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Wacky Weather (for kids in Indiana). By: Ashley Szklarek. www.myopera.com , www.augusta.k12.va.us.com , www.nps.gov. Audience:. Advanced kindergarten – first grade Kids who live in a middle class, suburban community Students that need to learn what the weather in Indiana is like.
Wacky Weather (for kids in Indiana) By: Ashley Szklarek www.myopera.com , www.augusta.k12.va.us.com , www.nps.gov
Audience: • Advanced kindergarten – first grade • Kids who live in a middle class, suburban community • Students that need to learn what the weather in Indiana is like.
Objective: • Students will be given one hour to do this assignment every Monday during the “weather unit "which is 5 weeks long, until they pass the test. • If students do not pass the first two times they will be given help until they pass it. • Students will NOT need any prior knowledge, teacher should go over everything in class.
Environment: • Individually or in groups of three (depends on what the teacher assigns) * Students should be in a computer lab or if the classroom has enough computers in it, that would be fine
Activity Overview: • In this Power Point you will choose what season/ weather condition you want to learn about, or have not learned about yet. • If you start at the beginning you will learn all content in this Power Point with practice quizzes given to help you prepare for the six question test. • Be sure to click on hyperlinks to give you more information about the words being used such as.. “what can you do in spring?”
How do I use? • Buttons: Go back Go Forward *Click on all words that are underlined to learn more information click on the triangle to go to the HOME PAGE
Motivation: • Why should you learn about weather? Because it surrounds us everyday! And it is interesting! Have you ever wondered why thunder is loud or why in the fall leaves change colors? * Go through this Power Point to learn a lot about weather and what you can do during different seasons*
*Home Page* THE SEASONS *Winter *Summer *Autumn *Spring Start at Beginning? Clouds Different Storms Are you ready for the test? If so… CLICK HERE! **TEST**
THE SEASONS www.bringbackglam.com and clip art
AUTUMN: • In Autumn the weather cools down • The leaves change colors…WHY? • The days get shorter PRE- QUIZ www.slimeland.com
Leaves? • Chlorophyll is what makes the leaves change colors . • The sun is used to make the leaves turn green. It is its food. • When the days get shorter the chlorophyll which is green dies because of the lack of sunlight. • The leaves then die slowly changing colors until they eventually fall off the trees. www.hanifworld.com
Pre - Quiz • Why do leaves change colors? • Leaves change colors because their source of food lacks • Mother nature paints them =)
No… The food from the sunlight keeps the leaves looking green so when the days get shorter the leaves have less food and begin to die.* Go back and try again!
Winter Snow… www.downloadready.com
Snow? • Snow falls in the winter because it gets so cold that rain freezes when falling from the sky. • Snow lets us have lots of fun in the winter… Click to see what you can do! www.amazon.com , www.hamburd.mi.us
Fun activities: • Sledding • Make hot chocolate • Make a snowman =) PRE- QUIZ • Go iceskating www.catscottart.com , www.yopyop.com
Winter pre- quiz What is one thing you can do outside in the winter? • Swim • Go sledding with your friends
I’M SORRY you are not right… It would be much to cold in Indiana to swim outside =(*go back and try again
Summer: • The days are the longest • It is the warmest time of the year! SUMMER FUN www.art.com
What can you do in the summer? • You can go to the beach • You can swim =) • Fruits are ready to be picked in the summer so you can go pick, blueberries and or strawberries Pre- Quiz www.commissaries.com , www.blogs.nytimes.com
Pre - Quiz What is ready to be picked in the summer? 1)Fruits 2) Carrots
No.. carrots are a vegetable and fruits are the best in the summer =)…go back and try again! www.hollyandchase.blogspot.com
Spring: • What is Spring? Spring is when.. flowers begin to grow Spring is when.. it rains a lot! Spring is when..BABY BIRDS, such as Robins are born VIDEO on the arrival of Spring WHAT DOES SPRING GIVE US? www.webshots.com , www.picasaweb.com , www.jennymartin.wordpress.com
Spring gives us… • Because of the rain flowers bloom that have been sleeping all winter. • Warmer weather which allows birds, bunnies, and other animals to come out of their homes they lived in during the cold seasons. what are some activities to do in Spring? CLICK HERE
Spring Fun: • Play outside • Plant a Garden • Play in the rain PRE-QUIZ www.jupiterimages.com , www.picasa.google.com , www.freefoto.com
Pre-Quiz • What two things occur during Spring? 1)Baby animals are born and rain 2)Snow falls and you go sledding
No.. Snow and sledding are for winter go back and try again!
CLOUDS CumulusCumulonimbus Stratus Cirrus www.hobbyistsoftware.com
Cumulus • Cloud looks like a cotton ball • These clouds are low to the ground www.usatoday.com
Stratus • Looks like a blanket covering the sky www.mal.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us
Cirrus clouds • Looks like strings in the sky These clouds are made of ice crystals! www.alanbauer.com
Cumulonimbus • Where thunderstorms occur Pre- Quiz www.maplecity.com , www.flickr.com
Pre-Quiz • What cloud is seen when there are thunderstorms? 1)Cumulonimbus 2)Stratus
STORMS • Thunderstorms • Tornados • Winter storms www.stormchasers.au.com , www.biblia.com , www.hamburg.mi.us.com
Tornado • Funnel-shaped cloud • Does not last long but can destroy a lot in a short period of time! • The winds are very fast and the safest place to be in a basement www.biblia.com
Winter Storms • Comes from lake-effect snow • Cold air comes from Canada across the lakes, such as lake Michigan and the water then comes to Indiana which then freezes then turns to snow www.jimreport.com , www.cnn.com
Thunderstorms • Loud! • They occurs when cold air and warm air mix. It causes high winds that could lead to a tornado also can cause lightning and thunder which creates the loud “BOOM” sound PRE-QUIZ www.ponderacountymontana.org , www.fsplanet.com , www.weather.gov.hk
Pre-Quiz • What three things can occur during storms? 1)Rain, thunder, snow 2)lightning, tornados, wind 3)All the above
TEST…. 1)What makes leaves change colors? A)Sun B)Grass 2)When are the days the longest? A)Summer B)Fall 3)What can you do in Spring? A)Plant a garden B)Build a snow fort 4)What cloud looks like a cotton ball? A)Star B)Cumulus 5)What is a funnel shaped cloud? A)Tornado B)Wind www.ci.knoxville.tn.us , www.apod.nasa.com , www.hobbyistsoftware.com , www.norcalblogs.com
No you are wrong.. =( • CLICK HERE TO REVIEW **if you review, click on the triangle on the page to go back to the home page and then click on TEST to get back to the test!! Go back to test
Wrong…CLICK HERE to review **if you review, click on the triangle on the page to go back to the home page and then click on TEST to get back to the test!! Go back to test