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SBCT ISR Doctrinal Operations & Organization. Action: ID the roles and responsibilities of the Major Intelligence Sections in the SBCT. Conditions: Given a classroom delivered lecture
Action: ID the roles and responsibilities of the Major Intelligence Sections in the SBCT. • Conditions: Given a classroom delivered lecture • Standards: Successfully Understand the section roles and tasks necessary to provide the enemy red picture into the COP
Paradigm Shift “Movement to contact, make contact, develop the situation (in contact), maneuver (in contact) to a point in time and space of advantage, conduct counterattack . . .” OLD Paradigm • “Understand the situation, maneuver the force to a point and time of our choosing, make contact with the adversary . . .” NEW Paradigm
How Does the CDR Understand The Situation? That’s Our Job As Intelligence Professionals
C A B Battlefield Configuration (SSC) IN II IN IN II IN
The S2 at all levels provides Situational Awareness of the threat, terrain, and weather to the commander and staff. The S2 assists the commander in synchronizing intelligence with the ISR integration effort. (If you don’t do your job; your boss will) Intelligence capabilities available to the unit + S2s understanding of the threat = intelligence products & recommendations to the commander. Over 200 MI positions = tremendous capability) The S2 also exercises staff responsibility for intelligence training. Digital systems training and functions training are both important BDE & BN S2 Shops
No Dedicated Ops Officer or Planner but plenty of Ops and planning to do Key is to organize S2 staff and use the ISR Analysis and ISR Integration Platoons to help meet mission requirements The staff is responsible for producing intelligence that depicts the current threat situation and predicts future threat objectives, capabilities, and COAs. Synchronization and collaboration is mandatory in order to plan, prepare, execute, and assess brigade’s ISR operations ORGANIZATION @ BDE
RWS RWS ASAS-L BDE Intelligence Staff • S2 • - Translates Cdr’s intent, concept of ops, and PIR into Intel guidance • - Supervises and directs all MI ops • - Focuses and integrates ISR planning • Provides Cdr and staff with assessment of threat capability and intentions • S2 Operations • - Maintains threat portion of the current sit overlay and Intel portion of the BCT’s COP • - Collaborates with subordinate S2s on Intel products • Controls dissemination of Intel to higher • - Pulls higher current situation overlays • - Collaborates and integrates with Bde ISR analysis and Bde S2 • - Loads relevant overlays • - Displays predictive analysis • Maintains enemy situation overlay • S2 Plans • Orchestrates IPB in support of MDMP • Collaborates with subordinate S2s on Intel products • Develops and Wargames Threat COAs • Integrates ISR planning into MDMP • Monitors synchronization of ISR assets with requirements Bde CP - S2 1 x 35D O4 Bde S2 1 x 35D O3 Assistant S2 1 x 350B W2 Sr Analyst 1 x 11B E8 1 x 96B E7 Analyst 1 x 96B E5 Analyst 2 x 96B E4 Analyst 2 x 96B E3 Analyst 1 x 71L E4 TAC CP 1 x 35D O3 Battle CPT 1 x 96B E6 Analyst
The S2 ensures the brigade’s complex ISR operations satisfy the CCIR, specifically the commander’s PIR, and those of his subordinates. The S2, together with the S3, helps the commander coordinate, integrate, and supervise the execution of ISR plans and operations. The S2 is also responsible for providing immediate intelligence support to subordinate unit commanders. The S2 advises the commander on the capabilities of organic ISR assets, EAB intelligence collection capabilities, and the intelligence architecture The S2 assists the commander on focusing and integrating these assets and resources to satisfy the intelligence requirements of the brigade. S2SENIOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICER
General Observations ISR management in MI Company Robust collection capability is plans/synchronization intensive Close integration between MI Company and S2 OPS/Plans Critical Close integration between S2X into ISR plan Close integration between S2X and analysis platoon within MI Company Limited SASO digital graphics & analysis capability in ABCS Limited bandwidth between BDE and BN TOCs BDE Intelligence Staff
Provide situation development, Target development and support to targeting, and I&W, Support to BDA, support to Force Protection. Assessments of threat capabilities, intentions, and COAs as they relate to the brigade and its mission. Identify gaps in intelligence and advise the commander on developing collection strategies. Disseminate intelligence products throughout the brigade. Answer RFIs from subordinate commanders, staffs, and higher and adjacent units. Coordinate the brigade’s intelligence requirements with EABs. Specific S2 Responsibilities
The S2 operations team is responsible for threat situation development and presentation. The S2 operations team focuses on the threat activity and environment within the brigade’s AO and AOI that affect the current operation. The S2 operations team uses automated tools to continuously integrate information and intelligence products from subordinate battalion S2s and supporting ISR organizations to update the threat situation. This situation assessment forms the threat portion of the brigade COP. The S2 operations team assists the S2 in tracking threat COAs and alerting the commander to changes to predicted threat COAs, capabilities, or intentions. S2 Operations Where does this information come from?
