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1. Conference «Youth on the move- Achieving mobility for all!» - Anvers- October 5, 2010
Workshop 1 : The incentives to mobility : a key for mobility !
« Incentives to mobility of young people in IVET and apprentices : an interregional point of view »
By Adeline DE VORE, Director- Foundation of European Regions for Education, Research and Training (FREREF)
3. Mobility for all ?
Ideally, yes…
For young people in IVET
For apprentices (alternating training systems)
For students
For pupils
For teachers
For workers
4. Benefits and impact of mobility Benefits at different levels…
1. For young people in VET, Apprentices, students… :
- linguistic learning
- technical knowledge and skills improved
- development of transversal skills
-personal development (more initiative, autonomy, self confidence, flexibility, adaptability, etc)
5. Benefits and impact of mobility 2. For trainers :
- Knowledge of other vocational training systems in Europe
- Element of LifeLong Learning
3. For training centers, schools, universities :
- Support to innovation
- International dimension to vocational training
- A complementary offer of training for young people and apprentices
- More cooperation with enterprises
6. Benefits and impact of mobility
4. For national and regional systems of vocational training :
- Innovation support
- Better transparency of professional qualifications
- Development of an international dimension of vocational training
7. Benefits and impact of mobility
5. For enterprises :
- Support to internationalization
- Development of an international social dimension
8. Benefits and impact of mobility- studies At FREREF MOBIVET-REGIO interregional seminar on« Impact and benefits of mobility »May 18 Lyon (France)-
Discussions on how to evaluate properly results of mobility…
Presently : evaluation reports of projects and programs (LEONARDO)
But limits :
-It is hard to get a « test group »
-Placements are very different by duration (2 weeks to 12 months) or by the type of sending (individual mobility or groups)
9. Benefits and impact of mobility - studies These reports have a limited duration . Ideally : a study on 2 or 3 years (+)- To get a longitudinal study.
Presently : only an ERASMUS study on 10 years.
No funds on the program LEONARDO, for this for the moment…
? Regions make studies on their territory
? FREREF is preparing an interregional study on benefits and impact of mobility
10. Obstacles to mobility Lack of information
Lack of financial support
Linguistic limits
Problems of recognition of skills acquired abroad
Lack of motivation
Administrative and legal obstacles
Lack of support services and partners convinced of the benefits
Too few companies involved
Fear of unknown
11. Which incentives from the Regions for mobility ? Before the placement :
*Information and awareness-raising activities…
-for young people in IVET or apprentices
-for enterprises
-for training centers
12. Which incentives from the Regions for mobility ?
*Financial support from Regions…
*Administrative and legal follow-up (during all the duration of the project)
*Preparing the person :
-Linguistic preparation
-Intercultural preparation
13. Which incentives from the Regions for mobility ? During :
*Follow-up of young people
(logistic + intercultural changes…)
After :
*Evaluation and dissemination (ex: importance of testimonies of beneficiairies for awareness raising of others)
14. The importance to work in partnership …
… between Regions…
Interregional exchanges of practices and tools- Bilateral agreements … ex Catalunya / French speaking community of Belgium
…but also with economic players, training centers, schools, enterprises and universities…
15. A new tool sustaining mobility of apprentices…the example of…
16. Interregional incentives : activities of FREREF sustaining mobility The 10 recommandations of the workshop of the REGIO-LLL project
A political support to mobility : declaration of Barcelona (33 signatures)- Generalitat de Catalunya
An experimental action : project OPIR-ECVET sustaining the implementation of ECVETs in two sectors (automative and hairdressers)- French speaking community of Belgium
An operational action : MOBIVET REGIO project -
French speaking community of Belgium
17. Interregional incentives : activities of FREREF sustaining mobility Peer learning seminaries between Regions and operators of mobility sustaining mutualization and dissemination of good practices and tools
A interregional Forum for mobility operators (Regions, training centers, shools, enterprises) sustaining developement of new partnerships…exchanges of practices…
You’re invited on :
?November 23 and 24, 2010- Brussels
18. In conclusion- What can we do to incent mobility ?
Sustain more co-financing
Support mutualization of practices and tools used by mobility stakeholders (Regions, etc)
Sustain multipartners initiatives and tools
Support the action of Regions
Sustain more involvement of enterprises in mobility, notably SMEs
Thank you for your attention !
Any questions ?
More information ? http://www.freref.eu