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W omen Mentoring W omen

W omen Mentoring W omen. GOAL:.

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W omen Mentoring W omen

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  1. Women Mentoring Women GOAL: The WICT mentoring program is designed to help bring awareness and development of professional and personal skills and talents. The mentor helps the mentee reach their goals by defining areas of development, planning next steps and providing resources and opportunities. Development through personal goal setting. Take the time to get to know each other and build a relationship of trust. Discuss interests and expectations. Decide a focus and realistic goals. Establish a time frame; six – twelve months is ideal. Allow mistakes and learning time. Complete various activities and/or a special project so that it is a win/win situation for both involved. Review progress periodically. PROCESS: CIRCUMSTANCES/ ENVIRONMENT: Set the conditions with each situation and allow for differences. You may not be physically located where you can meet in person each time. There may be situations where it may be impossible to meet on a regular basis. Set a schedule and try your best to stick to it. Make mentoring a priority. WICT PNW 2014 Mentee Application

  2. Women Mentoring Women with WICT PNW Chapter | 2014 Mentee Application Mentee: Role and Responsibilities Role The role of the mentee is to be proactive in his/her own development with the support, guidance and encouragement of a mentor. Responsibilities 1. Acknowledge that the development of your career can be achieved through a process of intentional planned experiences and assignments. 2. Be open to new discoveries and possibilities that will result in a higher level of potential for both you and the organization. 3. Desire to be a mentee (be receptive to learning, develop a learning relationship with mentor(s)). 4. Discuss your ideas, goals, aspirations and plan for action with your mentor and your supervisor as appropriate. 5. Prepare a personal plan for success that identifies: • Developmental objectives • Necessary training (courses, seminars, books as well as on the job training (OJT)) 6. Identify and coordinate developmental objectives with your mentor and supervisor that are specific, measurable and achievable and compatible with skill matrices/competencies. Developmental objectives might include, but are not limited to, attendance at management reviews and/or decision meetings as an observer or presenter; and potential OJT experiences outside your immediate area of responsibility. 7. Reach a consensus with your mentor on a Personal Plan for Success 8. Accept responsibility for accomplishment of both current job and mentee requirements. 9. Seek advice from your mentor on organizational norms and expectations as appropriate. 10. Reach an agreement with your mentor on a schedule of regular mentor/mentee meetings. 11. Be willing to discuss any developmental problems and/or concerns as they occur with your mentor. 12. Seek feedback from your mentor and others regarding your strengths and additional developmental needs. 13. Work with your mentor on networking at all position levels within the program/project management discipline through introductions to others who might be able to help with advice, knowledge, etc. 14. Keep a personal log that gets filled out to go over the details of the meeting time, action plans and next steps.

  3. Women Mentoring Women with WICT PNW Chapter | 2014 Mentee Application 2014 Mentee Application Date Name : Position : Office Location: Office Phone : Email: Additional Phone: For the mentoring program to work effectively, we need to know more about you. For those requesting a specific mentor, this information will be helpful in identifying needs and determining initial areas of focus. This information will be kept confidential and only be shared with your mentor. Work Experience: Years with current company: Years in current role: Years of overall experience: Description of industry experience: Specific areas of expertise: Please list any professional development needs you and/or your supervisor have identified : What are your long and short term goals(personal/professional)?:

  4. Women Mentoring Women with WICT PNW Chapter | 2014 Mentee Application What would you like to accomplish as a result of participating in this program? Comments (include name of desired Mentor if applicable) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If selected, I am committed to working with a mentor and agree to make the mentoring program a professional priority. I will always keep all mentoring information between mentor/mentee parties confidential. _____________________________________________ ________________________ Applicant Signature Date ____________________________________________________ ________________________ Supervisor Signature Date Thank you for your interest in the Mentoring Program! Please return completed application to: Kajsa Moe: kajsa.moe@imd.us.com

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