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Private Inference Control: Protecting Privacy in Data Access

Explore the concept of Private Inference Control (PIC) in the context of data access and security, focusing on preventing unauthorized inference and maintaining user privacy. Discover the implications of inference control mechanisms and their role in safeguarding sensitive information.

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Private Inference Control: Protecting Privacy in Data Access

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  1. Private Inference Control David Woodruff MIT dpwood@mit.edu Joint work with Jessica Staddon (PARC)

  2. Contents • Background • Access Control and Inference Control • Our contribution: Private Inference Control (PIC) • Related Work • PIC model & definitions • Our Results • Conclusions

  3. Access Control • User queries a database. Some info in DB sensitive. What’s Bob’s salary? Server DB of n records Sensitive: Access denied • Access control prevents user from learning individual sensitive relations/attributes. • Does access control prevent user from learning sensitive info?

  4. Inference Control • Combining non-sensitive info may yield something sensitive • Inference Channel: {(name, job), (job, salary)} • Inference Control : block all inference channels

  5. Inference Control • Inference engine: generates collection C of subsets of [m] denoting all the inference channels • We assume have an engine [QSKLG93] (exhaustive search) • Database x 2 ({0,1}m)n • DB of n records, m attributes 1, …, m per record • n tending to infinity, m = O(1) • F 2 C means for all i, user shouldn’t learn xi, j for all j 2 F • Assume C is monotone. • Assume C input to both user and server • User learns C anyway when his queries are blocked • C is data-independent, reveals info only about attributes

  6. Our contribution: Private Inference Control • Existing inference control schemes require server to learn user queries to check if they form an inference • This talk: arbitrary malicious users U*, semi-honest S • Our goal: user Privacy + Inference Control = PIC • Privacy:polytime S learns nothing about honest user’s queries except # made so far • # queries made so far enables S to do inference control • Private and symmetrically-private information retrieval • Not sufficient since they are stateless • User’s permissions change over time • Generic secure function evaluation • Not efficient – our communication exponentially smaller

  7. DB DB Application • Government analysts inspect repositories for terrorist patterns • Inference Control: prevent analysts from learning sensitive info about non-terrorists. • User Privacy: prevent server from learning what analysts are tracking – if discovered this info could go to terrorists!

  8. Related Work • Data perturbation [AS00, B80, TYW84] • So much noise required data not as useful [DN03] • Adaptive Oblivious Transfer [NP99] • One record can be queried adaptively at most k times • Priced Oblivious Transfer [AIR01] • One record, supports more inference channels than threshold version considered in [NP99] • We generalize [NP99] and [AIR01] • Arbitrary inference channels and multiple records • More efficient/private than parallelizing NP99 and AIR01 on each record

  9. The Model • Offline Stage: S given x, C, 1k, and can preprocess x • Online Stage: at time t, honest U generates query (it, jt) • (it, jt) can depend on all prior info/transactions with S • Let T denote all queries U makes, (i1, j1), …, (i|T|, j|T|) • T r.v. - depends on U’s code, x, and randomness • T permissable if no i s.t. (i,j) 2 T for all j 2 F for some F 2 C. We require honest U to generate permissable T. • U and S interact in a multiround protocol, then U outputs outt • ViewU consists of C, n, m, 1k , all messages from S, randomness • ViewS consists of C, n, m, 1k, x, all messages from U, randomness

  10. Security Definitions • Correctness: For all x, C, for all honest users U, for all  2 [|T(U, x)|], out = xi, j • User Privacy: For all x, C, for all honest U, for any two sequences T1, T2 with |T1| = |T2|, for all semi-honest servers S* and random coin tosses of S* • (ViewS* | T(U, x) = T1)  (ViewS* | T(U, x) = T2) • Inference Control: Comparison with ideal model – for every U*, every x, any random coins of U*, for every C there exists a simulator U’ interacting with trusted party Ch for which ViewU*  View<U’, Ch>, where U’ just asks Ch for tuples (it, jt) that are permissable

  11. Efficiency • Efficiency measures are per query • Minimize communication & round complexity • Ideally O(polylog(n)) bits and 1 round • Minimize server’s time-complexity • Ideally O(n) without preprocessing • W/preprocessing, potentially better, but O(n) optimal w.r.t. known single-server PIR schemes

  12. Our Results • For any PIR scheme, let C(n) W(n) denote communication and server work for DB size n • PIC scheme #1 • Communication: O(k log n C(n2)), 1-round • Work: O(k log n W(n2)) • PIC scheme #2 • Communication: O(k(n + C(n))), O(1)-round • Work: O(k(n + W(n))) • Plugging in best PIR parameters, • Scheme #1: comm. O(polylog(n)), work O(n2) • Scheme #2: comm. & work: O(npolylog(n))

  13. A Generic Reduction • A protocol is a threshold PIC (TPIC) if it satisfies the definitions of a PIC scheme assuming C = {[m]}. • Theorem (roughly speaking): If there exists a TPIC with communication C(n), work W(n), and round complexity R(n), then there exists a PIC with communication O(C(n)), work O(W(n)), and round complexity O(R(n)).

  14. PIC ideas: … … cnvdselvuiaapxnw • User/server do SPIR on table of encryptions • Idea: Encryptions of both data and keys that will help user decrypt encryptions on future queries • User can only decrypt if has appropriate keys – only possible if not in danger of making an inference

  15. Stateless PIC • Minimizing communication is a data structures problem • What type of keys require least communication for user to: • Update as user makes new queries? • Prove user not in danger of making an inference on current/future queries? • Keys must prevent replay attacks: can’t use “old” keys to pretend made less queries to records than actually have

  16. PIC Scheme #1 – Stage 1 • Let E by a homomorphic semantically secure encryption scheme (e.g., Pallier) • Suppose we allow accessing each record at most once E(i3), E(j3), ZKPOK PK, SK PK (i3, j3) Recovers r1, r2 iff hasn’t previously accessed i3 E(i1) -> E(r1(i1 – i3)) E(i2) -> E(r2(i2 – i3)) • From r1 and r2 user can reconstruct a secret S3

  17. PIC Scheme #1 – Stage 2 E(i3), E(j3), ZKPOK PK, SK PK (i3, j3) Recovers S3 User does “SPIR on records” on table of encryptions

  18. PIC Scheme #1 - Wrapup • To extend to querying a record < m times, on t-th query, let r1, …, rt-1 be (t-m+1) out of (t-1) secret sharing of St • This scheme can be proven to be a TPIC – use generic reduction to get a PIC • User Privacy: semantic security of E, ZK of proof, privacy of SPIR • Inference Control: user can recover at most t-m ri if already queried record m-1 times – can build a simulator using SPIR w/knowledge extractor [NP99]

  19. PIC Scheme #2 - Glimpse t polylog(n)-communication PIC • Balanced binary tree B • Leaves are attributes • Parents of leaves are records • Internal node n accessed when record r queried and n on path from r to root • Keys encode # times nodes in B have been accessed. Ku, a Kv, b Kw,c Kx,d Ky,e Kz,f 1 2 3 4 a+b =t

  20. Conclusions • Extensions not in this talk • Multiple users (pseudonyms) • Collusion resistance: c-resistance => m-channel becomes collection of (m-1)/c channels. • Summary • New Primitive – PIC • (Almost) Communication-optimal implementations

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