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Delve into the complexities of analogies in Systems Pathology, exploring the nuances of similarity through analogy, homology, and isomorphy. Gain insights into the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing analogical thinking in biomedical contexts.
IS SS 20 17 CAVEATS/LIMITS ON SYSTEMS PATHOLOGY BIOMEDICAL ANALOGY Luke Friendshuh, Systems Modeling Institute, Minn., luke.friendshuh@gmail.com Prof. LenTroncale, Past President, ISSS, 1990 Prof.Emeritus & Past Chair,Biology Dept.,College of Science, Lecturer, M.S.inS.E.,Collegeof Engineering,Calif.State PolytechnicUniv., Pomona lrtroncale@cpp.edu
CONTENTS/OUTLINE I. Caveats on SPT • Seeking Similarity/Universality: Comparative Definitions • How are we using words like analogy, homology, isomorphy in SysPath? • Features of Analogy Medicine to Systems Pathology • Citation of Some SImilarities • Some Features, Goals, Objectives • Benefits Expected from Analogy Medicine to SysPath • If know the caveats and possible drawbacks, is a cost:benefit analysis possible? • Brief Descriptions of Twenty Anticipated Caveats • Pro and Con discussion of each • An Overview of Prospective Systems Pathology Domains
WORDS THAT CAPTURE SIMILARITY: • There are many words that attempt to capture the ability of the human mind to see similarity between different things • Metaphor, simile, analogy, homology, isomorphism, parallel, correspondence, equivalence • Recently exploring these words seems to have become very popular • They seem to capture something about the way our species brains are structured/fcn • Perhaps it is because our neural nets seem to work on the basis of comparison and finding relation • In fact, the most successful attempts at AI today are those whose mechanics imitate neural nets • Their use seems to work especially well in literature, parables of Jesus, • And ALL of these words tend to require some amount of ”abstraction” Caveats on SPT
ABSTRACTION is ESSENTIAL to reach Gen’l Theory • Most fundamental lesson to learn for doing systems work at gen’l theory level • MUST surrender focus on “particulars” (also “scales” and “specialties” and “disciplines”) • VERY HARD to do; we survive by responding to particulars; evol trains us to focus on them • MUST commit to COMPARING ACROSS truly different particulars and even scales • MUST also surrender dependency on tools and techniques • Notice this is fundamentally opposite sci method of conventional sciences – they must focus on particulars • Notice this is also fundamentally the opposite of systems thinking and work in systems applications • Humans have been abstracting throughout history yet there are not consensus criteria for good abstraction vs. bad abstraction • Need Rules for Abstraction and Rules for Deabstraction as I have said but have not done for many years • Since ABSTRACTION is so crucial to making a General Systems Theory, you would think that the Founders were high on analogy • Boulding especially was really great on poetry and spontaneously saying aphorisms using analogies • But this is what Bertalanffy said about analogy and science: “…by formulating exact criteria, GST will guard against superficial analogies which are useless in science and harmful in their practical consequences… This requires a definition of the extent to which ‘analogies’ in science are permissible and useful” • SO we better study analogy, homology, and isomorphies & distinguish them Caveats on SPT
SIMILARITIES through ANALOGY: • Used more widely than literature and your novels (cite analysis of novels) • Some comparative definitions of analogy • See the meaning of analogy for biological structure and evolution two slides forward • “from Greek ἀναλογία, analogia, "proportion" is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject (source) to another (the target), or a linguistic expression corresponding to such a process” (Wikipedia) • “resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike /or/ inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others” (Merriam-Webster) • “A comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification /or/ A correspondence or partial similarity /or/ A thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects.” (Oxford) • Our use of analogy for the comparison of Systems Pathology imitating conventional medicine is NOT that they now have similarities, but RATHER COULD HAVE and SHOULD HAVE; that there is value to imitation like we know from biomimicry Caveats on SPT
