audit • Administration & Office Mgt.:Record keeping, Agenda for meetings, Meeting minutes & Action taken reports, Revenue Matters- Handling encroachments on CPRs, Housing Pattas, Land Titles and records, PDS, Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Supervision of Staff, Office Correspondence • Personal Development:Recognizing self potential, Leadership skills, Public- speaking & Communication, Confidence Building, Positive Mental Attitude, Conflict- Resolution, Coordination, Gender Sensitivity, Pro-Poor & Dalit Inclusive- Vision, Stress Management, Time Management, Relationship Mgt. & Humour • Topical Concerns/Emerging Challenges:e-learning, Interface with Civil Society, Green & Clean Eco-Friendly Governance, Disaster Mgt., Human Rights & Various Social Legislations, RTI & Social Audit, Transparent & Accountable Governance
TNA Based Training Modules Development (TMD) Joint Training Modules 2000, 2002, 2005 Editions – Rajasthan Joint Orientation Module for Zila Parishad Level for Chair/Vice Chair, Members, CEO & ACEO 3 Days Joint Orientation Module for Panchayat Samiti Level - for Chair/Vice Chair, Members and Vikas - Adhikaris (BDOs) 3 Days Joint Orientation Module for Gram Panchayat Level - for Sarpanch/Up Sarpanch & Gram Sevak i.e. Chair/Vice Chair and Secretary 6 Days 1 Day (2 days from 2010) Orientation Module for Ward Panches Orientation Module for Chair persons and Women- Members of Various Standing Committees of PRIs 2 Days
TNA Based Training Modules Development (TMD) Additional Thematic Modules & Materials Created • Module for Capacity Building of PRIs on Population, Health, RCH & Gender Issues (2005) Distance Education Booklet Series : 2006-07 • Duties & Powers of Zila Parishad, Chair Person & Members • Duties & Powers of Panchayati Samiti, Chair Person & Members • Duties & Powers of Gram Panchayat & Sarpanch • Duties & Powers of Ward Panch, Ward Sabha & Gram Sabha • Orientation Training Modules for BRGF Districts (2007) • Refresher Training Modules for SC, ST & Women Elected Representatives of PRIs(2008) • Gender Responsive District Plan: Modules and Materials for Engendering Districts Plans for Human Development (2008) • Thematic Refresher Module on NREGA, NRHM, RTI, Social Audit & Role of Standing Committees of PRIs (2009)
Training of Trainers (TOT) State Level Master Trainers (MTs) – 100 Persons drawn from GOs, NGOs, Research & Training Institutions -trained at IGPRS District Training Teams (DTTs) – 1500 Persons trained with the support of MTs and organizing support of 21 NGO partners in a decentralized mode: • @ 5 to 7 multi-disciplinary team-members per block- • panchayat, of which minimum 2 are women Seven rounds of TOTs held - in 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007(BRGF), 2008(Ref.Trg. SC,ST & Women ERs), 2009(Thematic Ref. Trg.) Additionally thematic Ref. ToTs held for Pilot Projects on Population, Health & Gender Issues (2005) & Engendering District Plans (2008-09) supported by UNFPA & UNDP Block based DTTs equipped to deliver direct training to PRIs, simultaneously in all blocks, in a Cascade mode
Decentralized Training Campaign (TPRIs): Feb-Mar 2002 (Phase-I ) For Empowering Women Leaders on Priority One week residential training camps for Women Sarpanches - 55 Camps for 3056 Women Gram- Panchayat Leaders One day orientation camps for Women Ward- Panches - 750 Camps for 35000 Women Panches Average turnout 80 to 90% reported and 35000 Women Leaders trained, in less than a month, in a campaign mode
Decentralized Training Campaign (TPRIs): Sept-Oct, 2003 ( Phase – II ) Achieving the National Training Policy Goal of “Training for All” One week residential training camps for joint training of Sarpanches & Panchayat Secretaries (at block level): - 250 camps with 90% turnout - (16,500 persons trained) One day orientation training camps for all Ward Panches (at sub-block level): - 750 camps with 60% turnout - (65,000 Ward Panchestrained) “Training for All” goal achieved, through decentralized block / sub-block based training camps in a Cascade modewithin a month(15 Sept to 15 Oct, 2003)
Training Impact Assessment (TIA): 2004 TIA studies conducted through NGO partners in 30 Districts, 70 Blocks and 270 Gram Panchayats PRI-Training Impact Highlights • Role clarity and Self confidence increased • Mindset of development = construction broken • Understanding of human development goals enhanced • More focus on education, especially of girl-children • Pro-active role for health, water, sanitation & electricity coverage • Greater gender sensitivity in need-based development planning & practice
Training Impact Assessment (TIA): 2004 (Contd.) TIA studies conducted through NGO partners in 30 Districts, 70 Blocks and 270 Gram Panchayats PRI-Training Impact Highlights Women PRI leaders emerged more articulate and assertive Initiatives for eradication of social evils taken Team synergy increased across elected – official partnership Efforts initiated for transparency and social audit Demand for continuous training and resource support has increased