Ops Team Responsibilities • Develop the current threat situation graphic. • Present the current threat situation and projected threat COAs. • Assist in identifying opportunities for friendly branches and sequels by monitoring the current threat situation and identifying when the planning assumptions for the threat begin to diverge from the predicted COA.
Ops Team Responsibilities • Manage ISR operations within the brigade’s AOIR.
Ops Team Responsibility RED COP JCDB JCDB JCDB JCDB JCDB JCDB S= 3 A=MV North L=EN123456 U=UI T=071200Z E=BMP HIGHER ASAS BDE S2 EDC ASAS MI CO EDC EDC EDC EDC S303 EOBSREP EDC ASAS CAV ASAS IN BN ASAS IN BN ASAS BN IN K04.1 FBCB2 Maintain the intelligence portion of the brigade’s COP. Support the distributed and collaborative production of the EAB G2 Control the dissemination of intelligence products from the brigade
S2 Plans • The S2 plans team is responsible for threat COA development and wargaming. • The S2 plans team Works with the S3 planner and other staff elements to plan for future operations using the MDMP. What Support Comes From the MI Company?
WARGAMING =ART + SCIENCE Intuition Experience COMMANDER ART Experience Appreciation of historical data Technical foundation STAFF SCIENCE Wargaming is still, however, a logical, step by step, analytical process. S2 Plans Refines and presents threat COAs, as part of an integrated staff effort, during mission analysis, COA development, and wargaming.
Works with the S3 planner to coordinate w RSTA Squadron for incorporation of RSTA ISR planning into the brigade’s overall ISR effort. Writes the Intelligence Annex (B) and the intelligence portions of the brigade OPORD. Coordinates with the MI Company for the development and publication of the intelligence estimate, collection matrix, and IEW synchronization matrix. Coordinates with the S2 operations team to ensure future COAs are reflected in the current situation. Wargames threat COAs against friendly COAs during staff planning and decision-making. Assists the brigade’s fires and effects coordination cell (FECC) by identifying threat HVTs and recommending potential HPTs for both lethal and non-lethal attack (to include offensive IO). S2 Plans
The S2X is the principal advisor to the commander for all matters concerning the conduct of HUMINT and CI activities. The S2X provides oversight and technical support for all HUMINT and CI activities. He assists the brigade in developing the HUMINT and CI collection requirements. The S2X team consists of the S2X Officer, the HUMINT Operations Cell (HOC), and the Counterintelligence Coordinating Authority (CICA). S2X
The S2X team provides the expertise for the conduct of HUMINT and CI operations in the brigade’s AOIR. While the Cavalry Squadron (RSTA) and MI Company are responsible for tactical HUMINT collection and CI support within the brigade, the S2X team provides collection focus, technical support, and technical guidance. The S2X team Supports RM through developing HUMINT and CI specific IRs from the commander’s PIRs. Deconflicts and synchronizes all HUMINT and CI activities in the brigade’s AOI. (Lessons Learned: 3/2 had 10 additional THTs in its AOR) Assists the brigade and squadron commander in developing HUMINT and CI specific orders or requests (SORs) based on the integrated ISR plan. S2X
