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Keeping Kids & Communities Safer . …It’s Up to All of Us. The Problem-Oriented Guide on Juvenile Runaways states: “youth are usually running away from a problem they do not know how to solve rather than running to an environment they imagine to be more relaxed and inviting.”.
Keeping Kids & Communities Safer …It’s Up to All of Us
The Problem-Oriented Guide on Juvenile Runaways states: “youth are usually running away from a problem they do not know how to solve rather than running to an environment they imagine to be more relaxed and inviting.”
There are many reasons that youth leave home, but physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence and disharmony among parents are key reasons. (Department of Justice, 2006)
47% of runaway/homeless youth reported that conflict with a parent or guardian was a major problem. (National Runaway Switchboard, 2007) • Over 50% of youth in shelters and on the streets reported that their parents either told them to leave or knew they were leaving but did not care. (Research Triangle Institute, 1995) • 32% of runaways and homeless youth have attempted suicide. (Dept. of HHS, 1997)
Youth without access to social service resources, including shelters, have an increased tendency to become homeless and to engage in criminal activities. (John Hagan & Bill McCarthy, 1998)
Safe Place… … provides immediate access to help and supportive resources for young people in crisis through a network of sites sustained by youth serving agencies, businesses, and volunteers. (National Safe Place, 2008) … a part of the Solution
National Safe Place Statistics as of November, 2009 • 118,110 Youth have accessed help and safety at Safe Place sites • 17,336 Safe Place sites are available across the country • 124,781 Youth have received counseling via phone • 140 Safe Place programs • 38 Safe Place states • 2,136 Communities are served by Safe Place. • 6,181,482 Students learned about Safe Place through classroom presentations. (National Safe Place, 2009)
The Purpose of Safe Place is to: help kids so that they do not run away and face the many dangers connected with being on their own and possibly on the street; make it easy to get help; familiarize youth with just one name and sign so they don’t need to know the names of all agencies that can provide help. Safe Place will connect them to the appropriate place. (National Safe Place, 2003)
Safe Place Agencies Safe Place services are coordinated through emergency shelters, runaway shelters, not-for-profit youth-serving agencies and in some rural areas, host homes. All agencies must be approved by the state, Juvenile Justice Department or another recognized source. Each agency must be licensed by National Safe Place designating them as a Safe Place agency for their community. (National Safe Place, 2003)
Local Safe Place Sites Safe Place sites are businesses and public locations where youth in crisis can go for immediate help and safety. • Safes
Local Safe Place Sites Private residences are NEVER used as a Safe Place sites. Safe Place sites should be available in every neighborhood. Mobile Safe Place sites: buses, police and sheriff’s department vehicles, fire vehicles, agency vans, utility trucks and post office vehicles. Schools may be Safe Place sites.
Safe Place Site Responsibilities (National Safe Place, 2003) Relay information about the youth in crisis to the shelter staff. Provide a safe environment where the youth can wait until a Safe Place representative can respond. Be supportive of the youth. Display the Safe Place sign in a highly visible area on the outside of the building. Be willing to educate employees about Safe Place Procedures to follow if a youth requests help.
How Safe Place Works A youth in crisis walks into a designated Safe Place location and asks for help. The youth waits in a quiet, comfortable place. The Safe Place staff will call the site back to identify the representative who will come to meet with the young person. The Safe Place representative arrives to talk with the youth and offers to connect them to needed resources.
At the Safe Place agency, staff will meet with the youth. Parents or guardians are called and the family is offered the help and professional referrals they may need. Youth hear about Safe Place during school outreach, word of mouth, public service announcements on radio or TV and other outreach methods.
Educational Opportunities • Since 1998, the United States Senate has designated the third week of March as National Safe Place Week • November is National Runaway Prevention Month
National Safe Place Week National Safe Place Week recognizes Safe Place community partners. The week helps to bring attention to youth across the country experiencing abuse, neglect or serious family problems, focusing on the public/private partnerships that are developed to offer assistance to these youth. (National Safe Place, 2003)
November is National Runaway Prevention Month … … a public education campaign designed to: Increase the awareness of the issues facing runaway and homeless youth Educate the public about the solutions and the role they can play in preventing youth from leaving home (National Runaway Switchboard, 2007)
The National Runaway Switchboard NRS serves as the federally designated national communication system for runaway and homeless youth. NRS provides comprehensive crisis intervention for young people. It offers free 24-hour services, expertise in all youth-related issues and as an information clearing house of youth services. 1-800-RUNAWAY or www.1800runaway.org (National Runaway Switchboard, 2007)
Where Kids Get Help . . . FAST www.nationalsafeplace.org