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SCIENTIFIC ESTIMATION OF PERIOD AND BIOGRAPHY OF BHAGWAN RISHABHDEV AND EXPLORING ASHTAPAD. Rajmal Jain. ARIF and Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad , India. Introduction: Period of Bhagwan Rishabhdev. Jain Scriptures Period from Present: Koda-kodi (10 7 X 10 7 Years)
Introduction: Period of Bhagwan Rishabhdev Jain Scriptures • Period from Present: Koda-kodi (107 X 107 Years) • Birth: Falgun krishna 8th; BUT year is not known! • Age: 84 Lacs Purva - • Youth period: 20 Lacs Purva - • Ruling Period: 63 Lacs Purva - • Diksha Period: 1 Lac Purva - • Chagnyasthakaal: 1000 Purva • Height: 500 Dhanushya
Period of Bhagwan Rishabhdev अह भगवं भवमहणो, पूव्वाणमणूणगं सयसहस्सं । अणुपुव्वीं विहरीऊणं, पत्तो अठ्ठावयं सेलं ।।433।। अठ्ठावयंमि सेले, चउदस भत्तेण सो महरिसीणं । दसहि सहस्सेहिं समं, निव्वाणमणुत्तरं पत्तो ।।434।। निव्वाणं चिइगागिई, जिणस्स इरवाग सेसयाणं च । सकहा थूभर जिणहरे, जायग तेणाहि अम्मित्ति ।।435।। अर्थात् संसार के दुःखों का अन्त करनेवाले भगवान ऋषभदेव संपूर्ण एक लाख वर्षों तक पृथ्वी पर विहार करके अनुक्रम अष्टापद पर्वत के ऊपर पहूँचे । वहाँ छ उपवास के पश्चावत दस हजार मुनिगण के साथ निर्वाण को प्राप्त हुए । जहाँ भगवाने निर्वाण प्राप्त किया था वहाँ देवोने स्तूप बनाए और भरत चक्रवर्तीने चोवीस तीर्थंकरों के वर्ण एवं परिमाण के समान सपरिकर मूर्तियां स्थापित की और जिनमंदिर बनाया । (Hemchandrasuri ji M.S ~ 1100AD)
Fixing the Milestones - 1 The Age of the Earth: 4.54 Ga B. P. Evolution of Himalaya Range: Collision of Indo-Australian and Asian Plates: 55 Ma B. P. Current configuration attained: 20-10 Ma B. P. Monsoon started: ~ 10 Ma B. P. Life of Mountain Range: 100 - 1000 Ma
Fixing the Milestones - 2 • Human Evolution: Few million years The discovery of Lucy brought back to 3.2 million years the human presence on earth. She was found in Ethiopia in November 1974 Face to face with Lucy, the world’s most famous fossil. At the time of her discovery, Lucy was the oldest known and best preserved early human ancestor. Height ~1.1 meter Weight ~29 kg Recent investigation shows that brain size is positively associated with intelligence in man and that this is the major reason for the increase in brain size of the hominids during the last 3 – 5 million years.
Climate Cycle Major Climate Drivers Earth Forcing: a). 41 kyr axial tilt cycle b). 100 kyr eccentricity cycle c). 23 kyr cycle of the precession of the equinoxes Geodynamics of Earth's Inner Core and Mantle: a). super-rotation and inner-core nutation b). super-plumes c). Subducting d). plates volcanoes Solar Forcing: a) 11 yr solar cycle b) other solar cycles Cosmic Ray Forcing: a) Related to heliosphere and magnetosphere shielding b) Only the high energy cosmic rays play a role Greenhouse gases: a) CO2 b) Methane c) Water vapor
Fixing the Milestones - 3 Sediment records showing the fluctuating sequences of glacials and Inter-glacials during the last several million years.
Fixing the Milestones - 3 Vostok ice core Note: From 850 to 630 Million year B. P. most severe Ice Age in the Earth’s historyr
Fixing the Milestones - 3 Goting Lake Records (Just south of Kailash-Mansarovar)
Solar Forcing The 80 and 200-year sunspot cycle are also Climate cycle: Jain et al (2009). The Wolf-Gleisberg cycle of ~80 years influence the earth by stimulating solar forcing so as to vary the global air and ocean temperatures. The 80-year periodicity cycle is marked in a wide range of terrestrial evidence since millions of years and is still at work. It is found that climatic fluctuations are induced at the turning points of such cycles.
Fixing the Milestones - 4 • Reports on KM-I, KM-II and KM-III campaigns: • By and large findings by KM-II and KM-III are same except in KM-III expert archaeologist was involved who also endorsed discovering Dokhang. • The Dohkang above Gyandrang Gompa (Monastery) was discovered by KM-I as well as KM-II and of course by KM-III. This site is above Barkha Plain where almost all rivers bring water at this location, which includes Mansarovar. • Thus we may infer that this site, in context of water and plains, is suitable for human occupation and development. • However, KM-III report speculates the Dokhang structures not older than 3500 B. P, which suggests not related to Jianism. Therefore Jain civilization must be much older than 3500 years, perhaps > 10 kyears.
