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Regional workshop “EEA Core Set of Indicators for the West Balkan countries” Albania. 11-12 December 2008 Skopje. By Narin Panariti. CSI 006 Production and consumption of ozone depleting substances. Legal bases for the indicator :
Regional workshop “EEA Core Set of Indicators for the West Balkan countries”Albania 11-12 December 2008Skopje By Narin Panariti
CSI 006 Production and consumption of ozone depleting substances Legal bases for the indicator: Law on Ratification of the Montreal Protocol and Decision of Council of Minister Data source(s): • Ministry of Environment Forestry and Water Management, • The National Ozone Project Implementation Unit and • General Customs Directorate Geographical coverage: national Temporal coverage: 1995-2002 (unofficial data); 2002- 2007 (official data) Methodology and frequency of data collection: International (following ozone secretariat guidelines). Annual data processed Methodology of data manipulation (measurements):The National Ozone Project Implementation Unit performs permanent monitoring of the imported/exported and consumed ODS quantities.
CSI 008 – Designated areas Legal bases for the indicator: Law No. 8906 dated 6 June 2002 “On Protected Areas” Law 8934, dated 05.09.2002 “On environmental protection” • Law no. 9587, dated 20.07.2006 “On biodiversity protection”; • DCM no.103, dated 31.3.2002 “For the monitoring on the Republic of Albania”; • Decree “On the administration of protected areas” no. 266, dated 24.04.2003 • Decree “On the procedures for the proposal and declaration of protected areas and buffer zones” no.267, date 24.04.2003 • Decree “On the re-declaration of some protected areas” Decree “On the establishment of the Management Boards for protected areas” no. 86, dates 11.02.2005. • Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan adopted in 2000;
CSI 008 – Designated areas Data source(s) : • Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration of Albania Geographical coverage: national Temporal coverage: 1940-2006 Methodology and frequency of data collection: Annually Quality information (at data level): reliable
Strength and weakness (at data level) : Strengths Starting from 2004 all the Decisions of the Council of Ministers are elaborated with GIS mapping of the sites. Therefore, new areas to be designated for the future will not be a problem. Weaknesses Majority of the gaps are related to the Nature Monuments (Cat. III IUCN). From 805 sites 750 are Nature Monuments and 95 % of them are very small in size (e.g. trees or group of trees as well as small caves), for which more time is needed to record the coordinates by GPS. Missing coordinates, altitudes and sizes for Nature Monuments, which although cover only a small percentage of the surface, are numerous (750). Coordinates will be a problem until a funding source is found to complete the tour of the Nature Monuments (around 600 of them) to get the required coordinates. No digital boundaries delivered yet, but the work is on-going for the all PA-s belonging to National Parks, Managed Nature Reserves and Protected landscapes. Some bondaries delivered to EEA with the 2007 delivery of CDDA for Albania, but it seems theat there are problems with the mrging of the maps. No national site code yet for all designated areas due to the lack of such code for any of the PA-s in Albania. CSI 008 – Designated areas
CSI 016 Municipal waste generation The basic legal framework • law no 8934 dt. 5.09.2002 “on environmental protection” • law no 9010 dated 13.02 2003 “on environmental management of solid waste”, • law nr.9537, datë 18.5.2006 “on hazardous waste administration” • regulation nr.1, date 30/3/ 2007 “on the treatment of construction and demolition waste from creation and transportation to disposal” • regulation nr.6, datë 30.11.2007) “on the administration of hospital waste” • guideline nr.6, dt.27.11.2007 “on the approval of the rules, content and deadlines for the drafting of plans for solid waste administration” decision nr. 803, date 04.12.2003 “on the approval of rules and procedures for the import of waste for recycling and treatment” • regulation nr. 4 date 15.10.2003 “on the application and approval of export and transit of waste”. Law no 8990 dated 21.1.2003 “On environmental impact assessment” • Law No 8094 dated 21.3.1996 “On public removal of waste”; • Law No 8652 dated 31.7.2000 “On organization and functioning of local government”, which obliges the municipalities and communes to organize by them the waste management in respective territory, pushing on the decentralization process;
CSI 016 Municipal waste generation • Decision of Council of Ministers No. 26 dated 31.01. 1994 “On monitoring of environment” • Decision of Council of Ministers No. 99 dated 18.2.2005 “Albanian catalog of waste”, in totally compliance with EU Catalog; • Decision of Council of Ministers No. 806 dated 4.12.2004 “Procedures for Import of Waste, Intently for Recycling, Reusing and Treatment; • Regulation of Minister of Environment No 4 dated 15/10/2003 “Procedures for Export and Transit Movement of Waste” • Decision No. 776 dated 8/12/1998 Concerning Obligatory Collection and Deposit of Abandoned Vehicles. • A new draft act on End of Life Vehicles, transposing the respective directive is under preparation by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications. • International agreements • Albania has ratified • Basel Convention “On transboundary movement of hazardous waste and their disposal” as well as its Ban Amendment. • Stockholm Convention on the POP-s • PRTR Protocol of Aarhus Convention in May 2006 • Only limited/inexistent capacities for regular reporting to the convention secretariats.
CSI 016 Municipal waste generation Data source: • Ministry of Environment, Forest and Waster Administration- State of Environment in Albania 2001-1002 and 2003-2004 • Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication -Annual Reports on waste generation for years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. • IFC –Recycling Linkages Project 2006 Geographical coverage: Republic of Albania Temporal coverage: 2001-2007 Methodology and frequency of data collection: Annual reporting from municipalities to the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications. The integral national report is then delivered to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration. Problems: data is collected through desk work (between MPWTT and the municipalities and communes. No proper and legally set networks exist for data collection, no standard methodology, and no proper and reliable statistics or database exists.
