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AIM: How do we investigate the living world?

Learn the scientific method, hypothesis formation, and experimental design for investigating the natural world. Explore variables, controlled experiments, data analysis, and drawing conclusions.

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AIM: How do we investigate the living world?

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  1. AIM: How do we investigate the living world? • DO NOW: Read the first page of your packet. Underline all of the main ideas.

  2. Thursday 9/10/15 • AIM: How can we set up controlled experiments? • DO NOW: Over the summer I observed that my sunflowers that were in my yard were smaller than the sunflowers in the alley. How can I determine why this happened? • HOMEWORK: Text read 11-13

  3. Scientific Method 1. Make an observation Based on your 5 senses 2. Research find out what is already known about your subject, & make your own observations 3. Form a Hypothesis an educated guess or possible answer to your observation that is based on your research

  4. 4. Experiment set up a situation to test your hypothesis 5. Record, Organize and analyzeData • keep track of your measurements and observations • use graphs and data tables to identify trends in the data

  5. 6. Conclusion • does data support hypothesis?? • explain what the data means • State if your hypothesis is true or false • Conclusions must be based on hard evidence from your data

  6. Tuesday 9/21/10 • AIM: How can we identify independent and dependant variables in an experiment? • DO NOW: Scientific Method handout, Back Page, Francisco Redi • Homework: Textbook Read pages 10-12. Answer questions 1,2 and 5 on page 13

  7. Designing an experiment • Must have a purpose for investigation • Experiment must be based on research, a previous experiment or an observation • Your EXPERIMENT should be based on your hypothesis

  8. Controlled Experiment • Always setup in 2 sets • Control Group • Experimental Group • an experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time in order to establish a cause/effect relationship. • Why is it important to only manipulate one variable at a time? • You don't want more than one variable, or thing that you're testing, because then, you don't know which variable produced the result you obtained.

  9. Which experimental setup is correct and WHY?

  10. Hypothesis, Theory & Law • Hypothesis: Prediction • needs to be tested, • may or may not be correct • Theory: Explanation • a former hypothesis that has been supported by many experiments • can still be changed or discarded • Law • a theory that scientists are extremely confident in (ex: the law of gravity)

  11. Tuesday 9/22/09 • AIM: How can we set up a controlled experiment? • DO NOW: 1- Copy your hw. 2- Use your plant research projects to explain what seed germination is. • Homework: In your project section, on a clean sheet of paper, write your heading and develop a hypothesis and controlled experiment related to your plant research. Identify your independent and dependant variables, control and experimental groups • YOU WILL BE TESTING THIS HYPOTHESIS IN CLASS!

  12. Heading • Hypothesis: • Experiment • Independent Variable • Dependant Variable • Control GroupExperimental Group

  13. Seed germination

  14. Controlled Experiments • Set up two or more groups for comparison • Groups are set up to be alike in all ways except one • The one difference between the two groups at the start of the experiment is called the “independent variable” • The INdependent variable is the one you are IN control of! Cause of change • Dependant variable: Effected by the independent variable • Experimental Group(s) is (are) exposed to the independent variable, the Control Group is not

  15. Designing a controlled experiment • Control setup use all the same equipment, same conditions, but no variables are tested. • Provides a baseline for which to compare the results with the experimental setup. • Experimental setup is set up exactly the same way as the CONTROL, but one thing that you want to measure is factored in. • Uses the independent variable (cause) which determines the dependent variable (effect).

  16. Procedure • Experimental procedures must be very detailed and precise • Must include specifics about amounts, materials, temperatures and data collection • Must be written step by step

  17. Characteristics of Good Experiments • Use large numbers in each group, this increases the reliability of your results • Validity-other scientists should be able to get similar results if they repeat your procedures • Cautious Conclusions • * don’t overstate the meaning of your data • results could be affected by factors that you are unaware of

  18. Wednesday 9/22/10 • AIM: How can we organize our data? • DO NOW: Explain how your height has changed since the first grade. • Homework: Textbook Read page 13. Answer questions 3 and 4 page 13

  19. How has your shoe size changed since the first grade? Give an estimate for each year.

  20. Mrs Naus’shoe height over the years

  21. How can we organize this data in a more organized manor?

  22. What are the different types of graphs we can make? Bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts

  23. Using the data you collected, organize your shoe size into a table

  24. How can we use our table to build a graph?

  25. Setting up a line graph • Step 1:Identify Variables: • Independent: Goes on the X-axis • Dependent: Goes on the Y-axis • Step 2: Determine the variable range • Subtract the lowest data variable from the highest data variable • Step 3:Determine a scale(the numerical value for each square) that best fits the range of each variable. • Spread the graph to use MOST of the available space.

  26. Setting up a line graph • Step 4: Number and label each axis. • This tells what data the lines on your graph represent. • Step 5: Plot the data points. • Create a key or legend for multiple parts of data • Step 6: Draw the graph • Step 7: Title the graph • your title should clearly tell what the graph is about

  27. Thursday 9/23/10 • Homework: Text read pages 15 and 16 answer the reading check questions found within the reading

  28. DO NOW: Thursday 10/1/09 • Use the data table to create a line graph

  29. Using the following data table create a graph

  30. Monday 10/5/09 • AIM: Why is it important to be safe in the lab? • DO NOW: Read the paragraph and underline the procedures you think are incorrect • HOMEWORK: Lab Safety Study Sheet • EXAM FRIDAY!

  31. Tuesday 10/6/09 • AIM: What are some of the lab instruments that help us perform scientific experiments? • DO NOW: handout Lab study sheet • Homework: Lab Instrument handout

  32. EXAM Friday • Scientific Method • Controlled Experiments: ind vs dep variable • Control vs experimental grps • Setting up line graphs • Lab safety • Lab instruments

  33. Lab Equipment



  36. Meter stick • Used to measure distance • has millimeters, centimeters & inches on reverse


  38. Triple Beam Balance MEASURE THE MASS IN GRAMS (g)

  39. Beaker Beakers hold solids or liquids Transfer of substances Measure volume

  40. Erlenmeyer flask • Erlenmeyer flasks hold solids or liquids • Measure volume

  41. Graduated Cylinder A graduated cylinder is used to measure volumes of liquids. Milli Liter or Liter

  42. Test tubes • used to hold small amounts of liquid

  43. Thursday

  44. Rubber Stoppers Rubber stoppers are used toclose containers to avoid spillage or contamination. Containers should never be heated when there is a stopper in place.

  45. Test tube holder • is useful for holding a test tube which is too hot to handle.

  46. Thursday • AIM: How do lab instruments help us perform controlled experiments? • DO NOW: Get your plants. Today will be your last measurement. • Homework: your Final research project is due on Tuesday

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