“I have seen war. I have seen war on land and sea. I have seen blood running from the wounded. I have seen men coughing out their gassed lungs. I have seen the dead in the mud. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen two-hundred limping, exhausted men come out of line-the survivors of a regiment of of one thousand that went forward forty-eight hours before. I have seen children starving. I have seen the agony of mothers and wives. I hate war.” Franklin D. Roosevelt WWII:Road to War
Comes to power after the death of Lenin Stalin Russia
1. Modernize agriculture 2. Rapid Industrialization Economic Plans
1. Peasants forced off land 2. Took food produced 3. Starvation & food shortages 4. Labor camps 5. Standard of living reduced Consequences
1. Begins purges to “purify” Communist party 2. “Show trials” 3. Eliminates threats to his power Reign of Terror
1. Consists of war veterans, Socialists, & anarchists 2. “Blackshirts” terrorize opposition 3. Establishes dictatorship Forms Fascist Party
AdolphHitler (Germany)
1. Joins Nazi Party 2. Becomes chancellor 3. President dies & he takes over Rise to Power
1. Writes “Mein Kampf” outlines his plans 2. Suspends freedom of speech & press 3. Rearms & expands military 4. Begins expanding into Austria & Czechoslovakia Actions
Paragraph w/ complete sentences!!! • Explain the conditions in Europe that led to the rise in power of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
Appeasement Abandoned Europe Goes to War
A.Britain & France pledge support B. Hitler & Stalin sign 10-yr. Nonaggression Pact C. Germans use blitzkrieg tactic Poland Invasion
A. France's Maginot Line B. Germany invades France: splitting the French army War in the West
Explain the “Policy of Appeasement” using specific dates and details. What was the result of this policy? Why was it abandoned?
1. Fled in tugboats, yachts, & other small craft 2. 900 vessels carried 340,000 soldiers Dunkirk:Greatest rescue in history of warfare
1. Govt. abandons Paris 2. Britain & France stunned 3. Germany occupies northern 3/5ths of France 4. Resistance led by Charles de Gaulle Fall of France
A. English Channel plays key role B. Germany uses Luftwaffe to control air war 1. 1,000 planes bomb Britain 2. Begins targeting civilian locations Battle of Britain
A. Economy prospers from WWI B. Sign international agreements for peace C. Recession & depression rock democracy D. Radical nationalist groups form Growing Military Power
A. Japan lacks land & raw materials B. Army seizes all of Manchuria C. Becomes puppet state D. Increases army's power over govt. Manchurian Incident
A. Forces terrorize China B. Soviet Union backs China War Against China
A. Focus on domestic issues 1. Depression B. Neutrality Acts 1. banned providing weapons 2. banned loans 3. permitted trade of non-military goods Neutrality
A. Economy begins to recover B. Germany & Japan become more aggressive C. Repeals part of Neutrality Acts 1. provides weapons 2. sent 50 destroyers to Britain Involvement Grows
1. Provide war supplies w/o payment 2. Aid any nation whose security is vital to U.S. 3. $49 billion to 40 nations Lend-Lease Act
A. U.S puts trade restrictions on Japan B. Expected attack-didn't know where Pearl Harbor
1. 180 Japanese warplanes strike 2. Half of U.S. Pacific Fleet at anchor 3. 2,400 killed; 1,200 wounded 4. 200 ships damaged/destroyed The AttackDecember 7, 1941
Congress passes war resolution U.S. Declares War Yesterday, December 7, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America Was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.