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ARAB - ISRAELI WARS Part I. PARTITION TO THE PLO. Increased Jewish migration to Palestine in 1930’s From Nazi Germany Later Czechoslovakia Poland. Historic Context:. KIBBUTZ. Cont’d. Even more Jewish immigrants post W W II Into Palestine Fresh start Zionism

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  2. Increased Jewish migration to Palestine in 1930’s From Nazi Germany Later Czechoslovakia Poland Historic Context:


  4. Cont’d. • Even more Jewish immigrants post W W II • Into Palestine • Fresh start • Zionism • Even when Br. tried to stop this immigration • To reduce Arab-Jewish violence

  5. Cont’d. • Violence increased: • Radical & semi-radical Zionist groups • Irgun • Haganah • British exhausted after WWII • Wanted to reduce foreign responsibilities

  6. 1947: British To Leave • British gov’t. announced its plan to withdraw troops from Palestine within one year • Britain turned over Palestinian problem to U.N.

  7. General Assembly Resolution # 181: (Nov. 29, 1947) Partition of Palestine (British mandate) Jewish state Arab state VOTE: 33 votes in favor 13 against 10 abstentions 1 absent U.N. Votes for Partition

  8. State of Israel Established • May 14, 1948: • in Tel Aviv • (5th of Iyar, 5708)

  9. ISRAEL ATTACKED • May, 1948, by: • Egypt • Transjordan • (Jordan: 1949) • Syria • Lebanon • Iraq • + Palestinians

  10. OUTNUMBERED • Israel (outnumbered 100 to 1)* • Brand new country: • Only a provisional gov’t. • Military not yet organized • Radical Zionist groups • Served as military • Some in-fighting • Lack of military supplies • U.N. embargo on sale to “Palestine” • *From pro-Israeli web site.

  11. RESULT: • Truce/cease-fire: • Israel gained 50% more land than by U.N. partition • Gaza Strip under Egypt’s control • West Bank of the Jordan R. under Jordan’s control • 780,000 Palestinian refugees

  12. SUEZ CRISIS, 1956or 2nd Arab-Israeli War • Background: • Gamal Abdel Nasser: • leader of Egypt • (took power in E. Rev. 1952) • (used censorship, torture, imprisonment, murder of pol. opponents) • Charasmatic, very popular • Pan-Arabism: Arab nationalism

  13. Gamal Abdul Nasser

  14. Background 2: • Series of border raids from Gaza (under Egyptian control) • Israeli wounded & dead • Israel retaliated: artillery attacks

  15. CRISIS PROVOKED: • Nasser nationalized Suez Canal • Kicked out British: • military & oil executives • Closes Straits of Tiran & • Suez Canal to Israeli shipping

  16. WH0 RESPONDED? • Britain • France • Israel

  17. HOW? • Oct. 1956: • Israel invaded the Sinai • Br. & Fr.bombed Egyptian military targets • 2 days • U.S. & U.S.S.R. condemned attacks • Br. & Fr. paratroopers landed • Israel seized Gaza Strip

  18. Outcome: • US + USSR pressure convinced Br. Fr. & Israel to withdraw • 1,650 Egyptians died • Most of E’s air force destroyed • 190 Israelis died • 26 Br. & Fr. died • Israel occupied Gaza until 3/1957

  19. PLO ESTABLISHED • Palestine Liberation Organization • May, 1964 • @ 1st Arab Summit • By number of small guerrilla forces • Purpose: destroy Israel

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