SIMILARITIES through HOMOLOGY • Homology is often a more rigorous word for similarity than Analogy • Used as specific technical term in mutlitple disciplines: Biology; Geology; Mathematics; Anthropology; Chemistry; Modeling; Psychology, Sociology • Used with different particulars in each case; but each a variant on some element of ”likeness” • Some definitions: • “the state of having the same or similar relation, relative position, or structure” (Google) • “The similarity of a structure or function of parts of different origins based on their descent from a common evolutionary ancestor.” (Merriam-Webster) • “The quality or condition of being homologous. A homologous relationship or correspondence. (Chem) relation of the elements of a periodic family or group or relation of the organic compounds forming a homologous series.” (Free Dictionary) (Math) A topological classification of configurations into distinct types that imposes an algebraic structure or hierarchy on families of geometric figures. • So homology adds the dimension of “sourceness” or “history” to the analogy concepts of simllarity of “structure” or “function” or “appearance;” there is a time dimension or precedence added Caveats on SPT
LESSONS FROM HISTORY OF BIOLOGY for SYSPATH? • In Bio comparative anatomy & evolution studied many likenesses of structure • Even amateurs recognized wings in prehistoric fossils, birds, and insects same function • Later realized these were cases of convergent evolution; not true likeness; thus “analogy” gained a bad reputation in biology • Analogy became restricted to meaning superficial likeness, not evolutionarily-based likeness • Homology was the word used to indicate that the “structure” and its embryonic development were like • Learn this as a guide to stronger use of similarity in systems work; require “likeness” be due to not just superficial similarities or even like function, but rather due to the ontology or origin of the system; or perhaps the opposite? Biology Homology: Dev’t/Ancestral Similarity Biology Analogy: Similar Structure & Function Caveats on SPT 2
SIMILARITIES through ISOMORPHISM: • I have described SPT use of word ISOMORPHY in many venue’s & ISSS’17 ppts • Interesting anecdote from ISSS in Acapulco, Mexico (ISSS’??) • Hallway discussions with Canadian mathematician Burton Voorhees • ~”Len have you noticed you use the word isomorphic and isomorphism very differently from the Founders and how it is used by many systems theorists? • You use the term as a NOUN, not a COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE. You say isomorph, isomorphy…. • You have made the term a reality that exists in nature, NOT a conscious act of comparison” • This is true: SPT uses it as something that even PRECEDES the origin of sys’s • How can that be: How could a “form” of something exist BEFORE the entity itself exists • Notice the mess this makes of conventional philosophical thinking on ONTOLOGIES • Derives from probabilities and potential fields; two items key to SPT; in SPT isomorphism is NOT just a comparison of features; it is a simultaneous minimization of resources required AND maximization of sustainability achieved • SO in SPT, the 110 isomorphic systems processes are not just comparisons across very diverse systems with evidence: They are inevitable meta-stable points in multidimensional space or “attractors” • Some of my colleagues want SPT to use “patterns” in addition to “processes” Caveats on SPT
Goals and Vision of a New Systems Pathology I. • We urge you to become Doctors to the SYSTEMNESS of the Universe; • Rests on this assumption ……. in reality that almost everything is a system • Advocate consciousemulationof &learningfromsuccessful2,500yrhistory • ofmedicine;avoiditsmistakes;leapfrogwayaheadfrom itsexperiences • Wouldinvolverigoroususeofitsconceptsand methods • “recognitionandnamingof diseases”“etiology”“symptomology””diagnosis”“prognosis” • Experimentalverificationof treatmentsby modeling & follow-up • Incrediblylongterm documentationof outcomes& comparisonwithinitialstates • Allof these arecurrently absentinSE, sustainability,solvinghybridmega-systemcrisisproblems • Keystepisconsciouseffortatrecognizing,naming,& investigationof common, repeatedcasesofsystems-level dysfunctions (thatiswhattd&thistalkisabout) • And educationinafundamentalframework,ontology,ortaxonomyoferrorsresultingin • dysfunctionsderiving DIRECTLYFROMthenatureofcomplexsystems • Must be based ona well-established, vetted, consensusSS or GST • New top-down SysPath derives from three advances: (1) Raising all studies of dysfunction & faillure to level of SYSTEMNESS; (2) search for first causes; (3) emulation of medicine …… January28,2017
