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Amazing Science: Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2016 Monday, August 1,2016 Amazing Science: Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2016 In the field of health care, a lot of amazing as well as far-reaching technological innovations are made every year. In the Medical Innovation Summit conducted every year by the Cleveland Clinic, the numerous innovations that are made in the medical field during the year are considered and finally they publish a list of the Top 10 Medical Innovations for the year under consideration. The innovative technologies in the field of health care that are nominated by hundreds of health care professionals and medical researchers are considered and out of them a list of more than 100 state-of-the-art medical technologies are prepared and submitted to two independent panels of physicians of Cleveland Clinic. The two panels discuss and debate separately and finally prepare the combined list of the Top 10 Medical Innovations of the year. The opinions of Cleveland medical professionals from different fields of medicine and health care are considered while preparing the list. Only those innovations are considered that can create significant impact among human beings and also they must be available in the market during the year ahead.
The innovations that are recommended must be successful commercially and must have significant advantages over the existing practices. The Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit of the current year identified the following technologies as the Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2016. 1.Preventive Vaccines for epidemics In the year 2014, more than 10000 people died in Africa due to the outbreak of Ebola. This disease spreads very fast and it affects apart from the relatives of the deceased even health care personnel and those who attend the burial. The Ebola vaccine was developed within a year and during the Phase III trial it was proved that it ensures 100% protection to those who are directly exposed to Ebola. Apart from this vaccine, five other vaccines are also under trial. The Cleveland Clinic experts’ panel expects that a safe and effective vaccine for Ebola will be licensed and made available in the year 2016. Similarly, so far there had been no effective vaccine for Meningococcal B. Now, two effective vaccines for this dreaded disease are under trial. 2.Clinical trials based on Genomics Clinical trials can be made faster by way of Genetic profiling. This will increase the chances of survival for cancer patients. 3.CRISPR for Gene Editing By way of Gene editing using CRISPR, genetic diseases such as HIV/AIDS can be eliminated completely. 4.New sewage processor for purification of water The newly developed sewage processor can convert 14 tons of sewage into purified water in a day. The water is produced by a steam engine. 5.New fetal DNA testing for pregnant women This is a non-invasive method for fetal testing to predict Down’s and Edward’s syndrome more accurately.
6.Protein marker analysis to detect prostate cancer The newly developed protein marker analysis ensures early detection of various types of cancer including prostate cancer with more accuracy. 7.Artificial limbs controlled by brain Sensors are implanted in the brain so that the patient is able to regain sensation and move the artificial limbs naturally. 8.Treatment for HSDD This treatment increases the levels of dopamine as well as norepinephrine in women and decreases the levels of serotonin. This will help pre-menopausal women to regain their sexual desire. 9.Frictionless device for remote monitoring of patients When patients wear the monitoring device, the doctors receive alerts when there are any dangerous developments or changes in the patient’s body. 10.Neurovascular stent retriever for removal of clots This newly developed device ensures effective stroke care by safely removing the blood clot and enabling the patient to recover fast Published on Monday, August 1,2016-22:02:50[London] URL: http://www.healthyeve.com/amazing-science-…innovations-2016/
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Naturally Controlled Artificial Limbs: The Biggest Innovation in 2016 Sunday, August 7,2016 Touch and movement are parts of daily life. Unfortunately, a lot of people usually take them for granted. But everything changes when a terrible accident happens and there is a need to amputate a limb. The prosthetic limbs that are currently used replicate a real limb’s functions to some extent. However, the wearer lacks the ability to coordinate the limb with the least effort and he cannot also feel various textures. If there are any sensations relayed, they don’t feel natural and can last for not over a month following the surgery. To address this concern, more and more researchers are looking for ways to combat these issues. They have started to develop prosthetics that can be controlled by the mind. The primary difference between the traditional prosthetics and the currently developed prosthetics is their biotechnology has been more directly integrated with the person’s nervous system through implanted electrodes. The latest prosthetics can allow more accurate movement whatever the position of the limb might be, together with a properly refined manipulation of objects as well as the experience of various sensations for various textures.
