1. Physically-Based Simulation on the GPU Mark Harris NVIDIA Developer Technology
2. Simulating the world Simulate a wide variety of phenomena on GPUs
Anything we can describe with discrete PDEs or approximations of PDEs
I will talk about boiling, reaction-diffusion,fluids, and clouds Greg gave basic concepts needed to take simulation on the GPU to the next level.
I’ll try to convince you unlimited possibilities.
Can simulate any phenomenon that we can describe with PDE equations (discrete in space and time)
I’ll also talk about approximate methods.Greg gave basic concepts needed to take simulation on the GPU to the next level.
I’ll try to convince you unlimited possibilities.
Can simulate any phenomenon that we can describe with PDE equations (discrete in space and time)
I’ll also talk about approximate methods.
3. Approximate Methods Several approximations for PDEs
Cellular Automata (CA)
Coupled Map Lattice (CML)
Lattice-Boltzmann Methods (LBM)
I’ll talk briefly about CML
4. Coupled Map Lattice Mapping:
Continuous state ? lattice nodes
Nodes interact with each other to produce new state according to specified rules
Extension of CA:
Continuous state at cells instead of discrete Like CA, CML tend to be composed of several simple rules that govern the evolution of the system.
These are approximations chosen to be simple, while capturing the basic behaviors of the system.Like CA, CML tend to be composed of several simple rules that govern the evolution of the system.
These are approximations chosen to be simple, while capturing the basic behaviors of the system.
5. Example: Boiling State = Temperature
Three operations:
Diffusion, buoyancy, & latent heat
Based on [Yanagita 1992]
3D Simulation
Stack of 2D texture slices
Sample from neighboring slices
6. PDE Simulations Floating-point GPUs open up new possibilities
Less Ad Hoc methods: real PDEs
Must be able to discretize in space and time
I’ll discuss three examples:
Fluid Dynamics
Cloud Dynamics
7. Reaction-Diffusion Gray-Scott reaction-diffusion model [Pearson 1993]
State = two scalar chemical concentrations
Simple: just Diffusion and Reaction ops
8. Demo: “Disease”
9. Fluid Dynamics Solution of Navier-Stokes flow eqs.
Stable for arbitrary time steps
Means you can run it fast!
[Stam 1999], [Fedkiw et al. 2001]
Can be implemented on latest GPUs
Quite a bit more complex than R-D or boiling
See “Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU”
Harris, GPU Gems, 2004
10. Navier-Stokes Equations Describe flow of an incompressible fluid
11. Fluid Simulator Demo
12. Cloud Dynamics Overview 3 components
7 unknowns
Fluid dynamics
Motion of the air
Temperature changes
Water continuity
Evaporation, condensation
13. Thermodynamics Temperature affected by
Heat sources
Latent heat released / absorbed during condensation / evaporation
? temperature = advection + latent heat release
+ temperature input
14. Water Continuity Water is conserved
Condensation balances Evaporation
? H2O vapor = - ? H2O liquid
? = Phase changes + advection
Liquid water is what is rendered
Convert water field to a “density” texture
15. Cloud Dynamics
16. Simulation Algorithm Advect quantities q, qv, qc and u
Similar to [Stam, 1999]
Compute and apply accelerations
Compute condensation, evaporation, and temperature changes
Enforce momentum conservation
Otherwise velocity dissipates, loses “swirls”
Projection step of “Stable Fluids” [Stam, 1999]
17. Simulation Algorithm Most steps are simple
Most use one fragment program, one pass
Programs come directly from equations
Tricky parts:
Staggered grid discretization
See dissertation (harris, 2003)
Stable Fluids projection step
Vectorized solver (see earlier talks)
Boundary conditions (Static Branch Resolution – earlier talks)
3D Simulation
18. Flat 3D Textures
19. Flat 3D Textures Advantages
One texture update per operation
Better use of GPU parallelism
Non-power-of-two Textures
Quick simulation preview
Must compute texture offsets
20. Conclusion GPUs are a capable, efficient, and flexible platform for physically-based visual simulation
The possibilities are endless!
21. Acknowledgements Fellow UNC Students
Bill Baxter, Greg Coombe, Thorsten Scheuermann
Anselmo Lastra and other UNC Faculty
NVIDIA Corporation
US National Institutes of Health
US Office of Naval Research
US Department of Energy ASCI program
US National Science Foundation
22. Selected References Chorin, A.J., Marsden, J.E. A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. 3rd ed. Springer. New York, 1993
Fedkiw, R., Stam, J. and Jensen, H.W. Visual Simulation of Smoke. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH. 2001.
Harris, M., Coombe, G., Scheuermann, T., and Lastra, A. Physically-Based Visual Simulation on Graphics Hardware.. Proc. 2002 SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 2002.
Harris, Baxter, Scheuermann, Lastra. Simulation of Cloud Dynamics on Graphics Hardware. Proc. Graphics Hardware 2003.
Harris, M. Real-Time Cloud Simulation and Rendering. Ph.D. Dissertation. http://www.markmark.net/dissertation
Kaneko, K. (ed.), Theory and applications of coupled map lattices. Wiley, 1993.