Basic Idea: What is top-downSystemsPathology? I. • Medicinein U.S.alone isa >>$3 trillion/yrindustry;>17%ofU.S.GDP • One sixth of the entire U.S. economy; one of the most pressing sociopolitical problems of our time • Needto extend ittoa “systems-level”“top-down”ALLSYSTEMSawareness • BUTstillconsciousemulationof &learningfromsuccessful2,500yrhistory • ofmedicine;avoiditsmistakes;leapfrogwayaheadfrom itsexperiences • Wouldinvolverigoroususeofitsconceptsand methods • “recognitionandnamingof diseases”“etiology”“symptomology””diagnosis”“prognosis” • Experimentalverificationof treatmentsby modeling; accumulation of successes; vast data bases; • Incrediblylongterm documentationof outcomes& comparisonwithinitialstates • Allof these arecurrently absentinSE, sustainability,solvinghybridmega-systemcrisisproblems • Keystepisconsciouseffortatrecognizing,naming,& investigationof common, repeatedcasesofsystems-level dysfunctions (thatiswhattd&thistalkisabout) • And educationinafundamentalframework,ontology,ortaxonomyoferrorsresultingin • dysfunctionsderiving DIRECTLYFROMthenatureofcomplexsystems • Assumesa well-established& vetted systemsscience or GST • Basedon astrongsystems mimicryofnaturalsystems enabledbya strongsystems theory; systems mimicrywouldextendNSWGbeyondbiomimicry& toSysPath
Basic Idea: What is top-downSystemsPathology? II. Features I.: New Field of Systems Pathology • Note Deep Similarities Between Development of the Medical Sciences (2000 yr. history) & the Sys Sci’s • Both study whole systems problems; both study very complex systems; both seek to improve the human condition; both had & have trouble applying knowledge to cause better results • Goal would be to recognize utility of discovering the Etiology; Symptoms; Diagnosis; Treatments; and Prognosis for often encountered sys design “diseases” • Study How Medical Science Overcame Its Obstacles • Relate Obstacles Faced by Medical Science Across Its History to Obstacles Now Facing the Systems Sciences; Represent rigorous lessons from a distinguished history • Must begin with Vital Signs of A Normal System • Begins with Assumption that detailed SPT Models of “mature” natural systems represents systems “normality”; as modeled in the Systems Processes Theory (SPT) • The detailed network of isomorphic systems processes (ISPs) connected by “linkage propositions” (LPs) give immense systems mechanism details like BIO has for MEDICINE • Plus OTHER sources possible and likely; here we will SPT AND 5 other source domains
ANTICIPATION OF POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF ANALOGY Caveats on SPT • Most obvious is “leapfrog” “bootstrapping” • If Systems Pathology can learn from 2,500 years of experience at trying to solve a complex systems problem (human health) then it can develop much more quickly and efficiently than if proceeding on its own • Adopt successful practices of conventional medicine • Adopt methodologies and terminology learned over two millenia • Adopt techniques and tools terminology learned over two millenia • Extensive record keeping and follow-up of treatments • Rigor; “gold standard” of scientific method? • Parallel economic success /or/ completely revamp • Build on /or/ become associated with its reputation • Significantly broaden scope of activity of SysPath Domains • Avoid past errors of conventional medicine
COMPARATIVE DEFINITIONS of CAVEAT & LIMITS: • Since projecting caveats & limits to the SysPath movement, should start with definitions of those terms & how we are using them in this context • Comparing Definitions of Caveat • “a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations” (Google) • "Caveat" in Latin means let him beware and comes from the verb "cavēre" ("to be on guard"). (Merriam-Webster) • “A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.” (Oxford) • Comparing Definitions of Limit • “A point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass. Arestriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible.” (Google) • “Something that bounds, restrains, or confines …the utmost extent.” (Webster) • How will we use them in this case • Much the same as above • But more in the sense of a widened, non-naïve approach that is forewarned of excesses and possible mistakes • One of the problems with modern medicine in the opinion of one of the co-authors is the arrogance of clinical medicine as practiced today; needs to be avoided at the very beginning of systems pathology
TWENTY SUGGESTED CAVEATS ON SPTI. • Do you think it strange that we would initiate a new specialty by trying to imagine all the negative possibilities or extremes • In actuality, one of the first things taught to young scientists in graduate programs about the scientific method …….. • …. Is the importance of searching for negative evidence • In the spirit that any one model or hypothesis has to be falsifiable • And importance of not becoming too devoted to YOUR OWN model or theory • Always a problem with human ego and human anthropomorphism • So a rationale for this particular study 2 July 9,2017
