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P OLAND Successes and Challenges Educational Reforms

Strong Performers and Successful Reformers – Lessons from PISA Tokyo, 28-29 June 2011 by Mr. Miroslaw Sielatycki, Under-Secretary of State Ministry of national Education ate . P OLAND Successes and Challenges Educational Reforms . Outline of the presentation.

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P OLAND Successes and Challenges Educational Reforms

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  1. Strong Performers and Successful Reformers – Lessons from PISA Tokyo, 28-29 June 2011 by Mr. Miroslaw Sielatycki, Under-Secretary of State Ministry of national Education ate POLAND Successes and Challenges Educational Reforms

  2. Outline of the presentation • The main findings of PISA Programme for Poland • 2. The comprehensive reforms of the • educational system toward the LLL strategy • 3. Conclusions from the Polish experience

  3. Poland • Country of: • political, social and economic transformation • educational boom • high aspirations of young people • still on the way ….

  4. Polish educational boom in focus

  5. Developing students’ competences – the example of reading literacy • Poland is among the 13 countries that showed improvements in average reading performance in PISA since 2000 • The main sources of these improvements: • development of competences of lowest-performing students • development of competences of girls • These trends apply also to Poland

  6. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Polish 15-year-old students’ mean performance in reading versus OECD average in 2000-2009

  7. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Percentage of students below proficiency level 2 in reading in 2000-2009

  8. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Change in the percentage of low and top performers in reading across 13 countries in 2000-2009

  9. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Improvement of reading performance among boys and girls in 2000-2009 in chosen countries

  10. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Variance in student performance between schools in Poland in 2000-2009 versus OECD • The variance in student performance between schools was reduced (the most significant result in EU and OECD countries). • It concerned students’ achievements in all competences measured by PISA (reading, mathematics, science).

  11. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland • Improvement in students’ performance and reduction in variance in students’ performance between schools results from comprehensive reforms of the educational system • PISA 2000 examined the previous system of education • PISA 2003 - 2009 examined the new one

  12. Polish way to success long-term and comprehensive reforms • Three stages of the educational reforms • 1989 - transformation - beginning of the • changes in education • 1999- systemic change in educational system • 2009- complementary reforms

  13. POLAND – the first stage of the reforms • 1989 - change of the political system in Poland • I. Bottom up reforms • release of educational potential - non-public schools, innovations • II. Top down reforms • decentralization of the system • greater autonomy of schools • increase of teachers’ salary (up to the country’s average salary) • first long - term educational strategy - „Good and modern school” • 1996 - OECD accession (1994 - review of educational policy in Poland) • National Centre for Teachers’ In-Service Training established • Giving up ideology in curriculum

  14. POLAND – the secondstage of the reforms • 1999 – continuation of educational reforms • I. administrative reform of the country - schools’ management • delegated to local authorities • II. changes of the system of education • structural reform - creation of the lower secondaryschools (ISCED2) – longer compulsory general education • introduction of the external system of national assessment • adoption of the core curriculum and national standards • reform of the teachers initial education at the universities • introduction of the teachers’ career promotion system

  15. Change of the structure of school systemPolish way to success – longer together Previous structure of school system (PISA 2000): ISCED 0 ISCED 1-2 ISCED 3 ISCED 4-6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION UPPER SECONDARY GENERAL PRIMARY SCHOOL UPPER SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BASIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL New structure of school system (PISA 2003, 2006): ISCED 0 ISCED 1 ISCED 2 ISCED 3ISCED 4-6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION LOWER SECONDARY UPPER SECONDARY GENERAL PRIMARY SCHOOL UPPER SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BASIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Changes introduced since 1999: introduction of the new school type - ISCED 2 and extension of comprehensive compulsory education by one year (related to 15-year-olds) general education extended by one year 15

  16. Agenda Structure of higher secondary education (ISCED 3) Number of students at first grade • Standardy/wskazówki do SIWZ • Regulaminy dot. Zamówień publicznych • Współpraca międzyzespołowa/szkolenia • Planowanie prac: zespół analityczno-informatyczny, prawnicy • Eksperci banku światowego

  17. Poland – the third stage of the reforms • 2009 – complementary reforms • new core curriculum - based on learning outcomes • compulsory education at the age of 6 • compulsory pre-school education for 5 years olds • modernization of the vocational education and training - based on the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) • individual approach to teaching - special attention given to talented students and to the students with learning difficulties • development of Life-Long Learning Strategy • National Qualifications’ Framework - based on European • Qualifications’ Framework - in progress

  18. Context of the comprehensive reform – educational aspiration Is it worth gaining education?1993 – 2009 Significant growth of citizens' educational aspirations in 1993 - 2009: 91% of adult Poles believe that it is important to get an education, of which 68% are strong supporters of this idea

  19. POLAND - strengths of the educational system • small share of early school leavers - 5,3% • (EU average 14,4%) • high rate of people (20-24) with completed upper secondary education - 91% - the third result in EU (EU average 78,6%) • high tertiary education attainment 35,3% (EU average 33,6%) • small share of adults (25-64) with education below upper secondary - 14% (the average for OECD countries is 30%) • small share of low achievers in reading - 15% • (EU average 20.0%) • highly qualified teachers - 98% with the ISCED 5 diploma

  20. Teachers • qualifications – from 50% to 98% with university diploma • compensation – increase by 50% in the last 4 years • 90% participate in professional development • insufficient number of candidates for teaching profession

  21. Main challenges • early childhood education and care • only 67,5 % ofchildren is participating in early childhood • education (EU average is 92.3%). • still large variance in student performance between schools • at the level of ISCED 3(vocational vs. general education) • high unemployment rate of the graduates – apox. 26% • life long learning - only 4,7 of adults participate in life long learning in Poland (EU average is 9,3%)

  22. In general • In Poland • the results of educational system (schools • and universities) are good or very good • More work is now needed in: • early childhood education • vocational education • in life-long learning

  23. Conclusions from the Polish experience • Comprehensive approach to the changes in education • one of the most extensive reforms of education in OECD and UE countries • evolutional not revolutional changes • (in Poland they affect 300 000 schools, 800 000 • teachers and 6 million of students) • Ensuring better general education for all with individualization of teaching (ISCED 3)

  24. Conclusions from Polish experience • Taking advantage of existing educational potential • improvement among lowest performing students (revealed in PISA in 2000-2009) • Proper monitoring of the system and development of evidence based policy • participation in international programmes (like PISA, TIMSS/PIRLS, TALIS, TEDS-M, PIAAC) • development of national educational research capabilities and data collection systems

  25. Thank you very much for your attention

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