Coordinates technical support as needed for the HUMINT and CI assets in the brigade’s AOI . Conducts analysis of HUMINT and CI reporting and provides input to the ISR Analysis Platoon. Oversees the source registry for the AOIR. Manages the Intelligence Contingency Fund (ICF) and source incentive program. Acts as system administrator for CI and HUMINT specific automation systems to ensure connectivity with higher and adjacent HUMINT and CI entities. S2X
ASAS-L ASAS-L ASAS-L ASAS-L BN Intelligence Staffs IN BN S2 Section x 3 1 x 35D O3 S2 1 x 35D O2 Ast S2 1 x 96B E7 SR Analyst 1 x 96B E6 SR Analyst 1 x 96B E5 Analyst 1 x 96B E4 Analyst 1 x 96B E3 Analyst Situational Awareness/ Situational Development/ ASAS-L - Pulls higher current situation overlays - Collaborates and integrates with Analysis Platoon and Bde S2 - Loads relevant overlays - Executes continuous IPB - Maintains enemy situation overlay - Forwards sensor/unit reports to Bde S2 Artillery Bn S2 1 x 35D O3 S2 1 x 13Z E8 NCOIC 1 x 96B E6 Analyst 1 x 96B E4 Analyst/ Dvr • General Observations • More robust capability to produce tailored products • No change to organic collection capability • Greater capability to establish a TAC • Limited hard copy graphic reproduction capability • Challenges to provide digital graphic overlays remain • No SATCOM • Limited multi-faction SSC digital support • Challenges remain with reaching full potential with ASAS (L) in ABCS BSB S2 1 x 35D O3 Bn S2/S3 1 x 92A E8 1 x 54B E6 1 x 96B E5 Analyst 1 x 96B E4 Analyst/ Dvr 1 x 54B E4
D:\episode 09 - after church.mov Get To Know Your Equipment
SWO 2 O3 (AF) E5/6 (AF) Military Intelligence Company I MI Battle Captain 73 (6/6/58 MI MOS) CM/Platoon Leader ISR Integration CO HQ 3 23 Para 1 Para 10 1 x 35D O-2 1 x 96B E7 1 x 35DO-3 1 x 97E E8 1 x 92Y E5 2 Para 3 Assistant S2X S2X CGS ISR Requirements 10 5 6 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 1 x 35F O4 1 x 351B W2 1 x 351E W2 1 x 97B E4 1 x 97E E5 1 x 35D O-2 1 x 98C E6 1 x 96B E5 2 x 96B E4 2 x 96B E3 1 x 98C E5 1 x 98C E4 1 x 98C E3 1 x 96H E6 1 x 96H E5 2 x 96H E4 2 x 96H E3 Executive Officer/CM TAC HUMINT 24 1 x 35D O-3 1 x 97E E7 2 Para 7 ISR Analysis 21 Para 2 OMT TAC HUMINT * 1 x 35D O-2 2 x 350B W2 1 x 96B E7 1 x 96B E6 3 x 96B E5 6 x 96B E4 5 x 96B E3 1 x 96D E5 1 x 96D E4 6 16 Para 8 Para 9 1 x 351B W2 1 x 351E W2 2 x 97B E4 2 x 97E E5 4 x 97E E6 4 x 97E E5 4 x 97B E5 4 x 97E E4 BDE Special Staff Officer * Linguist augmentation upon deployment: 12 x 97E, 4 x 97B HHC Brigade
MI CO ON THE BATTLEFIELD X MI MI MI TAC HUMINT TOC I MI ANALYSIS INTEGRATION • Operates GS to BDE, • likely moving through/ • operating in BN AOs. • Mission dependent, OMT • and teams could be DS, • supporting BNs. CP
MICO RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BRIGADE S2 • The Analysis and Integration Platoons support the brigade S2 through combined effort, under the supervision of the MI Company commander. • Initially Produce s documents the S2 “normally” produced • Intimately involved in the Brigade Planning Process • Responsive to Requests for Information from the S2
FUNDAMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS • Task organize the ISR Integration and ISR Analysis platoons to provide continuous support to the brigade staff • Keep the company’s HUMINT assets fully engaged in the operation; never holding them in reserve • Retain the flexibility to reallocate and reposition the company assets in response to changes in the brigade’s mission • Provide control teams as necessary to assist the command and control of DS HUMINT teams
BATTLE TASKS MI Company CTTL CTTL • 1. Deploy & Redeploy • 2. Protect the Force • 3. Provide Intelligence Support • 4. Develop Intelligence • 5. Command & Control • the Company 1a. Prepare Systems for Deployment 1b. Conduct Non-Tactical Road Marches 1c. Perform Deployment Alert Activities 1d. Family home station support 2a. Establish and Defend a Company Defensive Position 2b. Conduct Tactical Convoy 2c. Conduct Tactical HUMINT Operations 2d. Maintain Operation Secutity 3a. Conduct CGS Mission Activities 3b. Produce an ISR Plan 3c. Disseminate & Present Intelligence 3d. Conduct Tactical HUMINT Operations 3e. Produce Intelligence Products 3f. Disseminate Combat Information and Intelligence 3g. Perform Database Management 4a. Execute Tactical HUMINT Operations 4b. Conduct Reach Operations 4c. Determine and Provide the Red & Gray Portion of the COP 4d. Integrate Theater and National Intelligence Feeds,Terrain and Weather Support Products into the COP 4e. Perform Imagery Analysis 5a. Manage the IEW Architecture 5b. Plan & Produce Company Orders 5c. Sustain the Force
SITMAP Battle Tracking Intel Verification COA Development Order of Battle Intelligence Estimate Road to War Event Template BDA Analysis Identify HVT Sensor-Shooter Pattern Analysis Graphic INTSUMS Doctrinal Templates Enemy SITTEMP COA analysis/verification Imagery Interpretation Imagery Products UAV snapshots CGS Integration Higher Imagery Support Database Threat Information Correct format/input errors Export database to JCDB Analysis Products 1/184 1/184 1/184 MI MI MI DISP DEV TGT DEV PLANS 1/184 1/184 1/184 MI MI MI SIT DEV IMAGERY DBM
ANALYSIS PLATOON 1/2/17 MI ANALYSIS Platoon Headquarters 1 x 02 35D/1 x 96B40 MI MI MI MI MI MI MI Database Management Team Disposition Development Team G G G G Situation Development Team Imagery Analysis Team Target Development/BDA Team Plans Team • Produce Intelligence to Answer PIR • Build/Maintain the Common Operating Picture (COP) • Provide MDMP Support • Conduct Database Operations 1 x ACT-E Vehicle 4 x ASAS-L 2 x VRC-92 2 x Operations Tent 2 x 10KW Generator 2 x 30KW Generator
SitDev Tm Disp Dev Tm TGT Dev Tm Plans Tm Imagery Tm DB Mgt Tm 1a. Evaluate Combat Information 1b. Analyze Combat Information 1c. Synthesize Information to Answer PIR supporting Situation Development, I&W, and Force Protection, Targeting, BDA, and IPB. 1d. Fuse Intelligence from higher to support intelligence production. 