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Broader Impacts in Proposal Writing. Sally Bond Assistant Director of Research Development Services Proposal Coordination Office of the Vice President for Research. Grant Writing Services at Purdue. Large and Small Proposal Development.
Broader Impacts in Proposal Writing Sally Bond Assistant Director of Research Development Services Proposal Coordination Office of the Vice President for Research
Grant Writing Services at Purdue Large and Small Proposal Development http://www.purdue.edu/research/vpr/rschdev/proposal_preparation_assistance.php
What do Funding Agencies Require? Agencies have unique cultures in regard to criteria and broader impacts • NSF criteria are Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts • NIH core criteria are Significance, Innovation, Approach, Investigator(s) and Environment
What do Funding Agencies Require? NSF broader impacts requirements for all proposals per Grant Proposal Guide • Summary page separate text box • Separate section in narrative with a Broader Impacts heading • Prior NSF Support subheading requirements for Broader Impactsand Intellectual Merit.
Broader Impacts in Your Proposal Mistakes grant proposers make • programs included in proposal without their knowledge • no budget for initiatives • reinventing the wheel instead of leveraging expertise • too general to be meaningful
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 1: Underrepresented is more than ethnicity Our vision for K-12 EOT includes leveraging high-impact 4-H youth development, the largest out-of-school program in the nation that reaches over 7 million K-12 participants through more than 3,500 professional cooperative extension educators and over 500,000 trained volunteers. We will partner with the head of the Purdue University Department of Youth Development and director of engineering-related projects in Indiana’s statewide 4-H program to connect with regional and
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 1: Underrepresented is more than ethnicity national 4-H. We will deliver engineering learning experiences for elementary and middle school students in after-school clubs and will submit this high-quality curriculum for review and inclusion in the National 4-H Product Catalog. We will bring high school students into our laboratory to pilot a project-based workshop model transferrable across our equipment sites and will develop an earthquake engineering challenge for use at the National 4-H Engineering Challengeheld annually at
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 1: Underrepresented is more than ethnicity Purdue since 1995. In year five, we will hold a National Training Program for 4-H Professionals to promote our 4-H materials. We will showcase material by sponsoring a booth at the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents and will make curriculum accessible on our project website.
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 1: Underrepresented is more than ethnicity Why did this example review well?
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 2: Infrastructure can create accessibility We anticipate our cyberinfrastructurewill move the Center beyond accessibility to true usability of simulation tools and content by non-specialists, and, as demonstrated by nanoHUB data, participation by minority institutions will increase85. Data and tools that were previously only accessed and implemented with extensive computational resources and test equipment are now available with only an Internet connection and a laptop. This allows for broader access to all of
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 2: Infrastructure can create accessibility the resources regardless of bandwidth connection or geographical location. Hub technology will also enable us to quantify how many users are from minority institutions and what resources were the most accessed.
Writing Broader Impacts Good example 1: Underrepresented is more than ethnicity Why did this example review well?
Education and Outreach Partnerships Virtual Rolodex of potential Purdue partners available on OVPR link http://catalog.e-digitaleditions.com/i/249391
Meet Broader Impact Partners Join Us March 13, 2014 Education and Outreach Expo 2014: Partnering for Broader Impacts Date: March 13, 2014 Time: 12:30-2:30 Location: STEW 302-306 Purdue faculty and staff who will be writing grant proposals can learn how to partner with key education and outreach programs on the Purdue campus. Expo 2014 includes extended time to visit booths and talk with program representatives about tailoring initiatives and resources to your particular grant proposal. Link : http://catalog.e-digitaleditions.com/i/249391