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What Is Effective Classroom Teaching?

What Is Effective Classroom Teaching?. Kevin M. Johnston MSU TA Programs kmj@msu.edu http://tap.msu.edu. Today’s Presentation Goals. Introduce Multiple Principles Prompt Thinking About Class Organization Provide Guidelines for Presentations and Discussion.

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What Is Effective Classroom Teaching?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Is Effective Classroom Teaching? Kevin M. Johnston MSU TA Programs kmj@msu.edu http://tap.msu.edu

  2. Today’s Presentation Goals • Introduce Multiple Principles • Prompt Thinking About Class • Organization • Provide Guidelines for Presentations • and Discussion 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  3. What Questions Do You Have Right Now? TA Seminar Binder – Section II (pgs. 35 – 75) MSU TA Sections II - IV 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  4. Is the “old” way of teaching the best way? • Teaching and Learning Research • Teacher (Presenter) - centered vs. Audience (Student)- centered Approaches • Multiple Principles of Instruction There is NO ONE CORRECT Teaching Style 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  5. Principles of Powerful InstructionSteve Yelon, (1996) MSU Professor Emeritus • Meaningfulness, Prerequisites • Open Communication • Organized, Essential Ideas • Learning Aids • Novelty • Active Practice • Safe Spaces/Encouraging Places • Consistency 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  6. Professor Yelon’s Presentation Principles • Involve (To the Extent You Can) • Review/Summarize • Explain • Demonstrate • Question • Share Feedback 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  7. The ART of Presenting art \ärt\ noun: skill acquired by experience, study, and observation • Set attainable goals – ORGANIZATION • Use the best format/materials to meet those goals - IMPLEMENTATION • Assess your progress regularly – SUMMARY and EVALUATION 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  8. Setting Presentational Goals • What is your point? • Why is it important? • What should your audience know? There Is NO ONE Instructional Format that is Best for All Course Objectives 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  9. Key Principles of Good Presenting • CLEARLY IDENTIFIED OBJECTIVES:Identify Key Points First! • SENSITIVITY and ADAPTABILITY: Show interest, listen, be open to change • PERIODIC SUMMARY: What have we just covered? Why was it important? 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  10. The Three “Knows” of Presenting Effectively • Know your Subject • Know your Audience • Know the Context in which you’re presenting 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  11. Knowing Your SUBJECT • Content (Is it enough?) • Content Organization (Is it Clear Enough?) • Content Understanding (How Do You Know THEY know enough?) 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  12. Knowing Your Audience • Does AUDIENCE Matter, Really? • How Can We Know Them? - Why are they there? - Why are you there? • Is Audience “Preparation” Possible? 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  13. Know the Context How Do Different Contexts Shape Your Presentation Goals? Strategies? Approach? • WHEREAre You Presenting? • WHAT Are You Presenting? • HOW & With or FOR Whom Are You Presenting? 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  14. What Great Teachers DO! Ken Bain - 2004 • They are accomplished researchers • Their teaching is serious scholarship • They have high expectations • Create “Natural Critical Learning Environments” • They trust their students and are open with them. • Employ systematic and varied evaluation Teaching Matters…Students Can Learn 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  15. Possible Presentation “Stages” • Introduction – including connections to other material • Material Body – 15-minute segments • Periodic Summary – after each 15-minute segment • Conclusion – End with a bang, reconnect to main points ,connect to upcoming materials, 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  16. What About Other “Basics?” • Clothes? • Body Language? • Establishing Rapport? (Pre -presentation, During, Post - presentation) What About Using Technology? When? 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  17. Present Like You Mean It ! • Prepare and Practice – But Be Willing To Let Learning Happen • Share Your Passion – And Recognize the “Light Bulb” When it Goes Off. • Enjoy the “Space” that Good Presenting and Good Teaching Creates for You and Your Students. 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  18. Stimulating Effective Classroom Discussion • Start out strong • Allow time • It’s not about you • Develop and implement ideas • Set goals and meet expectations Chris Womack - JMU 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  19. Taking Risks in the Classroom • What’s RISKY? For you? For the class? • A little PAINis a good thing (?). (Or not?) • The First Day of class is a fine place To start (but…) • SPACE can happen (If you let it). 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  20. Chickering and Gamson (1987) • Encourages Student-Faculty Contact • Encourages Cooperation Among Students • Encourages Active Listening • Provides Prompt Feedback • Emphasizes Time on Task • Communicates High Expectations • Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  21. What’s Next? 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  22. Powerful Principles of Instruction - Yelon 1996 • Meaningfulness/Prerequisites (Context) • Open Communication (Relationship) • Organized, Essential Ideas (Main Points) • Learning Aids (Technology) • Active Practice (Work with Information) • Safe Spaces/Encouraging Places (Comfort) • Consistency (Dependability) 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  23. First – Order Principles- Robert Boice, Ph.D. (1996) • Set a good classroom environment/Avoid negative thinking • Wait/Have Patience/Stop • Begin before feeling ready • Surrender commitment to content coverage • Welcome change • Let Others do some of the work 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  24. What do these 2 Lists Share? • Environmental Concerns • Preparation Concerns • Pacing Concerns • Relational Concerns • Content Concerns 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

  25. Classroom Management Concerns: Creating “Workable” Spacehttp://tap.msu.edu/PDF/TT2009.pdf

  26. Who Do You Want To Be Professionally? http://tap.msu.edu/faseb2008/teachingphilosophydevelopment / 2009 TASEM - What is Effective Classroom Teaching?

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