1e. Research Intelligence Databases 2a. Determine and Provide the Red & Gray Portion of the COP 2b. Integrate Joint, Theater, and National Intelligence Feeds into the COP 2c. Integrate Terrain and Weather Support Products into the COP 3a. Perform Intelligence Database Management 3b. Support Battle Planning (MDMP) 3c. Support Battle Decision Making 4a. Manage the IEW Architecture, be Prepared to Conduct Split Based Operations 4b. Plan & Produce Platoon Orders 4c. Sustain the Force 5a. Alert 5b. Marshal 5c. Deploy 5d. Home Station Support ISR Analysis Platoon CTTL (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS • 1. Produce Intelligence to Answer PIR • 2. Apply Intelligence to Build/Maintain the Common Relevant Operating Picture • 3. Disseminate Intelligence to the Brigade S2 • 4. Command & Control the Platoon • 5. Prepare to Deploy MI Co
ISR Analysis Platoon 1a. Assess Incoming Information in Accordance with Indicators 1b. Evaluate Predictive Intelligence Products 1c. Determine Gaps, Lack of Holdings, and Discrepancies 1d. Verify Predicted Enemy COA 2a. Compare Incoming Information with Current Intelligence Picture 2b. Research Intelligence Databases 3a. Perform Intelligence Fusion 3b. Develop doctrinal threat products. 3c. Develop and Maintain SITMAP 4a. Resubmit unanswerable RFI to integration 4b. Answer RFI from subordinate battalions 5a. Plan & Produce Section Orders 5b. Sustain the Force Disposition Development Team (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS BATTLE TASKS 1. Evaluate Combat Information 2. Analyze Combat Information 3. Synthesize Intelligence to Answer PIR supporting Situational Development, IEW and Force Protection 4. Answer RFI from Produced Analysis 5. Command & Control the Section
ISR Analysis Platoon 1a. Assess Incoming Intelligence in Accordance with Indicators 1b. Evaluate and Produce Predictive Intelligence Products 1c. Determine Information Gaps, Lack of Holdings, and Discrepancies 1d. Coordinate with Regional Experts 1e. Verify Predicted Enemy COA 2a. Compare Incoming Information with Current Intelligence Products 2b. Confirm Existing SITTEMP 3a. Develop and Maintain enemy analysis of the COP 3b. Assist in Target Nomination 3d. Prepare Intsum/Intrep 4a. Provide Timely Products to Clarify Operational Picture 5a. Plan & Produce Section Orders 5b. Sustain the Force Situation Development Team (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS • 1. Evaluate Combat Information • 2. Analyze Combat Information • 3. Synthesize Intelligence to • Develop the Situation • 4. Support Battle Decision Making • 5. Command & Control the Section
ISR Analysis Platoon 1a. Assess Incoming Information in Accordance with Existing Database 1b. Integrate Information into Existing Database 2a. Request updates to the Collection Plan 2b. Monitor Joint and Combined Intelligence Effort 2c. Conduct Pattern Analysis 3a. Develop Targets 3b. Produce Event Template 3c. Review Decision Support Templates 3d. Identify High Value Targets and High Payoff Targets 3e. Integrate High Payoff Targets with the FECC 4a. Plan & Produce Section Orders 4b. Sustain the Force Targeting Development Team (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS • 1. Evaluate Combat Information • 2. Analyze Combat Information • 3. Synthesize Intelligence to Support Targeting and BDA • 4. Command & Control the Section