Nishimori, H. and Ouchi, N. Formation of Ripple Patterns and Dunes by Wind-Blown Sand. Physical Review Letters, 71 1. 197-200. 1993.
Pearson, J.E. Complex Patterns in a Simple System. Science, 261. 189-192. 1993.
Stam, J. Stable Fluids. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1999, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, 121-128. 1999.
Turk, G. Generating Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces Using Reaction-Diffusion. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1991, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, 289-298. 1991.
Witkin, A. and Kass, M. Reaction-Diffusion Textures. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1991, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, 299-308. 1991.
23. More References Gomez, M. Interactive Simulation of Water Surfaces. in Game Programming Gems. Charles River Media, 2000. p 187.
Lengyel, E. Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics. Charles River Media, 2002. Chapter 12, p 327.
James, G. Operations for Hardware-Accelerated Procedural Texture Animation. in Game Programming Gems II. Charles River Media, 2001. p 497.
Strzodka, R. Virtual 16 Bit Precise Operations on RGBA8 Textures. Proceedings VMV 2002, 2002
Strzodka, R., Rumpf, M. Using Graphics Cards for Quantized FEM Computations. In Proceedings VIIP 2001, 2001.
Yanagita, T. Phenomenology of boiling: A coupled map lattice model. Chaos, 2 3. 343-350. 1992.
Yanagita, T. and Kaneko, K. Coupled map lattice model for convection. Physics Letters A, 175. 415-420. 1993.
Yanagita, T. and Kaneko, K. Modeling and Characterization of Cloud Dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 78 22. 4297-4300. 1997
24. Extra Slides
25. 3D simulation Lattice is now 3D
3D texture or stack of 2D textures
Or tile slices onto a large 2D texture
Neighbor sampling is 3D
Texels in nearby slices
If it’s a 3D texture, just perturb the r texture coordinate to get slice neighbors
Otherwise bind neighbor slice textures
26. Fluid Simulation Details
27. Divergence-Free? In any element of fluid, inward velocity is balanced by outward velocity
No sources or sinks
Ensures mass / momentum conservation
28. Algorithm Break it down [Stam 2000]:
Add forces:
Solve for pressure:
Subtract pressuregradient:
29. Algorithm Break it down [Stam 2000]:
Add forces:
30. Add Forces
Scale force by time step, add to velocity
In demo, we just “splat”
Color of splat encodes direction and strength of force (determined by mouse motion)
Simple fragment program adds gaussian splat to velocity texture
31. Algorithm Break it down [Stam 2000]:
Add forces:
32. Advection Advection: quantities in a fluid are carried along by its velocity
Want velocity at position x at new time t + ?t
Follow velocity field back in time from x : (x - w1?t)
Like tracing particles!
Simple in a fragment program
33. Algorithm Break it down [Stam 2000]:
Add forces:
34. Viscous Diffusion
Viscous fluid exerts drag on itself
Causes diffusion of velocity
Implicit, discrete form of
Explicit form is unstable
Solution is just like the next step
Simpler to explain the next step…
35. Algorithm Break it down [Stam 2000]:
Add forces:
Solve for pressure:
36. Poisson-Pressure Solution
Poisson Equation
Discretize, solve using iterative solver (relaxation)
Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, Multigrid, etc.
Jacobi easy on GPU, the rest are trickier
Demo uses Jacobi iteration (15-20 iters.)
Boils down to repeated evaluation of:
37. Algorithm Break it down [Stam 2000]:
Add forces:
Solve for pressure:
Subtract pressure gradient:
38. Subtract Pressure Gradient
Last computation of the time step
u is now a divergence-free velocity field
Very simple fragment program
39. Fluid Simulator Demo (more)
40. Boundary Conditions Various types of BCs
No-slip, free-slip, outflow, inflow, periodic, etc.
Demo uses “no-slip” velocity BCs
V = 0 at boundaries.
Pressure: pure Neumann BCs
Have to set them each iteration of solver
p(boundary) = p(nearest non-boundary neighbor)
41. Cloud Details
42. Fluid Dynamics Incompressible Euler equations
Same as previous fluid simulation
Viscosity = 0
Buoyancy term
Temperature, pressure, water changes induce motion
43. Projection Step Enforces divergence-free velocity
Iterative solution of Poisson-pressure eq.
Poisson solver options
Conjugate Gradient
Fast Fourier Transform
Jacobi, Red-Black Gauss Seidel
44. Vectorized Solvers Pressure is scalar, texels are RGBA
Pack 4 pressure values in each texel
Process 4x fewer fragments each iteration
45. Simulation Amortization Simulation takes ~200 ms per step
64x64x64 volume, GeForce FX 5900 Ultra
But simulation time step represents 3s of actual time
On the order of visual change in real clouds
So, faster than real time, but low frame rate
46. Simulation Amortization Non-interactive application:
Simulate as fast as possible
Frame rate suffers
47. Simulation Amortization Interactive frame rate!
Simulation still proceeds pretty fast