Glacier sites – S-I: 60000 years S-II 20000 years, S-III 5000 years B. P.
Scenic View from Dokhang Gompha facing South above Gyangdrak mpha
Altitude: 5.8 km: Cave Serdung Chusum immediately below the Kailash , Age 1000-900 years B. P. This site is not suitable for human occupation due to air density and temperature problems.
Fixing the Milestones - 5 Period of Bhagwan Rishabhdev Period from Present:Koda-kodi years (10-20 thousand years) Magnitude scale: Koda = 1000 Kode = 100 Kodi = 10 (devaluation made kodi=20) (Mohammad Tuglak: 1325-1351 AD) 1 Day = 8 Prahar (pahar); 1 Prahar = 4 Purva (Sun dial/ shadow) Age: 84 Lacs Purva - ~719 years Youth period: 20 Lacs Purva - ~171 years Ruling Period: 63 Lacs Purva - ~539 years Diksha Period: 1 Lac Purva - ~9 years Chagnyasthakaal: 1000 Purva ~ one month ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biological Scale: Dhanush: Spinalcord Dhanushya: cross-section of the vessel ≤5mm Height: 500 Dhanushya ~8.3 feet
Location of Ayodhya Dand Dhanushya = 2r; 8000 Dand Dhanushya = 1 yojan ~ 500 meters Kingdom: Kaushal; Capital: Ayodhya It appears from literature/ references that Ashtapad was not very far from Ayodhya . This implies that Ashtapad was a part of Kaushal kingdom. If so, then, in current geographical context, we may proposeTibet tropical region as Kaushal kingdom zone, and perhaps some part of thickly populated area of Tibet region as Ayodhya. Area of Ayodhya: width – 9 yojan ~4.5 km Length – 12 yojan ~6 km We may speculate that Barkha Plain and/or nearby areas such as Tirthpuri might be Ayodhya.
Proposed Techniques Low Frequency Radio Waves Technique - Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) High Frequency Radio Waves Technique - Microwave Imaging Remote Sensing Technique Radio Carbon Dating Isotope
GPR Ground Penetrating Radar GPR Ground Penetrating Radar
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a tool archaeologists will use more and more for excavations in the 21st century. GPR allows archaeologists to survey archaeological sites in a short amount of time with precision and without digging. • Depth of penetrating in is determined by • Material conductivity • Low conductivity (dry sand, granite) – • can reach up to 50 meters. • High conductivity material will attenuate • the signal . • 2. Antenna – Frequency • Low frequency (50-300 MHz) – 50 meters • High frequency (300MHz-2 GHz) – 10 meters
Basic Principles • Uses radio waves to create picture of underground before excavation • Picture is used to locate any variations in the sub-surfaces
Basic Mechanism • Electro-magnetic waves emitted into the ground and time measured for wave to be reflected and received • When wave hits areas of change in soil, it is hit back to receiver antenna • Changes in soil can include objects buried underneath the surface
Greater surface difference = Stronger signal • Strong signal has large amplitude • Weak signal has small amplitude • Amplitude of wavelength and time are used to create image of what is underground
Remote sensing Imaging Mini SAR for subsurface imaging
Conclusions • Higher lake levels existed between 40000 and 30000 years. It is likely that the first appearance of prehistoric man coincided with periods of high lake levels. • The data show three periods of high temperature, the most recent warm period had an onset about 12000 years ago. • Ice cores from Tibet studied by Oxygen-18 method show three relatively warm periods i) 32-36 thousand years, ii) 24 to 28 thousand years, and 12000 years to present. The intervening periods were very cold and ice thickness on Tibetan Plateau was significantly large. The cold and harsh climatic condition may have presented constraints on development of civilization. • The deeply incised glacial basins around the Kailash are the outcome of the prolonged glacial action. There are direct evidences of extensive glaciations in the region in the form of lateral moraines suggesting that the glaciers were more extensive compared to the present. • Once the glacial climate initiated in the Kailash area, Various Glycogenic features such as Arete, Horn, Truncated Spurs, Table land topography, Grooves and Protrusions (Differential Erosion) were developed. These features were mistaken for human sculptured features.
Recommendations 1. It appears that Period of Bhagwan Rishabhdev was not before 100 kyears, more likely between 14 and 20 kyears B.P. In contrast to Lucy civilisation, people around Adinath period appear to be taller and more intelligent. That means period is later than Lucy. After KM-I, II and III Expeditions it may be concluded that now, perhaps, only technology can make breakthrough. We may implement in parallel 2-3 different technology to search remnants of Asthapad, such as GPR, lake sediments, Caves probing.
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