ISR Analysis Platoon 1a. Determine Gaps, Lack of Holdings, and Discrepancies 1b. Compare Incoming Imagery with Current Holdings 1c. Interpret/Correlate UAV Imagery (still-shots) 2a. Develop Imagery Products to Support the Brigade’s Decision Making Process 2b. Develop Imagery Products to Support Situation Development, Targeting, and BDA 3a. Integrate Joint, Theater and National Intelligence Feeds into the COP 3b. Utilize Joint, Theater and National Imagery Feeds for Intelligence Planning and Mission Analysis 4a. Coordinate the IMINT Architecture 4b. Plan & Produce Section Orders 4c. Sustain the Force Imagery Interpretation Team (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS 1. Interpret Imagery-based Combat Information and Intelligence 2. Synthesize Imagery to Answer PIR Supporting Situation Development, I&W, and Force Protection, Targeting, BDA, and IPB. 3. Fuse Intelligence from Higher to Support Intelligence Production 4. Command & Control the Section
ISR Analysis Platoon 1a. Produce Intelligence Products to Support Brigade MDMP 1b. Produce Enemy Course of Action Sketch Products for Future Missions 2a. Monitor Joint and Combined Intelligence Effort for Use in Future Planning 2b. Wargame Possible Threat Courses of Action 3a. Utilize Reach Operations to Provide Brigade Planning with Access to National Level Assets 3b. Integrate Terrain and Weather Support Products into the Orders Process 4a. Plan & Produce Section Orders 4b. Sustain the Force Plans Team (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS • 1. Support Battle Planning (MDMP) and Execution • 2. Analyze Combat Information • 3. Fuse Intelligence from Higher to Support Intelligence Production • 4. Command & Control the Section
ISR Analysis Platoon 1a. Maintain a Threat Database 1b. Combine and associate entities 1c. Integrate Intelligence/ Information in Existing Database 1d. Perform interactive message parsing 2a. Export Relevant Portions of Database to S2s 3a. Plan & Produce Section Orders 3b. Sustain the Force Database Management Team (Modified) CTTL BATTLE TASKS • 1. Perform Intelligence Database Management • 2. Support Battle Planning (MDMP) and Execution • 3. Command & Control the Section
INTEGRATION PLATOON MI MI MI MI MI G G G G G SIGINT Analysis Team • Develop, Analyze, and Adjust Collection Plan • Conduct CGS Operations • Conduct Single Source Intelligence Fusion • Conduct Signals Analysis and pass Tech Guidance 2/0/19 INTEGRATION Platoon Headquarters 4 x ASAS-RWS 1 x Operations Tent 1 x 10KW Generator Requirements Team 1 x AN/TSQ-179v2 1 x PSC-5 TACSAT 1 x 10KW Generator 1 x CGS (w/Chase and 2 x 10KW Generator) Common Ground Station Team 1 x Trojan Spirit with Chase vehicle *Common Ground Station Team Trojan Spirit Team MI *Staff Weather Office MI *Attachments from 1st Weather Sqdn and 176th Sig
ISR Requirements Team 1. Prepare to Deploy 2. Conduct Mission Management 3. Conduct Requirements Management 4. Manage and recommend SIGINT operations
Common Ground Station Team Battle Tasks • 1. Prepare to Deploy • 2. Pull information and intelligence from higher. • 3. Conduct Intelligence Analysis on collected information. • 4. Disseminate information and provide early warning to assets on the battlefield.