TWENTY SUGGESTED CAVEATS ON SPTII. What doesn’t kill you; makes you stronger??? • (1) Be aware of big difficulty defining a “disease” • For example, change point of view from host to parasite, diseased to infectious agent • “One person’s disease is another person’s delight” / “One person’s perdition is another’s paradise • Importance of context in defining a disease; changes • (2) Need Systems Version of Hippocratic Oath • “primum non nocere” = do no harm! • (3) Danger of systems-level iatrogenic effects • “iatro” Gr. “healer”, gen- “cause” • In medicine est’s of 50,000 to 250,000 deaths per year from action of physicians • (4) Danger of conflating symptoms & causes • This is particularly true of systems thinking workers and SEs because their focus is entirely anthropomorphic; SPT argues for ananthropomorphism (non-humanocentrism)
TWENTY SUGGESTED CAVEATS ON SPTIII. • (5) Keeping track of costs per gain or cure • Similar problem to medicine; when is enuf, enuf • Need measures of value added per intervention vs. cost • Problem of accelerating costs associated with pursuing incrementally increasing ideal designs • (6) Preventive medicine isn’t even practiced well in medicine; similar need in systems pathology • (7) Artificial systems research results have to be verified across a range of real, “manifest” systems • (8) False positives on pathology due to tools used • From inadequacy of tool used / tool incompatibilities • Not from dysfunction of system “structurfunction” itself
TWENTY SUGGESTED CAVEATS ON SPTIV. • (9) Believing in SP’s and their process steps or ID features without sufficient evidence or doc’s • (10) Believing in LP’s or motif’s without adequate evidence or documentation • When used as a source of disease ID; that is why they are called “propositions”; challenges to motif’s • (11) Certification: “trusted, certifying authority” • (12) Need for “translational” Systems Pathology • Medicine just learned; shorten time lab bench to clinic • NIH spending $500 M/yr ! Europe spending 500 Euro’s/yr • (13) Need for addition to Systems Engineering education programs • Cal Poly Pomona is planning an elective on SysPath: 1st
TWENTY SUGGESTED CAVEATS ON SPT V. 18 Warnings!!! Is that enough to stop use of Systems Pathology or an indication of the rigor of the prospective new field? • (14) Ever present problem of unintended effects • (15) Usual “ideal” system problem of defining by measures of what is a “healthy” system • (16) Systems were meant to die, evolve, change • That is how they achieve “lineage” sustainability, adaptation, robustness, etc. • Different timedimensions involved: response = change in shorter time periods; dev’t longer; evol still longer • (17) Systems do not evolve to the optimal; they evolve to “suffice;” • (18) Problems associated with different non-linear causalities
TWENTY SUGGESTED CAVEATS ON SPTVI. “One person’s disease is another person’s delight” (Importance of context in defining a systems disease) Need Systems Version of Hippocratic Oath (“Do No Harm”) SE Education (distanced, on-line learning courses on SysPath) Certification as a sub-specialty of SE Help satisfy huge need for improving our industrial & social use of natural systems Help recognize need for appropriate levels of feedback regulation to halt human greed, profiteering, rape of natural systems
IS SS 20 17 Reasonable to presume that some of the members of each of these domains would be interested Overview of 15 Domains of Systems Pathology I. • General Systems Theory Domain(and all systems theorists) • Systems Science Domain (systems theorists) including Sante Fe, CAS, NECSI • Systems Dynamics & MIT Followers • System Thinking Domain(many systems application workers like at this ISSS’17) • Systems Engineering Domain(now 10,000 members in INCOSE alone) • Conventional General Medical Pathology Domain(several prof. societies) • Systems Biology Domain • Earth Systems Science Domain • Systems Chemistry Domain • Other Engineering Domains(when they recognize the importance of SE to all eng.)
IS SS 20 17 Reasonable to presume that some of the members of each of these domains would be interested Overview of 15 Domains of Systems Pathology II. • Workers in Sustainability Fields(tell CSU Vice Chancellor story; 23 campuses) • Workers in Ecology and the Environment • Systems Design Domain • Systems Management Domain • Workers in Law, Legislation & Public Policy Another interesting anecdote: One of our BOD’s for the new ISSP wrote last week that she has several folks interested in joining the ISSP. She is a professor of Systems Engineering (one of our expected target pops). But she also is a yoga enthusiast and it is her yoga colleagues who want to join. They are teachers, psychologists, lawyers, etc. (i.e. folks we never would have thought might join ISSP). However, they are attracted to the goals and objectives, values and worldview of the ISSP as expressed in the Manifesto and the By-Laws. Thus, the domains of Systems Pathology may be far beyond those currently conceived or listed here..