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Model Programs for Preserving Composite Invariants

A solution using JML model programs for specifying and verifying invariants in composite objects, based on a grey-box approach. Supported by US NSF grants CNS-06-27354 and CNS-08-0891.

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Model Programs for Preserving Composite Invariants

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  1. Model Programs for Preserving CompositeInvariants SAVCBS 2008 Challenge Problem Solution by Steve Shaner, Hridesh Rajan, Gary T. LeavensIowa State and University of Central FloridaSupport from US NSF grants CNS-06-27354 and CNS-08-0891

  2. Summary Problem • Specify and verify invariants for composite, which extend outside an object. Approach: JML model programs • Grey-box [Büchi-Weck97,99] specification • Verification modular by: • Copy rule / substitution [Morgan88] • Structurally-restricted refinement Contribution • Exposes only code for maintaining invariant

  3. Grey-Box (Ref. Calc.) Approach[Büchi–Weck97, 99] c.count++ lnr.actionPerformed() Pre vs. Post c.count == 0 c.count > 0 lnr.actionPerformed()

  4. Grey-Box Specifications in JML[Shaner-Leavens-Naumann07] c.count == 0 c.count > 0 lnr.actionPerformed() Specification Code /*@ normal_behavior@ requiresc.count == 0;@ensuresc.count > 0;@*/ lnr.actionPerformed(); /*@ refining @ normal_behavior@ requiresc.count == 0;@ensuresc.count > 0;@*/{ c.count++; } lnr.actionPerformed();

  5. Soundness of JML’s Approach [Shaner-Leavens-Naumann07] Structural Refinement: • Exposed code appears exactly as shown • Specification statements refinedby refining statements • Cannot call methods with exposed calls Behavioral Subtyping: • Overriding methods must structurally refine

  6. Composite Design Pattern Component parent total Composite components[]count addComponent(Component)

  7. Sample Assertion to Prove Composite root = new Composite(); Composite child = new Composite(); Component comp = new Component(); //@ assumeroot.total == 1 && child.total == 1;//@ assumecomp.total == 1; //@ assumeroot.parent == null && child.parent == null; //@ assumecomp.parent == null; root.addComponent(child); child.addComponent(comp); //@ assertroot.total == 3;

  8. Specification of Component class Component { protected/*@ spec_public nullable @*/ Composite parent; protected/*@ spec_public @*/ int total = 1; //@ protected invariant 1 <= total; }

  9. Specification of Composite(Data and Invariant) class Composite extends Component { private/*@ spec_public @*/ Component[] components = new Component[5]; private/*@ spec_public @*/ int count = 0; /*@ protected invariant @ total== 1 + (\sum inti; @ 0 <= i && i < count; @ components[i].total); @*/

  10. Composite’s Specification (addComponent) /*@ public model_program{ normal_behavior requiresc != this && c.parent == null; assignablethis.components; ensuresthis.components.length > this.count; normal_behavior assignablec.parent, this.objectState; ensuresc.parent == this; ensuresthis.hasComponent(c); this.addToTotal(c.total); } @*/public void addComponent(Component c)

  11. Composite’s Specification (addToTotal) /*@ private model_program{ normal_behavior requires0 <= p; assignablethis.total; ensuresthis.total == \old(this.total) + p; Component aParent = this.parent;while (aParent != null) { normal_behavior assignableaParent.total, aParent; ensuresaParent.total == \old(aParent.total) + p; ensuresaParent == \old(aParent.parent);} } @*/private /*@ helper @*/ voidaddToTotal(intp)

  12. Verification Using Copy Rule [Morgan88] To verify method call: • Substitute model program specification • Replace formals with actuals • Avoid capture Usual rules for other statements

  13. Rule for Method Calls(Copy Rule + Substitution) specFor(T’, m) = mp(S’), methType(T’, m) = y:U -> void, this:T’, z:U |-S’, T ≤ T’,S’ doesn’t assign to y,S = S’ [x,z/this,y], Γ, x:T’ |- P { S } Q Γ, x:T |- P && x instanceofT’{ x.m(z); } Q

  14. Verification of Sample Composite root = new Composite(); Composite child = new Composite(); Component comp = new Component(); //@ assumeroot.total == 1 && child.total == 1;//@ assumecomp.total == 1; //@ assumeroot.parent == null && child.parent == null; //@ assumecomp.parent == null; root.addComponent(child); child.addComponent(comp); //@ assertroot.total == 3;

  15. Copy Rule Applied root.addComponent(child);  normal_behavior requireschild != root && child.parent == null; assignableroot.components; ensuresroot.components.length > root.count; normal_behavior assignablechild.parent, root.objectState; ensureschild.parent == root; ensuresroot.hasComponent(child); root.addToTotal(child.total);

  16. Copy Rule Applied root.addToTotal(child.total);  { normal_behavior requires0 <= child.total; assignableroot.total; ensuresroot.total == \old(root.total) + child.total; Component aParent = root.parent;while (aParent != null) { normal_behavior assignableaParent.total, aParent; ensuresaParent.total == \old(aParent.total) + child.total; ensuresaParent == \old(aParent.parent);} }

  17. Discussion Argument exposure in invariant: • Exposed code shows how total is updated • Precondition of addComponent==> no cycles • Special case of visibility technique Subtypes and overriding methods: • Inherit model program specifications • So implementations must refine Subtypes and new methods: • Inherit invariant • Must not make cycles (not specified!)

  18. Conclusions • Simple specification technique • Exposing code needed for invariant • Hiding rest of the code • Simple verification technique • Copy rule • Limited depth of recursion can be handled

  19. Questions? jmlspecs.org Thanks to David Naumann.

  20. Other Solutions Hallstrom and Soundarajan: • Requires calls to operation()like our calls to addToTotal() • Can’t specify states in which calls made • other specs like JML’s history constraints • More sophisticated mathematics

  21. Other Solutions Bierhoff and Aldrich: • Abstraction of functional behavior • Careful treatment of aliasing issues

  22. Other Solutions Jacobs, Smans, Piessens: • Doesn’t expose any code • More mathematically sophisticated • Specifies effects on parents using context • Only treats binary trees

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