Staff Weather Team CTTL CTTL 1. Collect Weather Information 2. Provide Weather Support to Tactical Planning 3. Provide WX Support to Battle Decision Making 4. Command & Control the Section
Intelligence Reconnaissance and Surveillance (ISR) Center II I X II II II X X II X ISR Analysis and Integration Center (Main) BCT S2 (Forward/ CIC) 1 x AF O3** 1 x AF E5/6* 1 x 96B E4** 1 x 96B E3* SWO/ IMETS-L WS - Provides organic, local, high fidelity, 24 hour forecasting - Provides detailed wx effects analysis of Bde AO • Target Development/ ASAS-RWS • Builds HPTL alarms • Identifies and tracks targets • Executes equipment queries • to develop entities • Sends TIDAT msgs to AFATDS • BDA From Surv Troop 1 x E5 96U** 2 x E4 96U* 1 x 96B E4 1 x 96B E3 1 x 96D E5** 1 x 96D E4** UAV GCS - Visualization of UAV video (within 40 km) - UAV technical steerage and mission taskings 1 x 35F O4 1 x 35E O3 (MTOE) 1 x 351B W2 1 x 351E W2 1 x 97E E7 1 x 97E E5 * 1 x 97B E4* Present ASAS-RWS - Translates Cdr’s intent, concept of ops, and CCIR into Intel guidance - Supervises and directs all MI ops - Focuses and integrates ISR planning - Provides Cdr and staff with assessment of threat capability and intentions - Provides Red/ Gray portion of the COP - Develops products to facilitate Cdr’s SA 1 x 96B E4* 1 x 96B E3* Imagery WS - Accesses/Requests - Higher Imagery Support - Exploits organic Imagery cap. • Database/ ASAS-RWS • - Maintains intelligence information database • Executes Queries • Performs combination processing to avoid redundancy of reporting and processing • Enters/receives reports S2X/ CI/ OPS-WS and CHATS - Requirements development - Msn / Asset management - RFI coordination - Asset synchronization - Source registration & deconfliction - ICF and incentives management - Access to MDITs - TAC HUMINT spt to Force Protection ISR COP FIRES PROTECT 2 x 96B E5* 2 x 96B E4* CIC ISR Analysis 1 x 350B W2 Sr Analyst 1 x 350B W2 Sr Analyst 1 x 96B E7 Analyst 1 x 96B E6 Analyst BCT S2 1 x 35D O4 Bde S2 1 x 35D O3 Assistant S2 1 x 350B W2 Sr Analyst 1 x 96B E7 NCOIC 1 x 96B E5 Situation Development/ ASAS-RWS - Adds commander’s intent to display - Correlation and integration of higher HQ analysis - Integrates subordinate S2 analysis - Collaboration - Integrates raw information with analytic efforts to ensure collection is effective, and supporting to the CIC. 1 x 35D O3 Battle CPT/ OIC (MI CO Cdr) 1 x 35D O2 Battle CPT ISR Integration 2 x 35D O2 ISR Integration OIC 1 x 96B E7 NCOIC 1 x 96B E5 NCOIC 1 x 96B E4 1 x 96B E3 2 x 96B E4* 2 x 96B E3* Situational Awareness ASAS-RWS - Maintains threat portion of the current sit overlay and Intel portion of the BCT’s COP - Monitors and presents threat sit development and COAs - Collaborates with subordinate S2s on Intel products - Controls dissemination of Intel to higher 1 x 96B E5 1 x 96B E3* 1 x 96B E4 ** 1 x 96B E3** 1 x 98C E6** 1 x 98C E5** 1 x 98C E4* 1 x 98C E3* ISR Requirements Management/ ASAS-RWS(2) - Support Requirements Development - Mission taskings and tech steerage for Multi-discipline sensors in RSTA - Cross BOS ISR execution - Mission management of selected sensors - Conducts requirements management - Linked to Bde Plans element - RFI management - Reachback for tech support 1 x 96H E6** 1 x 96H E5** 2 x 96H E4* 2 x 96H E3* • Disposition Development/ • ASAS-RWS • - Maintains Disposition Overlay • of the Bde AO • Receives pre-processed • sensor info from higher • Develops Disposition Overlay • by analyzing sensor • reps/preprocessed info JDISS - Provides access to Natl level/Joint products - Collaborates with Natl Agencies SIGINT Ops/ ESM Workstation (2) - SIGINT analysis of raw info and SIGINT fusion - Multi-Sensor Tech Steerage, - Reachback for tech spt, planning, and requirements management CGS-Remote - GRCS - U2 - JSTARS - EMTI 1 x 96B E4** 1 x 96B E3 * Focus is on the processing and fusion of internal RSTA collection. Plans/ ASAS-RWS - Receives products and graphic display from Sit Development - Monitors current Sit and wargames threat COA - Works directly for Bde S2 and linked to Bde Plans Based on 21 June 00 OTOE