Training-Campaign For PRIs : 2005 (Phase III After Fresh Elections) 4-9 April, 2005 97% Turnout Joint Training of District Chiefs: Zila Pramukhs & CEOs at IGPR&GVS 25-30 April, 2005 100% Turnout TOT of MTs: (IGPR&GVS) 5-7 May, 2005 Ave. 90% Turnout Divisional Level Decentralized Trainings for all Block Chiefs: Pradhans & BDOs
9-10 May, 2005 Ave. 95% Turnout Debriefing Workshops for ACEOs, NGOs, PTCs & BDOs 16-21 May, 2005 More than 100% Turnout Training of DTTs/BTTs at 21 venues with support of NGO-Partners & Panchayat Training Centres 30 May to 4 Jun, 2005 Ave. 99% Turnout Joint Training of Gram Panchayat Chiefs: Sarpanches & Gram Sevaks at Block Level (simultaneously in all Blocks) 6-18 Jun, 2005 Ave. 80% Turnout Orientation Training Camps for all Ward Panches (Ward Chiefs) at Sub-Block Levels
Achievements/Outcomes: ‘Trg. for All’ Goal Achieved for PRIs in Rajasthan All the Workshops and Trainings Planned under PRI-Trg. Campaign – 2005, successfully completed in 75- days, with average 95% attendance across all events! 1.25 Lac PRI Leaders from Zila Pramukhs to Wardpanches & CEOs to Gram Sevaks exposed to basic orientation within three months after elections! A new record has been set in the country, by emerging as the first State to have achieved within three months of PRI elections, “Training for All” Goal, in the PRI Sector, in keeping with the recommendations of the Seventh Round Table Conference & the National Training Policy! The Institute’s achievement of ‘Training for All’ PRIs has been documented as a success story in ‘Log In’ Website of SDC for South Asia Knowledge Exchange Network of Best Practices in Local Governance; UNDP-Planning Commission- Good Practices Resource Book (2009)- listing 30 success stories from all over India and the Institute has been listed amongst 50 lead development resource institutions in South Asia by UNICEF, South Asia- in their Directory of Development Communication Resources in South Asia (2006)
Current Status : Ongoing efforts for Capacity Building of PRIs In 2005-06, in a special Pilot Project for district Sawai Madhopur- 197 GPs were trained on Gender & Health Governance, under MoPR-UNFPA support- and HD data base was evolved at each GP level In 2007, Orientation Training of all PRIs conducted in 12 BRGF- Districts in the cascade- mode: outreaching training for BRGF to more than 35,000 elected representatives and officials on effective local planning • In 2008-09, a Refresher Trg. Campaign was conducted for all PRIs in two phases: • Phase-I: for SC, ST & Women Representatives- for empowering them for performing their duties in the spirit of Panchayati Raj Act & Rules- conducted in June-July, 2008 • Phase-II: for all PRIs- Thematic Refresher in June/July, 09 on NREGA, NRHM, RTI, Social Audit & Standing Committee of PRIs In 2008-09-A special Pilot Project for Jaipur Divn. For Capacity Building of DPCs & PRIs has been successfully completed on the theme of Gender Responsive District Planning- with the support of UNDP & Planning Commission, GOI In 2010- After latest PRI - elections, Basic Orientation Joint Training Campaign for all PRIs, including ERs & Officials has already been completed, achieving the ‘Training for All’ goal yet again within six months of PRI Elections, through a 100 Days Training Campaign – from 21st April - 31st July, 2010.
Resources Required & Challenges Ahead Financial Resources: For one round of ‘Training for All’ of PRIs in Rajasthan- in basic Orientation Campaign has entailed a resource-base of Rs. 5.00 Crores appx. on the modules followed till now. However, in 2010, it is likely to go upto Rs. 10.00 Crores, as duration for Training of Panchayat level (which comprises almost 1.24 lac functionaries) is recommended to be increased to min. one week for Sarpanch- Gram Sevak Training & Two Days (in lieu of one day) for Ward Members Human Resources: Although, seven rounds of ToTs have been held State-wide so far since 2000; however, each fresh round of trainer-training entails a turn over of almost 50-60% new entrants Training Resources:Each fresh round of PRI training entails creation of fresh training materials & modules development, in response to emerging needs- which keep growing in volume & variety over time, in keeping with newer challenges unfolding in the face of local governance Administrative & Political Support:For each Decentralized Training Campaign to achieve its timelines & desired outcomes- requires total commitment & support of administrative & political will to be in consonance with the campaign vision & mission
Current Human Resource Profile of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Rajasthan • Zila Pramukhs (District Chiefs) – 33(w.e.f. from 2010 Elections) • Zila Parishad Members - 1013 • Pradhans (Block Chiefs) - 248 • Panchayat Samiti Members - 5273 • Sarpanches (Village Panchayat Chiefs) – 9166 • Ward Panches – 1,05,257 • Total No. of Elected Representatives – 1,20,553 • Total No. of Elected Women Representatives– 50% by reservation & 5-10% by General contest