CSI 019 Oxygen consuming substances in rivers BOD5 in rivers of the Republic of Albania
CSI 019 Oxygen consuming substances in rivers Legal bases for the indicator: • Law on waters, • Decree on categorization and classification of water courses in the Republic of Albania • Decision of Council of Ministers “On environmental monitoring in the Republic of Albania” Data source(s): • Department of Environment of Hydrometeorological Institute – Tirana Geographical coverage: Republic of Albania Temporal coverage: 1994 – 2007 Methodology and frequency of data collection: • EUROWATERNET methodology for identification of the measurements points on the rivers and lakes have been applied • Bimonthly data have been processed Methodology of data manipulation (measurements): • Data by six district river basins
CSI 020 Nutrients in freshwater Total phosphorus in lagoons of the Republic of Albania
CSI 020 Nutrients in freshwater Legal bases for the indicator: • Decision of Council of Ministers No. 103, dt. 31.03.2002 “On environmental monitoring in the RoA” Data source(s): Biological Research Institute,Academy of Sciences. Sponsor: Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water administration Geographical coverage: Republic of Albania Temporal coverage: 2002-2007 Methodology and frequency of data collection: • EUROWATERNET methodology for identification of the measurements points on the transition waters have been applied • Water Framework Directive • Monthly data have been processed Methodology of data manipulation (measurements): Data by seven district lagoons
CSI 021 Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters Total phosphorus in lagoons of the Republic of Albania
CSI 021 Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters Legal bases for the indicator: Decision of Council of Ministers No. 103, dt. 31.03.2002 “On environmental monitoring in the RoA” Data source(s): Biological Research Institute,Academy of Sciences. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water administration Geographical coverage: Republic of Albania Temporal coverage: 2002-2007 Methodology and frequency of data collection: EUROWATERNET methodology for identification of the measurements points on the transition waters have been applied Water Framework Directive Monthly data have been processed Methodology of data manipulation (measurements): Data by seven district lagoons
CSI 030 Renewable energy consumption Legal Bases for the indicator: • Albanian Energy balances Data source(s) • Albanian Agency of Natural Resources (AKBN) Description of data: • These data refer to consumption of renewable energy and total energy consumption and measured in thousand of tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe) by sector. Therefore, the amount of renewable energy is measured in absolute value, but will be presented in the form of percentage. Geographical coverage: National Temporal coverage: 2004-2007 Methodology of data manipulation (measurements): • Annual data processed by AKBN Quality information (at data level) • Data by sectors • Data by fuels Strength and weakness (at data level) • Based on Albanian the energy balance there are some weakness at the level of the energy consumption by sub sectors in quality terms. (not in detailed level).
CSI 031 Renewable electricity Legal Bases for the indicator: Laws and Acts on Statistics of energy/power sector. Data source: National Agency of Natural Resources (AKBN), Annual energy reports and statistical data from institutions/companies. (Albanian Power Corporation), Energy Balances. Description of data: These annual data refer to electricity produced from renewable energy sources and gross national electricity consumption, are measured in GWh/y, some other datas are in ktoe, (0.086 ktoe = 1 GWh). Geographical coverage: National. Temporal coverage: 1999-2007. Methodology of data manipulation (measurements): Annual data processed by AKBN, using IEA/Eurostat methodology. Quality information (at data level): Reliable.
CSI 026 Area under organic farming Legal bases for the indicator: • Law no.9199 of 2004 “On production, processing, certification and marketing of the “bio” products” • Decision No.388, date 31.05.2005 “On the composition, functioning, duties and rights of the State Commission for Organic Production”. Data source: • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Production (MoAFCP); • Organic Agriculture Association (OAA); • BioAdria Association; • Review “Monitor” Geographical coverage: Republic of Albania Temporal coverage: since 1991
CSIs not feasible in the short-run CSI 025; CSI 002; CSI 003; CSI 005; CSI 009; CSI 013; CSI 015; CSI 017; CSI 024; CSI 018. The reasons are different, but basically one can say that: • - no short term plans for transposing and implementing certain directives (e.g. Packaging waste) • - no short term plans for rising the monitoring budget, • - no short term plans to rise the human capacities in those areas, • - no facilities exist, so no data can be collected (e.g. waste water) • - sometime, institutions/people are slow to provide even existing data, etc.
Recommendations • Set the requirement for data collection and reporting to the annual monitoring contracts with different institutes. • Continue with updating of the already delivered indicators. • Make sure that in the future legal drafting of the Monitoring and Reporting regulations, respective directives that require monitoring and reporting of certain data on certain areas, are transposed, Also introduce as obligatory the list of EEA CSIs. Obviously not everything can be done properly at one shot, but transition periods can be given in the regulation, for the introduction, monitoring, development and reporting of each indicator. • The good experience made with data collection and reporting to the EEA Priority Data Flow (annual) in the period 2003-2006, must continue and strengthen further. • Last but not least, improve the quality and regularity of reporting to certain international Convention, for which no funding is made available form the Convention. Experience has shown that reporting is good to all secretariats of conventions that support projects for this purpose (Climate, Ozone, etc.). But that is not the case with reporting to Basel Convention, which does not provide any funding. Budgetary funding and human capacities for that purpose remain essential.