1 x 96B E5 2 x 96B E3 1 x 96B E5 2 x 96B E4 • Target Development • Builds HPTL alarms • Identifies and tracks targets • Executes equipment queries • to develop entities • Sends TIDAT msgs to AFATDS • BDA Interactive Production Situation Development - Adds commander’s intent to display - Correlation and integration of higher HQ analysis - Integrates subordinate S2 analysis - Collaboration - Integrates raw information with analytic efforts to ensure collection is effective, and supporting to the CIC. Interactive Production Provide Direction and Refinement 1 x 35D O2 Battle CPT ISR Analysis 2 x 350B W2 All Source Tech 1 x 96B E7 Senior Analyst 1 x 96B E6 Master Analyst Sensor To Shooter Collaborative Analysis 1 x 96D E6 1 x 96D E4 Collaborative Planning Imagery WS -Accesses/Requests - Higher Imagery Support - Exploits organic Imagery cap. 1 x 96B E5 2 x 96B E3 1 x 96B E4 1 x 96B E3 • Threat Disposition Development • - Maintains Disposition Overlay • of the Bde AO • Receives pre-processed • sensor info from higher • Develops Disposition Overlay • by analyzing sensor • reps/preprocessed info • Database Manager • - Maintains intelligence information database • Executes Queries • Performs combination processing to avoid redundancy of reporting and processing • Enters/receives reports Intel Reports 1 x 96B E5 2 x 96B E3 Plans - Receives products and graphic display from Sit Development - Monitors current Sit and wargames threat COA - Works directly for Bde S2 and linked to Bde Plans Link to Brigade
SITMAP Battle Tracking Intel Verification COA Development Order of Battle Intelligence Estimate Road to War Event Template BDA Analysis Identify HVT Sensor-Shooter Pattern Analysis Graphic INTSUMS Doctrinal Templates Enemy SITTEMP COA analysis/verification Imagery Interpretation Imagery Products UAV snapshots CGS Integration Higher Imagery Support Database Threat Information Correct format/input errors Export database to JCDB Analysis Products 1/184 1/184 1/184 MI MI MI DISP DEV TGT DEV PLANS 1/184 1/184 1/184 MI MI MI SIT DEV IMAGERY DBM
= Direction (Orders) = Tactical Reporting = Tech Data Reporting = Direction (C2 / Coordination) SIGINT Reporting / Direction NSA, JWICS, ARFOR, National Collection BDE CDR (BDE TOC/ACE) TROJAN SPIRIT SCO (SQDN TOC) SIGINT Ops (ACE) Target Folder/ISR Plan TRP CDR (TRP CP) PROPHET Control Transcription/Analysis PL (PL HQs) PROPHET Teams Mission Management
MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI TACTICAL HUMINT PLATOON • Collect Tactical HUMINT Information • Conduct Force Protection Source Operations • Provide Intelligence Support to Force Protection • Report Operational and Intelligence Information 1/2/21 TAC HUMINT Platoon HQs 1 x 35E O3/1 x 97E40 2 x Operational Management Team 1 x CW2 1 x 97E20 1 x 97B10 1 x CHATS 1 x PSC-5 TACSAT 1 x PRC-150 HF 1 x VRC-92 1 x Operations Tent 4 x Tactical HUMINT Team 1 x 97E30 1 x 97E20 1 x 97B20 1 x 97E10 1 x M249 SAW/3 x M16 1 x CHATS 2 x ITRT 1 x PSC-5 TACSAT 1 x PRC-150 HF 1 x VRC-91
= Direction (Orders) = Tactical Reporting = “Source” Reporting = Direction (C2 / Coordination) HUMINT Reporting / Direction G2X COS BDE CDR (BDE TOC) S2X (CI&OPS WS) SCO (SQDN TOC) PL/OMT (CHATS) THT TRP CDR (TRP CP) Troop 97B (CHATS) PL (PL HQs) Recce HUMINTER (ITRT)