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June 2010 4 Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How useful are Sources D and E as evidence of attitudes to the Hollywood Ten? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10).
June 2010 4 Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How useful are Sources D and E as evidence of attitudes to the Hollywood Ten? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10) Source D: A photograph of a march of leading actors and film-makers in October 1947. They were members of the Committee for the First Amendment protesting about the treatment of the Hollywood Ten. Source E: From a broadcast by Judy Garland, a leading Hollywood actress, October 1947. The programme was called ‘Hollywood Fights Back’. For the past week, in Washington, the House Committee of Un-American Activities has been investigating the film industry. Now, I have never been a member of any political organisation. But I’ve been following this investigation and I don’t like it. There are a lot of stars here to speak to you. We’re show business, yes. But we’re also American citizens. It’s one thing if someone says we’re not good actors; that hurts, but we can take that. It’s something else again to say we’re not good Americans! We resent that!
Jan 2011 4 Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How useful are Sources D and E as evidence of the Birmingham Peace March of 1963? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10) Source D: A photograph of a student being attacked by police dogs during the Birmingham Civil Rights March. It was published in the New York Times, 4 May 1963. Source E: From a letter to Martin Luther King from Ralph Bunche, a civil rights campaigner, 11 May 1963. In 1950 Bunche was the first black American to win the Nobel Peace Prize. My heartiest congratulations to you for your great courage and wisdom in leading so successfully the recent Birmingham struggle for civil rights. I know you will agree that we owe the greatest gratitude to the Negro citizens of Birmingham. They have shown heroic determination and self-discipline in the face of brutal provocation by that blatant hate-monger, Eugene ‘Bull’ Connor, the Public Safety Commissioner, with his dogs, firehoses, assaults on women and the arrests of children.
June 2011 4 Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How useful are Sources D and E as evidence of student campaigns against US involvement in the war in Vietnam? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10) Source D: A photograph taken in 1967 and published in a US national newspaper. It shows students burning their draft cards. Source E: From an interview with Marvin Mathiak for a book of eyewitness accounts of the war in Vietnam, published in 2005. Mathiak was a student at the University of Wisconsin in the mid-1960s. At the University of Wisconsin in 1966 there were a lot of demonstrations against the war in Vietnam. Only about five percent of the people who were demonstrating had serious views about the war and the rest were just out for fun. There were a lot of sit-ins. I remember I had to step over people to get to my classes. To me, the protests were a nuisance as they were interfering with my rights to get an education. However, after I was drafted, I also became quite strongly anti-war.
Jan 2012 4 Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How useful are Sources D and E as evidence of integration in schools in 1957? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10) Source D: A photograph published in a newspaper in 1957. It shows a class in a school in the southern state of Tennessee. Source E: From an article published in the Arkansas State Press newspaper in December 1957. It was written by Daisy Bates, after her visit to Little Rock High School. Daisy Bates was the publisher of the newspaper and had helped to organisethe campaign at Little Rock. Conditions are pretty rough for the nine black students in the school. Their treatment by some white students has been getting steadily worse for the last two weeks. There is evidence of spitting, kicking and pushing down stairs and there was a sneak attack on one of the negro boys. He was knocked out and required treatment from a doctor. One of the negro girls, Gloria, was pushed inside her school locker. Outside the school, the negro students have been pelted with stones.
Jan 2013 4 Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How reliable are Sources D and E as evidence of the Black Panther Movement? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. (10)