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ASTROPHYSICAL BLACK HOLES. SOME HISTORY. Escape velocity v u 2 = 2 GM/R. Earth v esc = 11 km/s Jupiter v esc = 60 km/s Sun v esc = 600 km/s Moon v esc = 2 km/s. r = 2 G M/v esc 2. J. Michel P. Laplace r(v esc =c) = ?. r g = 2 G M/c 2.
SOME HISTORY Escape velocity vu2 = 2 GM/R Earth vesc = 11 km/s Jupiter vesc = 60 km/s Sun vesc = 600 km/s Moon vesc = 2 km/s r = 2 G M/vesc2 J. Michel P. Laplacer(vesc=c) = ?
rg = 2 G M/c2 rggravitational radius Schwarzshild’s radius (rS) radius of event horizon rg = 3 M/MSUN km Term „black hole” introduced by J. Wheeler in 1964 For neutron star: rg≈ 4.2 km rNS≈ 10 km
From 7 orbits: MBH = (3.7 ± 0.2) x 106 MSUN (Ghez & al., 2005) Star S0-16 approaches the focus of the orbit to a distance of ~45 A.U. (~ 6 light hours or ~ 600 RS )
From new analysis of orbit of S0-2 (astrometry & RVs from Keck 10 m): MBH = (4.5 ± 0.4) x 106 MSUN independently D = 8.4 ± 0.4 kpc (Ghez & al., 2008)
HOW ARE BLACK HOLES CREATED ? They are evolutionary remnants of massive stars
FINAL PRODUCTS OF STELLAR EVOLUTION ●low mass stars (M ≤ 10 MSUN) WHITE DWARFS M ~ 0.2 ÷ 1.3 MSUN, R ~ 10 000 km ●massive stars (10 MSUN≤ M ≤ 20 MSUN) NEUTRON STARS M ~ 1 ÷ 2 MSUN, R ~ 10 km ●very massive stars (M ≥20 MSUN) BLACK HOLES M ≥ 3 MSUN observedM ~ 4 ÷ 33 MSUN
Black holes can grow up i.e. increase their masses. This is done by attracting the matter from the neighbourhood (BH acts as a „vacuum cleaner”) or by mergers. In this way intermediate mass BHs (thousands solar masses) and then supermassive black holes (millions to billions solar masses) are created.
UPPER MASS LIMITforNSs ●THEORY ●OPPENHEIMER-VOLKOFF MASS: MOV≈ 1.4÷ 2.7 MSUNdepending on the equation of state FOR EXTREME EQUATION OF STATE :P=ρc2 (assuming only GR and causality): MOV≈ 3.2 MSUNfor non-rotating NS MOV≈ 3.9 MSUNfor maximally rotating NS
●OBSERVATIONS ●BINARY RADIO PULSARS MNS≈ 1.33 ÷ 1.44 MSUN (until recently) ●BINARY X-RAY PULSARS MNS≈ 1.1 ÷ 1.9 MSUN(large errors)
NEW DETERMINATIONS OF NS MASSES ●PSR J0737-3039B M = 1.250 ± 0.005 MSUN (Lyne & al., 2004) ●PSR J1903+0327 M = 1.67± 0.01 MSUN (Champion & al., 2008)
NGC 6440B • After ~1 year timing this pulsar, we have obtained a good measurement of the rate of advance of periastron. If fully relativistic, this implies a total system mass of ~2.92 ± 0.25 solar masses! • The companion has likely only ~0.1 solar masses. Median of probability for pulsar mass is 2.74 solar masses. • There is a 99% probability of mass being larger than 2 solar masses, 0.1% probability of having a “normal” mass. • Is this a super-massive neutron star? From: Freire et al. (2008a), ApJ 675, 670
PSR J1903+0327 Freire, 2009
CONFIRMED BHs IN XRBs Name PorbOpt. Sp.X-RCMBH/Msun Cyg X-1 5d6O9.7 IabpersμQ20 ± 5 LMC X-3 1d70 B3 V pers6 ÷ 9 LMC X-1 4d22 O7-9 III pers10.9±1.4 SS 433 13d1~ A7 IbpersμQ16 ± 3 LS 5039 3d906O7f V pers μQ2.7 ÷ 5.0 XTE J1819-254 2d817B9 III T μQ6.8 ÷ 7.4 GX 339-4 1d76 F8-G2 III RT μQ≥ 6 GRO J0422+32 5h09 M2 V T 4 ± 1 A 0620-007h75 K4 V RT 11 ± 2 GRS 1009-45 6h96 K8 V T 4.4 ÷ 4.7 XTE J1118+480 4h1 K7-M0 V T 8.5 ± 0.6 GS 1124-68410h4 K0-5 V T 7.0 ± 0.6
CONFIRMED BHs IN XRBs (cont.) Name PorbOpt. Sp.X-RCMBH/Msun GS 1354-645 2d54G0-5 IIIT>7.8 ± 0.5 4U 1543-47 1d12A2 VRT8.5 ÷ 10.4 XTE J1550-564 1d55K3 IIIRT μQ10.5 ± 1.0 XTE J1650-500 7h63K4 V T μQ4.0 ÷ 7.3 GRO J1655-40 2d62F3-6 IVRT μQ6.3 ± 0.5 4U 1705-250 12h54K5 V T5.7 ÷ 7.9 GRO J1719-24 14h7M0-5 V T> 4.9 XTE J1859+226 9h16~G5 T 8 ÷ 10 GRS 1915+105 33d5K-M IIIRT μQ14 ± 4.4 GS 2000+25 8h26K5 VT 7.1 ÷ 7.8 GS 2023+338 6d46K0 IV RT10.0 ÷ 13.4
INTERMEDIATE MASS BHs ●range of masses:~ 102÷ 104 MSUN TWO CLASSES OF CANDIDATES: ●ULXs ●globular clusters
GLOBULAR CLUSTERS Do some of them contain IMBHs ? Some of them, probably, yes. How many – it remains an open question.
Brightness profiles rc/rh clusters with IMBHs have expanded cores (rc/rh > 0.1)
Trenti (2006) considered a sample of 57 old globular clusters For at least half of them, he foundrc/rh≥ 0.2 IMBHsnecessary!
Velocity dispersion correlates well with MBH(IMBH or SMBH)
STRONGEST CANDIDATES ●[G1 MBH~ 20 000 MSUN Gebhardt et al., 2005] ●M15MBH~ 2 000 MSUNGerssen et al., 2003 ●ω CenMBH~ 50 000 MSUNNoyola et al., 2006
Are ULXsBH binaries (IMBH binaries) ? Some of them – yes! The term „ULXs” is probably a sort of an umbrella covering several different classes of objects One of them is, most likely, a class of XRBs containing IMBHs
M 82 X-1 Lx≈ (2.4 ÷16) x 1040erg/s(if Lx = LEd, Mx = 150 ÷ 1000 Msun) QPOs:0.054 & 0.114 Hz Mx~200 ÷ 5000 Msun probably accreting from a ~ 25 Msun giant filling its Roche lobe Porb ≈ 62 d In dense stellar cluster MGG-11,7 ÷ 12 Myrold (Patruno et al., 2006)
SUPERMASSIVE BHs ●range of masses:3x105÷ 6x1010 MSUN
DIFFERENT WAYS OF DETERMINING MBH ●Kepler’s law ● individual stars ● water masers ● MBH–Mbulge relation ● „reverberation” (also based on Kepler’s law) ●„variance” (X-ray variability)