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An Overview of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries. PAS 646 March 30, 2006 Advisor: Samuel Powdrill, M.Phil, PA-C Kurt Kramer. Background. Anatomy of the knee Epidemiology Mechanism of injury Risk factors Presentation of injury Diagnosis Rehabilitation (“prehab” vs. “rehab”)
An Overview of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries PAS 646 March 30, 2006 Advisor: Samuel Powdrill, M.Phil, PA-C Kurt Kramer
Background • Anatomy of the knee • Epidemiology • Mechanism of injury • Risk factors • Presentation of injury • Diagnosis • Rehabilitation (“prehab” vs. “rehab”) • Graft choices • Surgical technique • Prevention
Discussion • Knee Anatomy • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) one of four stabilizing ligaments • Protects integrity of menisci and articular cartilage • ACL prevents excessive anterior translation of the tibia and internal or external rotation of the tibia on the femur
Discussion cont’d • Anatomy • Normal ACL viewed arthroscopically
Discussion cont’d • Epidemiology • Annual incidence of ~200,000 ACL ruptures per year with an estimated 1 in 3,000 • Females > Males • Incidence highest in population aged 15-45 years old with 1 in 1750 persons (Brown, 2004) • Repair is now being indicated in older populations to prevent earlier onset of osteoarthritis • Average return to full activity is ~ 6 to 8 months
Discussion cont’d • Mechanism of Injury • Usually a hx of non-contact injury (70%) • Common is any physical activity that requires quick change in direction or a contact sport • Soccer, basketball, volleyball, football, and skiing • Mechanism usually involves sudden deceleration, hyperextension, and tibial torsion
Discussion cont’d • Risk Factors • Individuals participating in high risk sports • Playing surface • High shoe-surface friction that increase performance (artificial turf) • Neuromuscular deficits of the female sex • Increased incidence of female injury is NOT associated with sex specific hormones • Females tend to activate their quadriceps near full knee extension, thus landing with smaller angles of knee flexion than their male counterpart • Females show earlier neuromuscular fatigue
Discussion cont’d • ACL Injury Presentation • History is key! • Know the mechanism of ACL injuries! • Appropriate mechanism accompanied by what patient describes as a “pop” and excruciating pain • Excessive swelling with knee effusion • Decreased range of motion (ROM) • Inability to contract quadriceps • H-reflex
Discussion cont’d • Diagnosis • History and presentation • + Lachman’s or Anterior Drawer • Imaging • X-ray (avulsion) • MRI • Hemarthrosis (joint aspiration) • Appropriate referral
Discussion cont’d • Rehabilitation • Prehab (Gold-standard) • Implemented immediately after diagnosis • Decrease pain and swelling • Increase ROM, quad strength, and proprioception >90% of contralateral leg • Prehab allows for quicker post-operative return to ADLs and physical activity • Rehab • Progression varies depending on graft choice • Also focuses on decreasing pain and swelling, while increasing ROM, strength, and proprioception
Discussion cont’d • Graft choices (4 most commonly used) • Achilles tendon allograft • Used in pts. whom desire less painful recovery, improved cosmetic appearance, lead a less active lifestyle, and those with no other available graft choice • Cole et al. 2005 report that pts. had significantly less pain when compared to bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) autograft (P<.0001) • Increased risk of infection, immunologic response, and alteration of graft structural properties by sterilization, thus affecting long-term graft stability has deterred most surgeons from choosing this graft (Shelbourne 2002; Beynnon et al. 2005)
Discussion cont’d • Hamstring tendon autograft • Harvested from the semitendonosis or gracilis tendon from the ipsilateral leg • Some physicians prefer this graft due to pts. reporting patellofemoral pain with the BPTB autograft (Goldblatt 2005), while Svenson et al. report no significant difference in levels of pain b/w this graft and the BPTB autograft • Svenson et al. report increased laxity with hamstring autograft when compared to pts. that received a BPTB autograft • Freedman et al. report significantly lower graft failure (P<.001), significantly better static knee stability (P<.017), and higher patient satisfaction (P<.001) with the use of BPTB autograft when compared to hamstring autografts
Discussion cont’d • Ipsilateral BPTB autograft • Preferred graft of choice among surgeons (Shelbourne 2000) • Offers greater static stability than non-BPTB grafts due to bone-to-bone contact in the metaphyseal region of the tibia and femur (Shelbourne 1999; Yunes et al. 2001) • Increased graft stability post-op when compared to hamstring autograft (Shelbourne 2000) • Roe et al. reports increased ant. knee pn with BPTB autograft and increased prevelance of osteoarthritis at 7 yrs. post-op
Discussion cont’d • Contralateral BPTB autograft • Many of same benefits and disadvantages as ipsilateral BPTB autograft • If combined with appropriate accelerated rehabilitation program may allow athlete to return to full activity 4 wks. post-op without an increased risk loss of stability or early graft tear (Shelbourne 2002) • Theory of contralateral BPTB autograft is that by dividing the trauma of surgery and rehab b/w both extremities, evidence shows course of rehab is easier, quicker, and more reliable (Shelbourne 2002) • Slightly longer operating time, increased patient education, and new approach to rehab for athletic trainers and PTs • Safe and predictable return without sacrificing strength, ROM, and stability • Used in patients in which return to sports is a priority
Discussion cont’d • Surgical Technique • Harvest graft • Expose joint • Remove damaged ACL, clean, and make room for new ACL • Drill tibial and femoral tunnels • Insert new ACL with bone plugs (button approach shown)
Discussion cont’d • Prevention • ACL injury prevention programs • Programs focus on modifying neuromuscular and biomechanical risk factors • Agility drills and plyometric exercises • Recognition of injury associated actions and positions • Educate athletes in proper jumping techniques, softer landings, instant recoil, and correct posture and alignment • Significantly decreased incidence of ACL injuries among female high school soccer, basketball, and volleyball athletes (Brown 2004); thus supporting the theory that there are neuromuscular risk factors associated with the frequency of ACL tears
Conclusion • Important for PCP to have thorough understanding of anatomy, mx of injury, special testing, and appropriate tx or referral • Appropriate referral may be key to full return to activity and long-term patient satisfaction (everyone is different) • Be familiar with orthopedic surgeons in area and what protocols and grafting options they utilized • Pts. lead different lifestyles, thus one protocol and graft choice will likely be more appropriate treatment for one pt. than another • More research needed for long-term graft stability and pt. satisfaction for each graft • Swallow your pride and utilize local PTs and ATCs!
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