According to the developers, the main goal here is no just to restore the normal functions of the limb but also to establish a reconnection to the physical world for those patients who go through amputations. These prosthetics also give patients the chance to feel not only the texture but also the hand’s location on the object that comes in contact with the prosthetic limb. The secret behind the consistency and precision of these new prosthetics lies in technological concepts behind the development of the mind-controlled prosthetic. The artificial arm makes use of a technology known as osseointegration, or the prosthetic’s direct attachment to the skeleton, that then provides mechanical stability. The neuromuscular cuff electrodes are being implanted for them to enclose the primary nerve bundles found in the arm whereas, before, electrodes were being placed on the skin surface. The mind-controlled prostheticscan also interface with the body’s natural neuromuscular system. This way, the latest prosthetics become more integrated with the wearer’s body in a way that was completely different from before. This technology has also incorporated patterned stimulation intensity that approximates various kinds of tactile stimuli by way of algorithms. Due to this, wearers no longer experience paresthesia, or the tingling usually associated with traditional prosthetics. Implanted cuff electrodes can create 16-19 sensory points on these prosthetic hands that relay more stable responses to their wearer, while the computer algorithms approximate the neural responses to every distinct texture. The mind-controlled technology underwent several development stages before it was able to reach its present level of sophistication. Needless to say, there are a lot of things to celebrate because these mind-controlled artificial limbs open brand new doors in the biomedical engineering field. Researchers are now looking forward to how their development of sensitive prosthetic arms will be translated to prosthetic legs that will benefit a
lot from a feedback system which will let the wearer adjust naturally to the uneven ground. Published on Sunday, August 7,2016-18:57:47[London] URL: http://www.healthyeve.com/naturally-contro…-innovation- 2016/ Gallery HealthyEve.com
Latest Anti-Aging Research News: New Era Of Science Thursday, August 11,2016 Could See Humans Live To 120? The very first anti-aging drug in the world is said to be tested on human beings next year in the trials that could see diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's disease are consigned to distant memory. Today, scientists believe that it’s possible to stop people grow old as quickly and help them live with good health well into their 120s or 110s. New Era Even it seems like a science fiction, the researchers have proven that Metformin, a drug for diabetes, extends the life of animals and in the US, FDA has now agreed to ahead with the trials to know if the same effects could be replicated in the human beings. If successful, it just means that the person in their 70s will be as healthy as a fifty-year old. It might using in a whole new era of geo-sciences where the doctors would never fight against individual conditions such as dementia, diabetes, and cancer, but rather treat aging, which is an underlying mechanism. Professor Gordon Lithgow, a Scottish aging expert of Buck Institute for Research on Aging, is basically one of the advisors in the field study. He stated
that once you target the process of aging and slow down aging, it will slow down the diseases as well as aging’s pathology. He added that this is revolutionary and never happened in the previous years. Lithgow also said that he was doing the research for several years now and the concept they’re trying to talk about is the clinical trials in the human beings for anti-aging drugs would’ve been though inconceivable. However, there’s a reason to believe that it is possible. The future is taking the biology that they have now developed as well as implementing to the humans. Back then, the process of aging is a total mystery, yet with today’s advancement, many scientists and experts understand it slowly. The Better Way To understand Aging process Aging isn’t an inevitable part of one’s life because every cell contains a DNA blueprint that keeps the body functioning properly. Several marine creatures don’t age at all. But, over the lifetime billions of the cell divisions should occur to the bodies functioning properly and the more times the cells divide, the more issues creep in the process. As cell concerns grow, one’s body can’t repair the damage. In case of cancer, the cells don’t have the ability in preventing mutations and the tumors start to grow. When it comes to Alzheimer’s disease, the brain gets rid of clearing the sticky plaques. Due to this, dementia starts to develop. Overall According to the scientists, they are thinking of the best candidate for anti- aging drug and they end up with Metformin, which is the most widely used drugs for diabetes in the world and available at an affordable price. Metformin increases the oxygen molecules released into the cells, which appear to improve longevity and robustness. When the Belgian researchers tested Metformin on tiny roundworms, the worms didn’t only aged slower, but also stayed healthier longer. When they tested it on mice, nearly forty percent of their lifespan was increased and their bones became much stronger.
Published on Thursday, August 11,2016-21:43:44[London] URL: http://www.healthyeve.com/latest-anti-aging-research-news/ You Could Find More About Anti-Aging Drugs Via Helpful Resources: http://www.worldhealth.net/news/latest-anti-aging-drug-nicotinamide- mononucleotide/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_extension Related Articles: http://www.healthyeve.com/skin-care-effective-anti-aging-treatments/ http://www.healthyeve.com/amazing-science-top-10-medical-innovations-2016/ HealthyEve.com
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